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Applied Mathematics Division Summary Report for July 1, 1958 Through June 30, 1959

Description: The objective of the Applied Mathematics Division is to provide mathematical assistance to other scientists in the Lab. This goal is achieved by (1) conducting research in numerical analysis and other branches of mathematics, (2) providing mathematical consultation, and (3) operating a computational service, using both digital and analog machines. Publications, papers, seminars, lectures, and courses are listed. A summary listing of computer programs developed or in progress is given. (For prec… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Mathematics Division Summary Report for July 1, 1959 Through June 30, 1960

Description: A summary of each computer program initiated during the report period together with code symbols indicating the extent to which information concerning the program is readily available are given. Programs previously reported are included if changes were made or additional information concerning them was placed in the program library. Abstracts of 704 newsletters and GEORGE bulletins are presented. (For preceding period see ANL-6089.) (W.D.M.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Fluoride Volatilization Separations Process. Development of a fused fluoride process for dissolution of uranium-- zirconium fuel alloys continued. In corrosion tests to find a suitable container material, Ni was found to be susceptible to a sulfur-type attack. Hastelloy B showed promise, and graphite offers excellent chemical resistance but poor mechanical strength. The dissolution rate of Zr in NaF-- ZrF as affected by impingement of the HF sparge was studied. Production of UF/sub 6/ by fluidi… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Chemical-Metalluaical Processing. A direct-cycle fuelreprocessing plant using pyrometallurgical procedures is being designed as part of the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. II project. The reduction of uranium oxide was investigated, using pure Mg and solntions of Mg in Zn and Cd. Cadinium solntions of U were shown to be stable in Types 405 and 410 stainless steel containers at temperatures up to 550 deg C. The liquid metal corrosion loop in which a U-Mg--Cd alloy is being circulated at 550 deg… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DEVELOPMENT OF PLUTONIUM BEARING FUEL MATERIALS. Progress Report for January 1 through March 31, 1960

Description: Construction of the NUMEC Plutonium Facility was essentially completed. Methods for the preparation of Pu, U, and Th oxides of high purity and the fabrication of these materials into fuel shapes is discussed. (For preceding period see NUMEC-P-10.) (W.L.H.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Elk River Reactor Quarterly Project Report for September-October-November 1959

Description: With the project design work virtually complete, progress during the quarter consisted primarily of prccurement, fabrication of components, and construction at the reactor site. Developments are briefly summarized in the fuel element program, core physics vessel and internal components, control rods and rod drives, shielding, process, instrumentation, building and facilities, and construction. (For preceding period see ACNP-ERR-5.) (W.D.M.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Element Catastrophe Studies Hazards of Fission Product Release From Irradiated Uranium

Description: The rate of reaction of highly irradiated U with air, CO/sub 2/, and steam was studied in sn investigation of the fission product release potential in a loss-of-coolant type accident postulated for Pu-producing reactors. Highly irradiated U was found to be more reactive, probably because of the defects in the oxide coating formed by the inclusion of fission products. Complete oxidation or melting was found to release rare gases, I, and Te semi- quantitatively in most atmospheres. Other fission … more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Parker, G. W.; Creek, G. E.; Martin, W. J. & Barton, C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FUEL ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR THE PEBBLE BED REACTOR. Quarterly Progress Report for November 1, 1959 to January 31, 1960

Description: A variety of spherical uranium--graphite fuel elements for the Pebble Bed Reactor (PBR) was fabricated. Poor results with sintered alumina coated UO/ sub 2/ particles led to the development of slumina coating by vspor deposition, for which good results have been obtained. A variety of sub-surface metal, metal carbide, and ceramic coatings located between an unfueled graphite shell and the fueled core of a PBR fuel element was prepared and examined. Most of the materials and processes showed poo… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Energy, Low-Thrust Jupiter Missions

Description: Previous studies have been made of the relationship among acceleration, specific power, payload fraction, and travel time for many interplanetary missions. These utilized tangential thrust and correspond to the high thrust Hohmann transfer orbits. In addition, a complete optimization of the one way Mars mission has been accomplished. Since the minimum Jupiter round trip time was six and a half years for tangential thrust, calculations were carried out using higher energy transfer orbits. It is … more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Fox, Robert H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy Storage Ceramic Capacitor. Quarterly Report No. 4 [for] August 19, 1957 -- December 31, 1957

