Search Results

[Ryan Cannon and wife]

Description: Photograph of Ryan Cannon, and his new wife, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ryan and his wife got married during the pandemic in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Together they are standing at a small park and holding each other close.
Date: July 2020
Creator: Cannon, Ryan
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Wesley Phelps interview with Charolette Taft, August 18, 2022]

Description: Audio interview from the Wes Phelps Podcast Interviews Collection recorded during August 18th, 2022 in Glorieta, New Mexico. Phelps interviews Charolette Taft on her experiences as a Dallas spokesperson and activist in the 1970s during the emerging women's rights movement. Taft speaks on her involvement in the custody case of Mary Jo Risher, a lesbian woman who lost custody of her young son to her ex-husband. She continues to discuss her experiences running the Routh Street Women's Clinic in Da… more
Date: August 18, 2022
Duration: 41 minutes 57 seconds
Creator: Phelps, Wes
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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