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Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam

Description: Book describing military philosophy before and after WWII, with full chapters analyzing how the U.S. Army and Marine Corps engaged in urban warfare during four specific battles: Aachen (October 1944), Manila (February 1945), Seoul (September 1959), and Hue (February 1968). Index starts on page 363.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: October 2015
Creator: Wahlman, Alec
Partner: UNT Press

Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 267th week of the war, 149th week of U.S. participation

Description: Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Pacific, Western front, Eastern front, Italy, China, the Philippines Maps: Germany, the Philippines, Italy. Back: Large map of the United States and adjoining portions of Canada and Mexico. Includes inset map of naval districts beyond the continental United States, population of the states, sixteenth census, 1940.
Date: October 23, 1944
Creator: [United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 265th week of the war, 147th week of U.S. participation

Description: Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Western front "Hellfire Corner", Eastern front, Balkans, Italy, Pacific, China. Maps: France, Palau Islands, Eastern front. Back: "Dots in the sky-- dynamite on the ground! [Operation Uppercut].
Date: October 9, 1944
Creator: [United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 264th week of the war, 146th week of U.S. participation

Description: Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: France, Eastern front, China, Pacific, Italy. Maps: Eastern Europe; France; China front; Gulf of Genoa. Back: "If each of us wastes a pound of war material..." Text and illustration show that it isn't just money, materials or manpower that are lost. But, waste can lose battles and cost lives.
Date: October 2, 1944
Creator: [United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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