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open access

Beta and Gamma Dose Rates From Terrestrially Distributed Sources

Description: Report that examines the dose rate of radiation in the air and in a test subject due to radioactive materials (uranium, thorium, and potassium) that are present in the ground. The test subject in these experiments is a water cylinder that is meant to receive radiation in a manner similar to a person.
Date: October 28, 1957
Creator: O'Brien, Keran; Lowder, Wayne M. & Solon, Leonard R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Full-Scale Evaluation of Some Flameholder Design Concepts for High-Inlet-Velocity Afterburners

Description: Memorandum presenting an investigation of a full-scale afterburner with high burner-inlet velocity conducted to determine burner performance with several variations in burner design. Variables receiving particular attention were flameholder design and burner length. Results regarding diffuser performance, performance of the reference two-V-gutter flameholder, designs to improve combustion for high-velocity conditions, and operational characteristics are provided.
Date: June 28, 1956
Creator: Prince, William R.; Velie, Wallace W. & Braithwaite, Willis M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Effects of Flow Spoilers and of Aerodynamic Balance on the Oscillating Hinge Moments for a Swept Fin-Rudder Combination in a Transonic Wind Tunnel

Description: Memorandum presenting force-oscillation tests made in the 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel to investigate some effects of an overhang-type aerodynamic balance and of a flow spoiler on the dynamic hinge-moment characteristics of a full-span flap-type rudder on a 5-percent-thick, swept vertical fin of low aspect ratio. Test results how that the aerodynamic damping moment on the plain rudder becomes unstable near a Mach number of 0.975 and remains unstable to the maximum speed of the tests.
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Herr, Robert W.; Gibson, Frederick W. & Osborne, Robert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Rectangular-plan-form, Allmovable Controls in Combination With a Slender Body of Revolution at Mach Numbers From 3.00 to 6.25

Description: Aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular platform, all-movable controls combined with slender body of revolution at Mach 3 to 6.25. The results showed that lift variations with angle of attack were somewhat nonlinear for both control-body combinations tested.
Date: December 28, 1955
Creator: Wong, Thomas J. & Gloria, Hermilo R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamic Stability Investigation of Two Right Circular Cylinders in Axial Free Flight at Mach Numbers From 0.4 to 1.7 Fineness-Ratio- 2.56 Cylinder and Fineness-Ratio-4.0 Cylinder With Flared Afterbody

Description: Memorandum presenting two right circular cylinders tested in axial free flight over a Mach number range of 0.4 to 1.7 by using the rocket-boosted-model technique. Results regarding time history, basic data cross plots, center of pressure, and drag are provided.
Date: February 28, 1957
Creator: McFall, John C., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium as High-Temperature Internal Coolants With Several Skin Materials

Description: Memorandum presenting an investigation of hemispherical nose shapes of titanium, stainless steel coated with aluminum oxide, and uncoated stainless steel with lithium hydride and magnesium as internal coolants. Results regarding titanium models, stainless-steel models (uncoated), stainless-steel models coated with aluminum oxide, solution effects on the decomposition temperature of lithium hydride, effect of lithium hydride and magnesium on temperature measurements, and efficiency of models coo… more
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Modisette, Jerry L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Feasibility Study of the Flare-Cylinder Configuration as a Reentry Body Shape for an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

Description: "A study has been made of a flare-cylinder configuration to investigate its feasibility as a reentry body of an intermediate range ballistic missile. Factors considered were heating, weight, stability, and impact velocity. A series of trajectories covering the possible range of weight-drag ratios were computed for simple truncated nose shapes of varying pointedness, and hence varying weight-drag ratios" (p. 1).
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Hall, James R. & Garland, Benjamine J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of a Power-on Flight of a 1/10-Scale Rocket-Propelled Model of the Convair XF2Y-1 Airplane at a Mach Number of 1.53

