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open access

25 content of initial lots of Hanford UO{sub 3}

Description: At the time the first UO{sub 3} from so-called ``full-level`` Redox runs was shipped from 224U, the % U{sub 235} as determined in 222-S appeared high when compared with theoretical values from the burn-out curve. Close agreement between the 222-S results and % U{sub 235} determined by K-25 on lots 007, 008, and 009, however, indicated that a considerable heel of cold uranium in Redox had been blended with the first ``full level`` material. This explanation has been verified by data collected ov… more
Date: May 28, 1952
Creator: Work, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[50 year anniversary of Lone Star Gas]

Description: Photograph of an advertisement for Lone Star Gas. The advertisement is in a triangle shape and along the sides of the triangle is a white strip with the words "Magic Flame of Progress 1909 50 Golden Years 1959" inside of it. In the middle of this white strip is a darker triangle that has black lines shooting out of a star in the center that has the words "Lone Star Gas" under it. This star has tear drop shapes that are filled in with a gradient of four colors in each point of the star.
Date: May 28, 1959
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

100 Areas technical activities report -- Engineering, May, 1950

Description: This report discusses progress made by the Physical Chemistry Group and Pile Engineering Groups. Topics covered are as follows: x-ray studies--tube bore mining; physical expansion of capsule exposures; special capsule exposures; pile annealing; thermal conductivity and pile annealing; total stored energy; Sykes stored energy method; slug corrosion rate; effect of pressure drop on slug corrosion; exposure of P-10 fuel slugs; slug corrosion weight loss variables; vertical safety rod thimble corro… more
Date: June 28, 1950
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100-Mw Nuclear Power Plant Utilizing a Sodium Cooled, Graphite Moderated Reactor

Description: The conceptual design of a 100 Mw(e) nuclear power plant is described. The plant utilized a sodium-cooled graphite-moderated reactor with stainless- steel clad. slightiy enriched UO/sub 2/ fuel. The reactor is provided with three main coolant circuits, and the steam cycle has three stages of regenerative heating. The plant control system allows automatic operation over the range of 20 to 100% load, or manual operation at all loads. The site, reactor, sodium systems, reactor auxiliaries, fuel ha… more
Date: February 28, 1958
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The amount of Ac/sup 227/ per curie of Ra/sup 226/ was calculated for various values of neutron flux and various Irradiation times. The amount of Th/ sup 228/ produced per curie of Ra/sup 226/ and the percentage of Ac/sup 227/ converted to Th/sup 228/ relative to the total amount of Ac/sup 227/ produced were also calculated. (W.D.M.)
Date: August 28, 1952
Creator: Grove, G. R.; Russell, L. N. & Orr, S. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accuracy of Relaxation Length Measurements

Description: We consider here the accuracy of relaxation lengths measured during the water-uranium lattice experiments. Since such an analysis for all measurements would take a great deal of time, we have applied it to just one lattice. This one (2:1 water-to-metal ratio) was chosen completely at random.
Date: April 28, 1953
Creator: Kouts, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addition of standard quantities of chemicals in certain reduction operations in the 234-5 Building

Description: A proposal by ``S`` Division that operations be simplified by adding fixed amounts of calcium and iodine in the reduction step as a time saving device has been investigated. Ten test runs in the 410--430 gram range have been compared with twenty normal runs made in this period. The average yields were 98.27% for the normal method and 98.26% for the test runs. No effect on individual yields by the variance in percent calcium and the iodine ratio was observed. Seventy percent of the runs normally… more
Date: September 28, 1951
Creator: Desposato, F.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Advertisement for Pure Cane]

Description: Photograph of a sack of Imperial Sugar Pure Cane to the left of the image. Someone's hands are applying decoration on a cake. There is a bowl filled with frosting and birthday candles next to the cake. On the cake, there are texts that read "To Bob."
Date: September 28, 1955
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Aerodynamic characteristics of two rectangular-plan-form, all moveable controls in combination with a slender body of revolution at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.25

Description: Report presenting the results of force and moment tests at a range of Mach numbers on two rectangular-plan-form, all-movable controls in combination with a slender body of revolution are presented and compared with the predictions of theory. The results showed that lift variations with angle of attack were somewhat nonlinear for both control-body combinations tested.
Date: December 28, 1955
Creator: Wong, Thomas J. & Gloria, Hermilo R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Rectangular-plan-form, Allmovable Controls in Combination With a Slender Body of Revolution at Mach Numbers From 3.00 to 6.25

Description: Aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular platform, all-movable controls combined with slender body of revolution at Mach 3 to 6.25. The results showed that lift variations with angle of attack were somewhat nonlinear for both control-body combinations tested.
Date: December 28, 1955
Creator: Wong, Thomas J. & Gloria, Hermilo R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics in Sideslip of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without a Fence at High Subsonic Speeds

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the effects of sideslip on the aerodynamic loading characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 for a range of angles of attack, angles of sideslip, and Mach numbers. The load distributions, root bending-moment coefficient, and rolling moment due to sidestep were explored.
Date: January 28, 1955
Creator: Kuhn, Richard E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aeronautical interference effects on normal and axial force coefficients of several engine-strut-body configurations at Mach numbers of 1.8 and 2.0