Description: The chief purpose of this contract is the development of ceramic materials with high dielectric constant and high dielectric strength values, and suitable for use of dielectrics in capacitors capable of storing large amounts of energy in small volumes. Work performed during the fourth quarter included (1) Material development and sample preparation; (2) Sample testing; (3) discussion of ceramic density measurements; (4) Optical studies of titanates; (5) Fabrication of large ceramics; and (6) Ca… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Lupfer, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy Storage Ceramic Capacitor. Quarterly Report No. 5 [for] January 1, 1958 -- March 31, 1958

Description: The chief purpose of this contract is the development of ceramic materials with high dielectric constant and high dielectric strength values, and suitable for use of dielectrics in capacitors capable of storing large amounts of energy in small volumes. Work performed during the fifth quarter included (1) Material development and sample preparation; (2) Sample testing; (3) Optical studies of titanates; (4) Fabrication of large ceramics; and (5) Capacitor design.
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Lupfer, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved coolant backup 100-B, D, F, DR, H and C areas design study

Description: Preliminary engineering studies have indicated the need for modifications and improvements to the reactor coolant backup systems of the old areas in order to provide adequate safety of operation at power levels programmed for the future. These evaluations of the coolant backup systems were based on the recently adopted reactor cooling safety criteria. It was concluded that the secondary coolant systems would be adequate in capacity and reliability for the proposed future operating conditions ex… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Schack, M. H. & Tupper, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AN IMPROVED NUCLEAR DENSITY GAUGE. Period covered: September 2 to October 1, 1959

Description: Progress in development of a nuclear density gage for use in thickness and density measurements is reported. A Ross filter system for energy discrimination in the alpha ray region was constructed. Soller slits for collimating the radiation entering and leaving the filters so that a constant absorber thickness is seen by the radiation beam is under construction. Comments by visiting Russian scientists on the density gage and a discussion of their work in this area are included. (J.R.D.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Improved Nuclear Density Gauge Progress Report: October 1959

Description: Progress is reported on development of a scintillation detector which alternately views the radiation transmitted through a sample and through a calibrated wedge. From this information density and thickness data can be obtained. Long term stability measurements are being made on the commutating system and the causes of fluctuations are being investigated. Information concerning procurement and fund expenditure are given. (J.R.D.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Improved Nuclear Density Gauge. Quarterly Report No. 2 Covering Period September 1 to December 1, 1959

Description: Techniques for improving stability of scintillation counter chopper systems and their development for use in industrial control applications are being investigated. Tests are being performed to determine the causes of fluctuations. An integration and frequency converter is being developed in which the anode current of the photomultiplier tube is alternately switched between two integrating condensers by action of a commutator switch. The voltages developed across the two condensers are proporti… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: >The materials and methods used for the long-term nuclide pairs are essentially the same as those previously described. (April - June Report). The split planchet method was used to determine the resolving time of the tracerlab superscalar counting apparatus which is currently in use. A planchet was split in two and a sample of nuclide placed in each half and counted. From these results a formula for calculating true counting rates was evolved. Data on resolving time loss for the Superscalar are… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Gregson, T.C. & Waisbrot, S.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MAGNETIC RECORDER FOR NUCLEAR PULSE APPLICATION. Covering Period: August 6, 1959 to October 5, 1959

Description: Direct recording of nuclear pulse height data on magnetic tape is being investigated. The characteristics of various brands of commercial tape are being investigated and a waveform analysis is being performed in an attempt to determine the most favorable frequency range for available tapes. Use of the magnetic modulator head is being investigated to minimize variations due to short term tape speed variations. (W.L.H.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M. & Stone, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending March 31, 1959

Description: Turbomachinery considerations indicated that it would be desirable to reduce the cycle pressure from 1,000 to 800 psia. The problem of determining the temperature distribution and the resulting thermal stress pattern within the graphite was considered. Preliminary designs for a heterogeneous fuel element and a semihomogeneous fuel element were developed. Utilization of the Hanford in- pile gas loop for fuel element testing is discussed. Two-group PDQ calculations were run to estimate control ro… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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