Description: Report discussing testing on a scale model of the Convair XF2Y-1 airplane with solid-fuel rocket motors that simulate full-scale turbojet-engine characteristics at a height of 35,000 feet with full afterburning at Mach number 1.53. The model was found to have dynamic lateral instability, but these results were not likely to be found in a full-scale airplane. Information about the pitching moment, directional stability, lift-curve slope, and drag coefficients is provided.
Date: September 28, 1953
Creator: Bland, William M., Jr. & Nelson, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Full-scale, free-jet investigation of methods of improving outlet flow distribution in a side-inlet supersonic diffuser

Description: Report presenting a full-scale, free-jet investigation to determine the performance of a side-inlet supersonic diffuser designed for a flight Mach number of 2.75. Several internal modifications made to improve diffuser-outlet flow uniformity were also evaluated. Results regarding the general characteristics of the diffuser and effect of diffuser modifications on flow distribution are provided.
Date: March 28, 1955
Creator: Farley, John M. & Seashore, Ferris L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Various Heat Exchangers for Liquid-Metal Nuclear Turbojet Over Range of Flight and Operating Conditions

Description: Memorandum presenting an analysis of a large number of liquid-metal-to-air heat-exchanger cores for the nuclear-powered liquid-metal turbojet cycle to determine which types yield the best overall net thrust per total engine weight. The performances of all exchangers considered were initially evaluated at a median condition. The performance of the best of each of the four types was compared with that of a shell-and-tube exchanger with the air flowing through the tubes, operating at the same cond… more
Date: April 28, 1958
Creator: Ragsdale, Robert G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance of a Blunt-lip Side Inlet With Ramp Bleed, Bypass, and a Long Constant-area Duct Ahead of the Engine- Mach Numbers 0.66 and 1.5 to 2.1

Description: Report presenting the performance of a side inlet with a fixed 12 degree two-dimensional compression surface for a range of Mach numbers, angles of attack, and yaw. The effects of several methods of compression-surface boundary-layer removal were investigated as well as a solid ramp.
Date: December 28, 1956
Creator: Allen, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-flight Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Stability Characteristics of a Tailless Missile Configuration Having a 45 Deg Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 4

Description: Free flight test of tailless missile configuration with 45-deg sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 - stability at transonic speeds. The longitudinal flexible-wing results indicated a gradual transonic trim change a lift-curve slope comparable with that for the same configuration with a wing of aspect ratio 5.5. Results regarding trim characteristics, lift and longitudinal stability, and side-force and lateral stability are provided.
Date: August 28, 1956
Creator: Arbic, Richard G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics as Determined by the Rocket-Model Technique for an Inline, Cruciform, Canard Missile Configuration With a Low-Aspect-Ratio Wing Having Trailing-Edge Flap Controls for a Mach Number Range of 0.7 to 1.8

Description: Report presenting testing of two full-scale models of an inline, cruciform, canard missile configuration with a low-aspect-ratio wing equipped with flap-type controls to determine the missile's longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics. Stability derivatives and control and drag characteristics are provided.
Date: September 28, 1955
Creator: Baber, Hal T., Jr. & Moul, Martin T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supersonic Investigation of the Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a Ballistic-Missile Configuration

Description: Memorandum presenting a free-flight investigation to determine the lift, drag, static stability, and hinge-moment characteristics of a rocket-powered model of a rocket-powered model of a ballistic-missile configuration at supersonic speeds. The model consisted essentially of a body of fineness ratio 16.9 and a cruciform set of small 60 degree delta fins located approximately 1 body diameter from the base of the body. The model lift and pitching-moment coefficients were nonlinear with angle of a… more
Date: September 28, 1956
Creator: Gillespie, Warren, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering

Description: Results regarding testing of steel projectiles fired into copper targets at velocities from 5,000 to 11,500 feet per second, which indicated that as target temperature is increased, the crater size also increases. Twenty-two caliber steel cylinders and steel spheres were used as projectiles.
Date: July 28, 1958
Creator: Kinard, William H. & Lambert, C. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight

