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open access

The Steepest Descent Method Using Finite Elements for Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Description: The purpose of this paper is to develop a general method for using Finite Elements in the Steepest Descent Method. The main application is to a partial differential equation for a Transonic Flow Problem. It is also applied to Burger's equation, Laplace's equation and the minimal surface equation. The entire method is tested by computer runs which give satisfactory results. The validity of certain of the procedures used are proved theoretically. The way that the writer handles finite elements is… more
Date: August 1981
Creator: Liaw, Mou-yung Morris
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Varietăţi Grassmanniene Mixte

Description: This article discusses mixed Grassmann manifolds. Abstract: Se construieşte varietea grassmanniană modelată intr-un spaţiu Banach mixt, situaţie ce generalizează simultan conceptele grassmanniene real şi complex.
Date: 1982
Creator: Anghel, Nicolae
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Gateaux Differentiable Points of Simple Type

Description: Every continuous convex function defined on a separable Banach space is Gateaux differentiable on a dense G^ subset of the space E [Mazur]. Suppose we are given a sequence (xn) that Is dense in E. Can we always find a Gateaux differentiable point x such that x = z^=^anxn.for some sequence (an) with infinitely many non-zero terms so that Ση∞=1||anxn|| < co ? According to this paper, such points are called of "simple type," and shown to be dense in E. Mazur's theorem follows directly from the res… more
Date: December 1982
Creator: Oh, Seung Jae
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Algebraic Numbers and Topologically Equivalent Measures

Description: A set-theoretical point of view to study algebraic numbers has been introduced. We extend a result of Navarro-Bermudez concerning shift invariant measures in the Cantor space which are topologically equivalent to shift invariant measures which correspond to some algebraic integers. It is known that any transcendental numbers and rational numbers in the unit interval are not binomial. We proved that there are algebraic numbers of degree greater than two so that they are binomial numbers. Algebra… more
Date: December 1983
Creator: Huang, Kuoduo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Levi problem on mixed manifolds

Description: Article discussing the Levi problem on mixed manifolds. This article gives a new proof that the problem of Levi, to mixed varieties have a solution in the sense that every pseudoconvex closely mixed variety, with enough real global morphisms, is a variety of Cartan.
Date: 1984
Creator: Anghel, Nicolae
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Nonlinear Boundary Conditions in Sobolev Spaces

Description: The method of dual steepest descent is used to solve ordinary differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. A general boundary condition is B(u) = 0 where where B is a continuous functional on the nth order Sobolev space Hn[0.1J. If F:HnCO,l] —• L2[0,1] represents a 2 differential equation, define *(u) = 1/2 IIF < u) li and £(u) = 1/2 l!B(u)ll2. Steepest descent is applied to the functional 2 £ a * + £. Two special cases are considered. If f:lR —• R is C^(2), a Type I boundary con… more
Date: December 1984
Creator: Richardson, Walter Brown
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

SLâ‚‚-polynomial invariance

Description: Article on SLâ‚‚-polynomial invariance. The purpose of this article is to describe completely, in a constructive way, the structure of these invariant polynomials in the particular case n = 2, for an arbitrary field k.
Date: 1998
Creator: Anghel, Nicolae
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

DP1 and Completely Continuous Operators

Description: This article demonstrates a relationship between the Dunford-Pettis property and the DP1 property with a similar relationship for vector-valued continuous function spaces.
Date: February 11, 2003
Creator: Bator, Elizabeth M. & Slavens, Dawn R.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

On Morley's miracle theorem

Description: Article on Morley's miracle theorem. The authors use work by A. Connes to explore possible generalizations of Morley's trisector theorem to triangles in arbitrary value fields.
Date: 2004
Creator: Anghel, Nicolae
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
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