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open access

Operation of the Multi-Effect Multi-Stage Flash Distillation Plant (Clair Engle), Fourth Report (Semi-Annual), San Diego, California

Description: From Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations: "The operation and development programs carried out in the CEP, E-1A and LMC plant during the period July 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970 are described in this report. Data was developed on several development tasks as follows. A summary is presented of material evaluation studies made over the past three and a half years. Data on the experiences with coatings, mortar linings, elastomers, and nonferrous and ferrous metals are included. Details are pr… more
Date: April 1971
Creator: Catalytic, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Second Annual Report: Operation of the Muti-Stage Flash Distillation Plant, San Diego, California

Description: From Introduction: "The Office of Saline Water (OSW) maintains the MSF Module at the San Diego Test Facility, Chula Vista, California, for the purpose of further advancing and developing the state of art of the multistage flash distillation process and thereby reduce the cost of seawater conversion. The MSF Module has been built and operated to obtain engineering design and operating data to serve as a basis for: a. Future process development. b. Improved full scale plant design. Improved full … more
Date: March 1971
Creator: Catalytic Construction Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Letters from the San Diego Military Advisory Council to Anthony J. Principi - August 15, 2005]

Description: Letters from Frank F. Hewitt and Mike Woiwode of the San Diego Military Advisory Council to Anthony Principi of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission. The letters urge against inclusion of downtown San Diego's Navy "Broadway Complex" in the list of sites to be reorganized. Hewitt attached Woiwode's letter to his own.
Date: August 15, 2005
Creator: Woiwode, Michael (Mike)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Letter from Julia A. Barr to the Moore family, December 3, 1888]

Description: This item is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Julia A. Barr, Henry and Charles Moore's cousin. In the letter, Julia updates the Moore family on the happenings in Jerseyville, Illinois and the news includes: a dialogue about meeting cousin George Wilson in Eureka Springs, Arkansas while on a trip there, a discussion about the people that accompanied here on the trip and how long she stayed, details concerning the people she meet in Eureka Springs, a conversation about Seell… more
Date: December 3, 1888
Creator: Barr, Julia A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

The Effects of Two Approaches to Reading Instruction upon the Oral Language Development of First Grade Pupils

Description: The problem of this study was to compare the relative gains made in the development of oral language skills in two groups of first grade pupils when two different approaches to beginning reading instruction were used. The two approaches were: (a) the language experience approach, Approach A, and (b) the traditional basal reader approach, Approach B. The six aspects of oral language development considered were: extent of verbalization, spoken vocabulary, expressions of tentativeness, use of stru… more
Date: January 1966
Creator: Giles, Douglas Elbert, 1932-
Partner: UNT Libraries

Oral History Interview with Jerome D. Fox, August 21, 2003

Description: Interview with Jerome D. Fox, an OS2U Kingfisher gunner aboard the cruiser USS Detroit in the Pacific Theater during World War II. The interview includes Fox's personal experiences about childhood on a ranch in West Texas, enlisting in the Navy, boot camp at San Diego, California, aerial gunner school at Naval Air Station, Modesto, California, his assignment to the OS2U crew aboard the USS Detroit, patrol duty in the Aleutian Islands, bombardment of the Kurile Islands, South American patrol, hi… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: August 21, 2003
Creator: Marcello, Ronald E. & Fox, Jerome D.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

Oral History Interview with Bennie G. Snider, June 10, 2002

Description: Interview with banker and Navy veteran Bennie G. Snider. The interview includes Snider's personal experiences about the Pacific Theater during World War II, youth and education in Denton, Texas, joining the Navy, and boot training and electrical engineering school. Snider talks about duties aboard the USS Hancock, his assignment to Task Group 58 and the invasion of the Philippines, as well as the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, kamikaze attacks and the Hancock being hit by a kamikaze, burial… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: June 10, 2002
Creator: Lane, Peter B. & Snider, Bennie, G.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Oral History Interview with Richard Donley, February 22, 1997

Description: Interview with Navy veteran Richard Donley. The interview includes Donley's personal experiences about the Mediterranean Theater during World War II, boot camp, Fleet Torpedo School, encounters with German "F-lighter" armed barges and E-boats, various assignments, and combat against enemy destroyers. Donley also talks about screening operations for the invasions of Sicily and Salerno, operations along the coasts of northern Italy and southern France and the interdiction of German barge traffic,… more
Date: February 22, 1997
Creator: Alexander, William J. & Donley, Richard
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

[Marine Corps Group Photograph #1]

Description: Photograph of the United States Marine Corps "R" Company, Second Battalion at an infantry training camp in Pendleton, California. Narrative by Junebug Clark: That's me, Junebug Clark, standing in the lower right hand corner of this photo. U.S. Marine Corps Official Photo
Date: January 30, 1969
Creator: United States. Marine Corps.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

First Annual Report - Operation of the Multi-Effect Multi-Stage Flash Distillation Plant (Clair Engle), San Diego, California

Description: Annual report discussing the activities and operation of the Senator Clair Engle Plant (CEP), a multi-effect multi-stage flash (MEMS) distillation plant for converting sea water, located in San Diego, California.
Date: November 1970
Creator: Catalytic Construction Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conceptual Design Study of a One Million Gallon Per Day MSM Desalination Plant-Replacement for Demonstration Plant No. 2 at Point Loma, San Diego, California

Description: From foreward: "This is another of a series of reports designed to present accounts of progress on saline water conversion with the expectation that the exhange of such data will contribute to the long range development of economical processes applicable to large scale desalination plants for conversion of sea and other saline waters." This particular report describes various aspects of a demonstration plant in San Diego, California.
Date: April 1967
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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