Description: Chemical sublimation has been employed for boundary-layer-flow visualization on the wings of a supersonic fighter airplane in level flight at speeds near a Mach number of 2.0. The tests have shown that laminar flow can be obtained over extensive areas of the wing with practical wing-surface conditions. In addition to the flow visualization tests, a method of continuously monitoring the conditions of the boundary layer has been applied to flight testing, using heated temperature resistance gages… more
Date: July 28, 1958
Creator: Banner, Richard D.; McTigue, John G. & Petty, Gilbert, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of Jet Effects on Adjacent Surfaces

Description: "The steady pressure loads as well as the temperature change on adjacent surfaces due to the presence of a propulsive jet at subsonic speeds is shown to be insignificant. Whereas at supersonic speeds the temperature effect might be expected to remain insignificant, the steady pressure loads were shown to increase greatly on surfaces downstream of the propulsive jet exit" (p. 1).
Date: June 28, 1955
Creator: Bressette, Walter E. & Faget, Maxime A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Attenuation of Tangential-Pressure Oscillations in a Liquid-Oxygen-n-Heptane Rocket Engine With Longitudinal Fins

Description: Attenuation of tangent-pressure oscillation in liquid-oxygen-heptane rocket engine combustion chamber using longitudinal fin. Results regarding the engine performance with injector A, effect of fins with injector A, and destructiveness of screaming are provided.
Date: June 28, 1956
Creator: Priem, Richard J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight

Description: Report presenting tests of the extent of laminar flow that can be obtained with practical wing-surface conditions. Chemical sublimation was used for boundary-layer-flow visualization on the wings of a supersonic fighter airplane in level flight. A method of continuous monitoring using heat temperature resistance gauges was also used on one wing.
Date: July 28, 1958
Creator: Banner, Richard D.; McTigue, John G. & Petty, Gilbert, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance of High-Pressure-Ratio Axial-Flow Compressor Using Highly Cambered Naca 65-Series Blower Blades at High Mach Numbers

Description: "A complete stage of an axial-flow compressor was designed and built to investigate the possibility of obtaining a high pressure ratio with an acceptable efficiency through the use of the optimum combination of high blade loading and high relative inlet Mach number. Over-all stage performance was investigated over a range of flows at equivalent tip speeds of 418 to 836 feet per second. At design speed (836 ft/sec), a peak total-pressure ration of 1.445 was obtained with an adiabatic efficiency … more
Date: March 28, 1950
Creator: Voit, Charles H.; Guentert, Donald C. & Dugan, James F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude performance and operational characteristics of 29-inch-diameter tail-pipe burner with several fuel systems and fuel-cooled stage-type flame holders on J35-A-5 turbojet engine

Description: An investigation of tail-pipe burning was conducted in the NACA Lewis altitude wind tunnel with a full-scale turbojet engine and an 29-inch-diameter tail-pipe burner. Effects of fuel distribution and number and arrangement of stages on performance and operational characteristics of several fuel-cooled flame holders are presented and discussed. Operation with a three-stage flame holder having the large stage upstream was the most efficient. Combustion efficiency was slightly increased at high al… more
Date: April 28, 1950
Creator: Golladay, Richard L. & Bloomer, Harry E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Measurements of the Buffet Boundary and Peak Airplane Normal-Force Coefficients at Mach Numbers Up to 0.90

Description: Report presenting measurements of the buffet boundary and peak normal-force coefficients for the Douglas D-558-II airplane up to a Mach number of 0.90. Results regarding airplane lift curves and a comparison between the maximum normal-force coefficients and buffet boundaries for this particular aircraft and the Bell X-1 airplane are also provided.
Date: August 28, 1950
Creator: Mayer, John P. & Valentine, George M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fundamental flame velocities of pure hydrocarbons 1: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes benzene, and cyclohexane

Description: The flame velocities of 37 pure hydrocarbons including normal and branched alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes; as well as benzene and cyclohexane, together with the experimental technique employed are presented. The normal alkanes have about the same flame velocity from ethane through heptane with methane being about 16 percent lower. Unsaturation increases the flame velocity in the order of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. Branching reduces the flame velocity.
Date: September 28, 1950
Creator: Gerstein, Melvin; Levine, Oscar & Wong, Edgar L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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