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open access

Accidental Radiogold (198Au) Liver Scan Overdose With Fatal Outcome

Description: This report addresses the use of radioisotopes for scanning, which has added significantly to the clinician's ability to detect and interpret disease manifestations.
Date: October 31, 1969
Creator: Baron, J.M.; Yachnin, S.; Polcyn, R.; Fitch, F.W. & Sturner, W.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Office of Waste Isolation progress report, December 1977

Description: This document reports progress on the OWI's portion of the National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) program. It comprises project reports on work performed by organizations under subcontract to OWI, by DOE contractors, by OWI consultants, and by other federal agencies participating in the NWTS program. They are made under the headings technical projects, facility projects, planning and analysis, and regulatory affairs. (DLC)
Date: January 31, 1976
Creator: Zerby, C.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The heat-transfer loop was completed and is in operation. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining a sufficiently strong connection between the burnout- detector voltage tap and the heating element. This problem and its potential solution are described. The lack of means of obtaining controlled burnout prevented collection of data on the burnout effects of the ultrasonic field. (auth)
Date: October 31, 1962
Creator: Romie, F.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stream sediment detailed geochemical survey for Marysvale, Utah

Description: Results of the Marysvale detailed geochemical survey are reported. Field and laboratory data are presented for 397 stream sediment samples and 160 radiometric readings. Statistical and areal distributions of uranium and possible uranium-related variables are displayed. A generalized geologic map of the area is provided, and pertinent geologic factors which may be of significance in evaluating the potential for uranium mineralization are briefly discussed. Stream sediments containing significant… more
Date: July 31, 1980
Creator: Butz, T. R.; Vreeland, J. L.; Bard, C. S.; Helgerson, R. N.; Grimes, J. G. & Pritz, P. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kilowatt Isotope Power System: component report for the Ground Demonstration System Accumulator

Description: The Model Number ORC1A3A01 System Accumulator for the Kilowatt Isotope Power System was expulsion tested and demonstrated to be in compliance with the requirements of Sundstrand Explusion Test Procedure, TP 400. Test requirements of TP 400 were extracted from the Kilowatt Isotope Power System, Ground Demonstration System Test Plan.
Date: January 31, 1978
Creator: Brainard, E.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research on human genetics in Iceland. Progress report

Description: Records of the Icelandic Population are being used to investigate the possible inheritance of disabilities and diseases as well as other characters and the effect of environment on man. The progress report of research covers the period 1977 to 1980. The investigation was begun in 1965 by the Genetical Committee of the University of Iceland and the materials used are demographic records from the year 1840 to present and various medical information. The records are being computerized and linked t… more
Date: October 31, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study on reduction of accessory horsepower requirements. Eighth quarterly progress report

Description: This is the eighth quarterly technical progress report for a program in which the objective is to evolve and define an accessory drive system that will minimize system power consumption of driven accessories on an internal combustion engine in a passenger automobile. The initial program phases established concept feasibility, determined potential fuel savings, and selected a drive system design for concept mechanization. The current Phase IV carries the program through prototype fabrication and… more
Date: July 31, 1976
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Search for Neutrinos From the Sun.

Description: No Description Available.
Date: October 31, 1969
Creator: Davis, R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental development of nuclear pumped laser candidate inertial confinement fusion driver

Description: This progress report is submitted at the end of the first year of a 3-year project grant studying development of a nuclear pumped atomic iodine laser. The first section of the report will provide background on the study and briefly describe the original plans for the 3-year project. The second section will detail the work done to date. Included will be a description of the preparations made for experimentation, as well as some preliminary results recently obtained. Plans for the upcoming budget… more
Date: May 31, 1989
Creator: Miley, George H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Compensation for Victims of Crimes of Violence

Description: This report details the compensating schemes of victims of comes of violence. It was announced on June 24, 1964, and came into operation on August 1, 1964.
Date: May 31, 1966
Creator: Price, Hugh P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Long-term Student Loans: Selected Proposals for Repayment according to "Ability to Pay".

Description: This report describes the loan proposals of Messrs. Kingman Brewster, Jr., Charles Killingsworth, Edward Shapiro, and William Vickrey and the more recent proposals of the panel on Educational Innovation. These proposals would permit a student to draw an advance at least equal to the cost of his education without imposing a financial burden on the taxpayer or the federal government.
Date: October 31, 1967
Creator: Dinerstein, Rita
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Near Term Hybrid Passenger Vehicle Development Program. Phase I, Final report. Appendix C: preliminary design data package. Volume I

Description: The assumptions made, analysis methods used, and preliminary results of research to determine the design specifications for a hybrid electric-powered and internal combustion engine-powered vehicle that would optimize the fuel economy of passenger automobiles are described. Information is included on body and component design, selection of spark-ignition engine and Ni-Zn batteries, life-cycle costs and life-cycle fuel consumption. (LCL)
Date: July 31, 1979
Creator: Piccolo, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogenization of arc-melted uranium-6 weight percent niobium alloy ingots

Description: Microsegregation and macrosegregation in uranium-6 niobium arc-melted ingots were characterized by electron microprobe analysis. Homogenization studies determined that microsegregation can be eliminated by heat treating the alloy for six hours at 1100/sup 0/C. Extensive homogenization did not eliminate macrosegregation (banding) from the as-cast alloy, but a mathematical model describing banding and coring indicated that banding could possibly be eliminated by working prior to homogenization.
Date: January 31, 1978
Creator: Snyder, W. B., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Heating/daylighting prototype development. Phase I, Passive and Hybrid Solar Manufactured Building Project. Interim report and project status report No. 1, 1 October 1979-29 February 1980

Description: Climatological data, both representative (typical) and extreme conditions, relevant to building energy use in Grandview, Missouri are presented. The energy-related characteristics of a particular building and its use are merged with ambient weather conditions. The graphs depict daily fluctuations in the major categories of building heating/cooling load for the experimental building (Roof Runner facility) at Butler Research Center. Data input include hourly weather and building occupancy schedul… more
Date: March 31, 1980
Creator: Snyder, M.; Fraker, H.; Lindsey, L.; Braham, W.; Hallagan, W. & Huffman, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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