Search Results

Primary view of Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of the Artificial-Feel System on the Maneuvering Characteristics of the F-89 Airplane
Abramovitz, Marvin; Schmidt, Stanley F. & Belsley, Steven E.
December 31, 1952
Primary view of Metallurgical Examination of HRT Leak Detector Tubing and Flanges
Adamson, G. M; Hammond, T. M.; Kegley, T. M. & White, J. K.
January 31, 1957
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1959
Aerojet-General Corporation
July 31, 1959
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1960
Aerojet-General Corporation
July 31, 1960
Primary view of 30 Megawatt Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator for Sodium Cooled Reactor System
Alco Products (Firm)
January 31, 1962
Primary view of State of Matter at High Pressure
Alder, Berni J.
March 31, 1960
Primary view of Thorium Isotopes Method for Dating Marine Sediments
Almodóvar, Ismael
May 31, 1960
Primary view of Steady State Temperature Distributions in Hollow Slugs
Anselone, P. M.; Banks, D. O. & Dean, R. Y.
December 31, 1953
Primary view of Acute Radiotoxicity of Injected Yttrium91
Anthony, David S.
July 31, 1947
Primary view of U-10 Wt % Mo Fuel Element: Irradiation in SRE
Arnold, J. L.; Miller, K. J. & Peterson, R. M.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of Radio-micrography as a Tool in Biological Investigation
Askin, J E. C.; Yates, L L; Cauldwell, E W. & Harvey, R. A.
October 31, 1952
Primary view of Conceptual Design Study of a Mobile Gamma Irradiator for Fruit Produce
Associated Nucleonics (Garden City, N.Y.)
May 31, 1962
Primary view of Gas-Phase Radiolysis of Propane
Ausloos, Pierre J.; Lias, Sharon G., 1935- & Sandoval, L. B., (Mrs.)
May 31, 1963
Primary view of High Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a 0.17-Scale Model of the McDonnell XF2H-1 Airplane (TED No. NACA DE 318)
Axelson, John A. & Emerson, Horace F.
March 31, 1949
Primary view of Information Selection Systems Retrieval Replica Copies: a State-of-the-Art Report
Bagg, Thomas C. & Stevens, Mary Elizabeth
December 31, 1961
Primary view of Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section II. Fourth Performance. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)
Baird, John B.
March 31, 1959
Primary view of Determination of Coefficients of Reactivity. Test Results DL-S-151 (T-550132). Section I. Fourth Performance
Baird, John B.
January 31, 1959
Primary view of Department of Chemical Engineering Progress Report for September 1, 1957 Through June 30, 1958. Part I. Thermal Conductivity of Deuterium Oxide
Baker, B. L.
October 31, 1959
Primary view of The effects of various parameters including Mach number on propeller blade flutter with emphasis on stall flutter
Baker, John E.
January 31, 1951
Primary view of Fuel Handling, Service and Waste Disposal Buildings Drain Test. Section I. Test Results DL-S-230 (T-641115)
Barclay, Richard E.
March 31, 1959
Primary view of Helium Leak Detector Test for Hanford And Savannah River Fuel Slugs
Barnes, A. H.; Smith, F. A. & Wimunc, E. A.
December 31, 1952
Primary view of Final Report on Interpretation and Evaluation of the Uranium Occurrences Near Goodsprings, Nevada
Barton, Paul B., Jr. & Behre, Charles H., Jr.
December 31, 1954
Primary view of Interpretation and Evaluation of the Uranium Occurences Near Goodsprings, Nevada: Final Report
Barton, Paul B., Jr. & Behre, Charles H., Jr.
December 31, 1954
Primary view of Attempted Modification of Susceptibility of Tumors to X-Radiation : Final Report for August 1 1957 to August 31, 1959
Beck, Lyle Vibert, 1906-
December 31, 1959
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