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the aerodynamic interference effects associated with a missile configuration, consisting of a pointed body of revolution with one or two ramjet engines strut-mounted in a vertical plane through the center line of the body, at several engine locations relative to the body and a range of angles of attack. The experimental data indicated increases in slope of the normal force curve with outward movement of the engines. Results regarding the characteristics of … more
Date: April 28, 1952
Creator: Kremzier, Emil J. & Dryer, Murray
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerosol Collection by Wetted Fiberglass Media

Description: A wet collection system for aerosols has been developed using fibrous media. Tests show the performance to be in accord with recently developed theory of collection by fibrous media. The effects of varying aerosol particle size, particle density, and gas velocity have indicated that inertial impaction is the primary collection mechanism. Three-year operating experience on several full scale plant installations shows reliable performance.
Date: April 28, 1954
Creator: Leary, Joseph A.; Clark, Robert A.; Hammond, R. Philip & Leopold, Charles S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Report For Period Ending June 10, 1955

Description: The development of the reactor layout is continuing. New features that have been incorporated because of stress, fluid flow, or fabricability considerations include an elliptical fuel expansion tank, a rounded dome to enclose the top of the reactor, a newly designed sodium pump impeller, and other related items. Recently completed heat exchanger tests yielded consistent data from which a series of heat exchangers is being designed. The most promising of these will be chosen for the ART.
Date: July 28, 1955
Creator: Jordan, W. H.; Cromer, S. J.; Strough, R. I.; Miller, A. J. & Savolainen, A. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude performance and operational characteristics of 29-inch-diameter tail-pipe burner with several fuel systems and fuel-cooled stage-type flame holders on J35-A-5 turbojet engine

Description: An investigation of tail-pipe burning was conducted in the NACA Lewis altitude wind tunnel with a full-scale turbojet engine and an 29-inch-diameter tail-pipe burner. Effects of fuel distribution and number and arrangement of stages on performance and operational characteristics of several fuel-cooled flame holders are presented and discussed. Operation with a three-stage flame holder having the large stage upstream was the most efficient. Combustion efficiency was slightly increased at high al… more
Date: April 28, 1950
Creator: Golladay, Richard L. & Bloomer, Harry E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude performance of a full-scale turbojet engine using pentaborane fuels

Description: From Introduction: "The data presented herein include the standard engine performance parameters of net thrust, specific fuel consumption, and engine total-pressure ratio that reflect the performance available from the use of pentaborane as a fuel. The influence of the boric oxide deposits from the high-concentration pentaborane fuels on engine component performance is presented."
Date: February 28, 1957
Creator: Useller, James W.; Kaufman, Warner B. & Jones, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude performance of J71-A-2(600-D1) turbojet engine

Description: From Introduction: "As part of a complete investigation of the J71-A-2(600-D1) turbojet engine conducted in an altitude test chamber at the NACA Lewis laboratory, the steady-state altitude performance, with afterburner inoperative and ejector shroud removed, was obtained and is presented herein. The component performance of the J71-A-2(600-D1) turbojet engine is presented in reference 1. The effects of compressor interstage bleed and adjustable inlet guide vanes on compressor-stall characterist… more
Date: December 28, 1956
Creator: Smith, Ivan D. & Sivo, Joseph N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude Performance of the Afterburner on the Iroquois Turbojet Engine. Coord. No. AF-P-6

Description: "The performance and operational characteristics of two afterburner configurations for the Iroquois turbojet engine were evaluated in an altitude test chamber over a range of afterburner equivalence ratios at afterburner-inlet pressures from 733 to 3186 pounds per square foot absolute. These conditions correspond to an altitude range from 38,700 to 66,800 feet at a flight Mach number of 1.5. The only difference between the two afterburner configurations was in the pattern of afterburner fuel in… more
Date: July 28, 1958
Creator: Groesbeck, Donald E. & Peters, Daniel J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of 100-K emergency water requirements after CGI-844 pump failure

Description: The demand plot has a 5-set, modified pump decay curve; it shows that 20,000 gpm emergency flow would be required within 80 seconds of complete pump power failure. Bases for the demand curve are constant bulk inlet temperature of 2 C, constant bulk outlet temperature of 95 C, K-3 I&E fuel elements, and initial reactor flow of 188,000 gpm.
Date: May 28, 1959
Creator: Corlett, R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of a Pressure-Jet Power Plant for Helicopter

Description: From Introduction: "In comparison with the shaft-driven rotor, the jet rotor is shown in references 1 and 2 to provide direct reductions in helicopter empty weight and to increase the pay-load capacity by (1) eliminating the gear-reduction train between the rotor shaft and the power plant, (2) eliminating the antitorque tail rotor, and (3) using a power plant of low specific weight."
Date: March 28, 1955
Creator: Krebs, Richard P. & Miller, William S., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical Chemistry Division Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending January 10, 1951

Description: Technical report covering experiments happening on the Analytical Chemistry Division's sites at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Includes information on ionic analyses, radiochemical analyses, spectrochemical analyses, service analyses, inorganic preparations, analytical chemical control of homogeneous reactor solution, optical and electron microscopy, and service analyses. [From Abstract]
Date: March 28, 1951
Creator: Kelley, M. T. & Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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