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Description: The mechanism of thiomethyladenosine accumulation in yeast was studied by attempting to substitute homocysteine methylmercaptane methylmercaptoethanol and methylome captopropionaldehyde for methionine as a specific precursor. Negative results militate against transmethylation as the underlying mechanism. Tracer studies with methyl-C14- and and S35-labeled methionine suggest transthiomethylation with intermediate formation of a thetin-like compound tentatively termed methionyladenosine. The occu… more
Date: October 31, 1952
Creator: Schlenk. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radio-micrography as a Tool in Biological Investigation

Description: The technique of radio-micrography has been discussed. The necessary equipment has been described. Its applications with examples and comparison with other more conventional techniques have been pointed out.
Date: October 31, 1952
Creator: Askin, J E. C.; Yates, L L; Cauldwell, E W. & Harvey, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Project. Progress Report for March 15, 1951 to September 1, 1951. Steady State Transients in Nuclear Resonance and the Nuclear Relaxation time. T2, for Hydrocarbons

Description: The Bloch formulation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is applied to a repeated pulsing of the external electromagnetic field H1. The steady-state solution is shown to predict the existence of sidebands, a mirror signal, and magnetic field inhomogeneity effects. All of these effects ae shown to be verified experimentally, thus strengthening the ap0plicibility of the Block formulation to transient problems. The solution given was used to determine T2 from the observed transient signals for liquid h… more
Date: October 31, 1952
Creator: Cinnamon, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Project. Progress Report III for 1 September 1951 to 15 March, 1952. Determination of the Accuracy of the Infinitely Repeated Pulse Method and the Observed Effects of Molecular Self Diffusion in Liquids

Description: The range of measurements of nuclear magnetic resonance by the infinitely repeated pulse method is higher than the slow passage method of Bloch. As the measurements approach 10-1 seconds the effect of viscosity or self diffusions becomes important. For liquid hydrocarbons this effect is such as to make the previously measured values for liquid hydrocarbons subject to severe revision. Several possibilities have recently become apparent for making this improvement.
Date: October 31, 1952
Creator: Cinnamon, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemistry Division Quarterly Report: September, October, November, 1952

Description: Quarterly progress report for the Chemistry Division of the University of California Radiation Laboratory: nuclear chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, metals and high temperature thermodynamics, basic chemistry, and chemical engineering.
Date: December 31, 1952
Creator: University of California Radiation Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process Engineering Report on Thorium Semi-Works Plant for the Feed Materials Production Center - Fernald, Ohio, Job No. 3542

Description: This technical report presents the process design for the thorium semi-works plant which will be located at the Feed Materials Production Center, Fernald, Ohio. It contains the process information required for the layout and detailed mechanical design of the thorium plant.
Date: January 31, 1952
Creator: Bulkowski, H. H.; Delaplaine, J. W.; Holby, G. V.; Natale, N. R.; Reiter, W. M. & Roe, B. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgy Division Quarterly Report [for] October, November, and December, 1952

Description: This quarterly progress report discusses ongoing research and experiments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Metallurgy Division. This report discusses (1) water-cooled reactors, (2) liquid metal-cooled reactors, (3) reactor development - fuel metallurgy, (4) reactor development - component metallurgy, (5) basic metallurgy, (6) basic ceramics, (7) aqueous corrosion, and (8) applied metallurgy.
Date: December 31, 1952
Creator: Foote, Frank G. & Schumar, James F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Helium Leak Detector Test for Hanford And Savannah River Fuel Slugs

Description: The Helium Leak Detector Test provides a method for detecting the presence of minute holes, cracks, fissures, etc. in the aluminum jackets of Hanford and Savannah River reactor fuel slugs which would allow moisture to penetrate to the uranium during reactor operation.
Date: December 31, 1952
Creator: Barnes, A. H.; Smith, F. A. & Wimunc, E. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of West Virginia

Description: Report documenting the suitability of West Virginia for plant locations to produce synthetic liquid fuels, based on raw materials, water sources, and local interest.
Date: January 31, 1952
Creator: Ford, Bacon, and Davis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Time Dependence of the Slowing Down of Neutrons with Constant Scattering Mean Free Path

