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open access

The Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter

Description: The magnitude of the energy gap in nuclear matter associated with a highly correlated ground state of the type believed to be important in the theory of superconductivity has been evaluated theoretically. The integral equation of Cooper, Mills, and Sessler is linearized and transformed into a form suitable for numerical solution. The energy gap, calculated by using an appropriate single-particle potential and the Gammel-Thaler two-body potential, is found to be a very strong function of the den… more
Date: January 31, 1960
Creator: Emery, V. J. & Sessler, A. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor Program, Quarterly Progress Report: January-March 1960

Description: Quarterly report discussing activities of the Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor (MGCR) Program and the progress of the Program in developing a nuclear-powered marine propulsion system utilizing a high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactor, close-cycle gas-turbine power plant.
Date: March 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State of Matter at High Pressure

Description: Abstract. The region where exact thermodynamic description of the state of matter at high pressure and high temperature is possible is located. In the remaining region various approximate theories and empirical relations are discussed. These considerations are applied to hydrogen to locate the density and pressure at which the diatomic bond collapses. Also the approximate conditions are determined at which no bound electron states exist.
Date: March 31, 1960
Creator: Alder, Berni J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Weapons Effects for Protective Design

Description: A lecture intended to provide a general background in weapons effects is presented. Specific areas of nuclear explosion phenomena pertinent to the design of hardened systems discussed include nuclear radiation and shielding, fireball growth and effects, thermal radiation, air blast, cratering and throwout, ground shock effects, fallout, and afterwinds. (J.R.D.)
Date: March 31, 1960
Creator: Brode, H. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of Data on Nuclear Carbides

Description: Data on the properties, constitution, compatibility, radiation behavior, fabrication, preparation, storage, and handling of uranium, thorium, and plutonium carbides are reviewed. 187 references. (C.J.G.)
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Rough, F.A. & Chubb, W. eds.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phase Diagrams of Zirconium-Beryllium and Related Systems

Description: Introduction. The phase diagram data reported in this paper were obtained during an investigation of the beryllium-metal compounds of the titanium group transition elements. Several compounds in these systems had been previously reported but their compositions and structures were not all known. In the course of this study many details of the phase diagrams of the system were observed. Tentative diagrams consistent with this data will be presented.
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Bedford, Ray Gilbert, 1928-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sub-Cooled Burnout Relative to Hanford Reactors

Description: In the Hanford production reactors, failure of fuel element cladding is known as subcooled burnout since the bulk coolant temperature is below the saturation temperature at time of failure or burnout of the fuel cladding. The heat generation rate at which subcooled burnout occurs, establishes a limit to allowable reactor power level. This document compares present and potential power level limits at the Hanford production reactors with power level limits established by subcooled burnout.
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Carlson, P. A. & Trumble, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Isotopes Method for Dating Marine Sediments

Description: This thesis is concerned with a possible method of improving the well-known ionium method of age determination of deep-sea sediment sections (Pet-53, Zou-58, Kul-55, Ran-54) both with respect to accuracy of individual determinations and with respect to the range of applicability of the method.
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Almodóvar, Ismael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Use of Silicon Surface-Barrier Counters in Fast-Neutron Detection and Spectroscopy

Description: A neutron-sensitive semiconductor counter was constructed by depositing a thin layer of Li/sup 6/F between two silicon surface-barrier counters. Neutrons are detected by observing the alpha + T pair resulting from the Li/sup 6/(n, alpha )T reaction; pulses from the two counters are added, and the sum pulse is amplified and recorded on a multichannel analyzer. Since the sandwich geometry permits simultaneous detection of both reaction products, the magnitude of the resulting sum pulse is proport… more
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Love, T. A. & Murray, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adsorption of Radioactive Gases on Activated Carbon

Description: The purpose of this experiment is to study the quantitative adsorption characteristics of a carbon adsorber bed receiving a radioactive inert gas in a helium stream. An objective of the experiment is to measure the equilibrium transmission of the radio-active gas through a carbon adsorber in order to determine if radio-active decay of the adsorbed gas permits additional adsorption.
Date: August 31, 1960
Creator: Madey, Richard; Barker, J. J.; Beebe, M. R. & Stephenson, T. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coolant backup design study basis and objective

Description: Preliminary studies have, in general, indicated the need for modifications and improvements to the reactor last ditch coolants systems in order to provide adequate safety of operation at power levels programmed for the future. These studies have indicated the need for improved reliability as well as increased capacity for the last ditch coolant systems. A design study is being prepared by Reactor Modification Design to define the scope of the modifications required to provide adequate last ditc… more
Date: August 31, 1960
Creator: Schack, M. H. & Tupper, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of production test IP-344-A-FP, determination of the limitations of the Al-Si process

Description: Tests in which aluminum-jacketed, Al-Si bonded uranium fuel elements were baked at various temperatures have shown there is a time-temperature relationship for Al-Si layer decomposition. For heat transfer and secondary coolant barrier considerations, the extent of bonding layer deterioration during fuel element irradiation is important. Currently, Al-Si bonded fuel elements show evidence of spire bond separation, and to a lesser degree, can bond separation following irradiation. Such evidence h… more
Date: August 31, 1960
Creator: Hodgson, W. H. & Clinton, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pebble Bed Friction Factor and Thermal Expansion Tests

Description: Tests were conducted to determine the friction factor of randomly packed beds of 3/4-inch diameter spheres in 8-inch and 15-1/4-inch diameter beds, and of 1-1/2-inch diameter spheres in 15-1/4-inch diameter bed. The bed depths were varied in an attempt to isolate the effects of entrance and exit losses. The bed Reynolds number, base on sphere diameter, was varied from 5,000 to 50,000.
Date: August 31, 1960
Creator: Leeman, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Mathematics Division Summary Report for July 1, 1958 Through June 30, 1959

Description: The objective of the Applied Mathematics Division is to provide mathematical assistance to other scientists in the Lab. This goal is achieved by (1) conducting research in numerical analysis and other branches of mathematics, (2) providing mathematical consultation, and (3) operating a computational service, using both digital and analog machines. Publications, papers, seminars, lectures, and courses are listed. A summary listing of computer programs developed or in progress is given. (For prec… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Mathematics Division Summary Report for July 1, 1959 Through June 30, 1960

Description: A summary of each computer program initiated during the report period together with code symbols indicating the extent to which information concerning the program is readily available are given. Programs previously reported are included if changes were made or additional information concerning them was placed in the program library. Abstracts of 704 newsletters and GEORGE bulletins are presented. (For preceding period see ANL-6089.) (W.D.M.)
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Fluoride Volatilization Separations Process. Development of a fused fluoride process for dissolution of uranium-- zirconium fuel alloys continued. In corrosion tests to find a suitable container material, Ni was found to be susceptible to a sulfur-type attack. Hastelloy B showed promise, and graphite offers excellent chemical resistance but poor mechanical strength. The dissolution rate of Zr in NaF-- ZrF as affected by impingement of the HF sparge was studied. Production of UF/sub 6/ by fluidi… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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