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Search Results

Primary view of Method for Estimating Lift Interference of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds
Nielsen, Jack N. & Kaattari, George E.
December 31, 1951
Primary view of Measurement of Static Forces on Externally Carried Bombs of Fineness Ratios 7.1 and 10.5 in the Flow Field of a Swept-Wing Fighter- Bomber Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.6
Geier, Douglas J. & Carlson, Harry W.
January 31, 1957
Primary view of Experimental Investigation of Flutter and Divergence Characteristics of the Rocket-Motor Fin of the ASROC Missile
Levey, Gilbert M. & Hanson, Perry W.
July 31, 1958
Primary view of An Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Afterbody Pressure Characteristics of Specialized Store Configurations at Transonic Speeds
Braden, John A. & Henry, Beverly Z., Jr.
March 31, 1954
Primary view of Effect of Nose Shape and Wing Thickness Ratio on the Drag at Zero Lift of a Missile Having Triangular Wings and Tails
Hall, James R. & Sandahl, Carl A.
May 31, 1950
Primary view of Experimental investigation of the effectiveness of various suction-slot arrangements as a means for increasing the maximum lift of the NACA 65(sub 3)-018 airfoil section
Racisz, Stanley F.
March 31, 1950
Primary view of Application of blade cooling to gas turbines
Ellerbrock, Herman H., Jr. & Schafer, Louis J., Jr.
May 31, 1950
Primary view of The effects of various parameters including Mach number on propeller blade flutter with emphasis on stall flutter
Baker, John E.
January 31, 1951
Primary view of Free-jet performance of 16-inch ram-jet engine with several fuels
Wilcox, Fred A.
October 31, 1950
Primary view of Investigation of a 1/5-scale model of a proposed high-submerged-speed submarine in the Langley full-scale tunnel
Lipson, Stanley; Cocke, Bennie W. & Scallion, William I.
October 31, 1950
Primary view of Measurements of average heat-transfer and friction coefficients for subsonic flow of air in smooth tubes at high surface and fluid temperatures
Humble, Leroy V.; Lowdermilk, Warren H. & Desmon, Leland G.
December 31, 1950
Primary view of Systematic two-dimensional cascade tests of NACA 65-series compressor blades at low speeds
Emery, James C.; Herrig, L. Joseph; Erwin, John R. & Felix, A. Richard
January 31, 1958
Primary view of A note on secondary flow in rotating radial channels
Kramer, James J. & Stanitz, John D.
August 31, 1953
Primary view of Interim Report on Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/25-Scale Model of the McDonnell F3H-1N Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 3100
Lee, Henry A. & Wilkes, L. Faye
December 31, 1954
Primary view of Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Buffet Boundaries of a Model of the McDonnell F3H-1N Airplane at Mach Numbers from 0.40 to 1.27, TED No. NACA DE 351
Crabill, Norman L.
January 31, 1956
Primary view of Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Yawing Stability Derivatives of a 1/9-Scale Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 373
Queijo, M. J.; Wolhart, W. D. & Fletcher, H. S.
March 31, 1953
Primary view of Rocket-Model Measurements of Zero-Lift Damping in Roll of the Bell MX-776 Missile at Mach Numbers from 0.6 to 1.56
Bland, William M., Jr. & Purser, Paul E.
December 31, 1953
Primary view of Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of the Artificial-Feel System on the Maneuvering Characteristics of the F-89 Airplane
Abramovitz, Marvin; Schmidt, Stanley F. & Belsley, Steven E.
December 31, 1952
Primary view of Investigation to Determine the Effectiveness of a Split-Aileron Type Emergency Spin-Recovery Device for the Northrop XF-89 Airplane
Neihouse, A. I. & Lee, H. A.
August 31, 1951
Primary view of An Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Fences, Drooped Nose, and Vortex Generators on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a 6-Percent-Thick, 45 Degree Sweptback Wing
Hieser, Gerald
March 31, 1953
Primary view of Pressure distribution and pressure drag for a hemispherical nose at Mach numbers 2.05, 2.54, and 3.04
Chauvin, Leo T.
December 31, 1952
Primary view of Method for estimating lift interference of wing-body combinations at supersonic speeds
Nielsen, Jack N. & Kaattari, George E.
December 31, 1951
Primary view of Preliminary evaluation of the air and fuel specific-impulse characteristics of several potential ram-jet fuels 4: hydrogen, a-methylnaphthalene, and carbon
Gammon, Benson E.
August 31, 1951
Primary view of Effect of inlet oxygen concentration on combustion efficiency of J33 single combustor operating with gaseous propane
Graves, Charles C.
March 31, 1953
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