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open access

Albania: Country Background Report

Description: This report discusses the economic and political status of Albania in the year 2000, notably focusing on certain important events throughout the 1990s, such as the Kosovo Crisis and the rise to power of the Socialist Party in 1997.
Date: June 29, 2000
Creator: Kim, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Islamic Terrorism and the Balkans

Description: Report discussing the potential for terrorists to develop within the Balkans region of Europe. According to the introduction, "This report will focus on two countries and a province with majority or near-majority Muslim populations: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Kosovo. It will deal with the role of international Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda rather than indigenous nationalist groups pursuing local or regional objectives" (p. 2).
Date: July 26, 2005
Creator: Woehrel, Steven
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Albania: Current Issues and U.S. Policy

Description: Some two months after Albania held parliamentary elections, a new government was sworn in on September 11, 2005. Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha, whose controversial term as President of Albania ended in 1997 amidst violent civil unrest, returned to power as the new Prime Minister and leads a center-right coalition government. Along with other states in the western Balkan region, Albania seeks membership in NATO and the European Union, but its accession prospects are not certain.
Date: September 15, 2005
Creator: Kim, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Islamic Terrorism and the Balkans

Description: Report discussing the potential for terrorists to develop within the Balkans region of Europe. According to the introduction, "This report focuses on two countries and a province with plurality or majority Muslim populations: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Kosovo. It deals with the role of international Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda rather than indigenous nationalist groups pursuing local or regional objectives" (p. 2).
Date: October 4, 2006
Creator: Woehrel, Steven
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Albania: Country Background Report

Description: This report discusses the economic and political status of Albania in the year 2000, notably focusing on certain important events throughout the 1990s, such as the Kosovo Crisis and the rise to power of the Socialist Party in 1997.
Date: June 29, 2000
Creator: Kim, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Balkans and Russia

Description: This report discusses relations between Russia and the Balkan countries of southeast Europe. Efforts by Russia to gain influence and hinder the Balkan countries in their relations with the EU through "soft power" and intelligence activities are discussed.
Date: January 31, 2018
Creator: Morelli, Vincent L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Information Seeking in a Balkan Country: A Case Study of College Students Seeking and Use of Information

Description: Using a case study approach this study investigated how college students in Vlore, Albania seek and use information resources for academic and personal needs and whether they follow a pattern similar to Brenda Dervin's sense-making, or Marcia Bates' berry-picking information seeking models. Influencing factors studied were economic factors, information communication technologies and information culture/policy. A literature review showed that no previous published research has studied informatio… more
Date: December 2018
Creator: Kabashi, Artemida
Partner: UNT Libraries
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