Description: Simple expression are derived for the time dependence of slowing down of neutrons in a simple media. In Section I, a method suggested by age theory is used, while in section II, a two parameter scattering function is employed. Results are compared with exact calculations.
Date: May 31, 1952
Creator: Bell, G. I. & Bethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht), 1906-2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A crude guess as to the effect of a pile explosion on the aquatic life of the Columbia River

Description: This document contains information about the radiological result of a hypothetical explosion of one of the Hanford Production Reactors. Three aspects are discussed: 1. The effect of the radiation emitted from the explosion; 2. The contamination of the river and its aquatic life as a result of the fall out from the explosion; 3. The hazard which would result from humans eating contaminated fish.
Date: December 31, 1952
Creator: Foster, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report on Purification of Thorium Nitrate by Solvent Extraction With Tributyl Phosphate: 1. Laboratory Investigations

Description: Report discussing laboratory investigations of thorium nitrate purification. Batch equilibrium data, solubility data, viscosity data, density data, and the results seven batch countercurrent extraction tests and two selective stripping tests are included.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Ewing, R. A.; Fishel, J. B.; Kiehl, S. J., Jr.; Sharpe, R. E. & Bearse, A. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report on Purification of Thorium Nitrate by Solvent Extraction With Tributyl Phosphate: 2. Mixer-Settler Pilot Plant Investigations

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the construction and operation of a mixer-settler pilot plant for the purification of mantle-grade thorium nitrate. The liquid-liquid extraction process utilized 30% tributyl phosphate - 70% 'Solvesso-100' as the organic solvent and nitric acid as the salting agent. Continuous steady-state operation of the equipment was demonstrated, with very good recovery of thorium."
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Burkhart, C. A.; Foley, D. D.; Retzke, F. A.; Filbert, Robert B., Jr. & Clegg, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Beryllia and Beryllia-Beryllium Bodies for Moderating Cores in Fuel Elements

Description: From introduction: This report presents the results of the two phases of the work: study of the compatibility of beryllia bodies with a coating material, molybdenum; and studies of beryllia-beryllium body fabrication.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Long, R. E.; Duckworth, W. H.; Saller, Henry A.; Stacy, J. T.; Miller, R. A. & Schofield, H. Z.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Identification of Slag Constituents from Uranium Metal Production Bombs

Description: Abstract: "X-ray and microscopic examination of slags from uranium metal production bombs which gave good and bad yields in the plant at St. Louis have indicated the significance of uranium oxide formation. Apparently the oxide (UO2) results from reaction of the UF4 with linear material, particularly with moisture in the liner."
Date: January 31, 1952
Creator: Vaughan, D. A.; Cocks, G. G. & Schwartz, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of the Hanford Slave Manipulator for Use in the Multicurie Cells at Hanford

Description: Introduction: "During the early planning of the multicurie cells at Hanford it was decided that a slave type manipulator would be necessary to perform the experiments for which the cells were being designed. The design required steel roofs for installation through a port hole in the face. Technical Services Equipment Development began developing the proposed manipulator in January 1951 by making a study of those existing at that tune. None met the requirements which had been established; theref… more
Date: October 31, 1952
Creator: Field, Richard E. & Gifford, John F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Plasma Oscillations on the Table-Top Model

Description: The following report describe the effect of plasma oscillations using a table-top model and the probable magnitude of the quantities needed to reach complete ionization.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary Disturbances in High Explosive Shock Tubes

Description: Abstract: High Velocity disturbance are observed to propagate in advance of the plane shock front along the walls of a high-explosive-operated shock tube. Experiments were performed which indicate that the disturbance proceeds at a constant velocity relative to the shock front, and carries a considerable amount of energy as evidenced by its ability to penetrate metal plates. The velocity of a similar disturbance observed along a rod placed on the axis of the shock tube normal to the plane shoc… more
Date: March 31, 1952
Creator: Shreffler, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Procedures for Uranium Spectrography

Description: Report discussing a method for uranium spectography. The analytical procedures are described in detail, as well as the restocking and maintenance procedures that are associated with the method.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: McIlhenny, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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