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open access


Description: Recent strong experimental evidence of a narrow exotic S = +1 baryon resonance, {Theta}{sup +}, suggests the existence of other exotic baryons. We discuss the prospects of confirming earlier experimental evidence of {Theta}{sup +} and the observation of additional hypothetical exotic baryons in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilations and {gamma}{gamma} collisions at LEP and B Factories.
Date: June 28, 2004
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Up-to-date p-p Interaction Modeling and Secondary gamma, e+/- and Neutrino Spectra in Astronomical Environment

Description: We have calculated spectra of stable secondary particles ({gamma}, e{sup {+-}}, {nu}{sub e}, {bar {nu}}{sub e}, {nu}{sub {mu}}{bar {nu}}{sub {mu}}) produced in high energy p-p interactions in astrophysical environment. The calculation has incorporated the up-to-date rising inelastic cross-sections, the diffraction dissociation process, and the Feynman scaling violation for the first time. We then found that the diffractive process makes secondary particle spectra harder than that of the inciden… more
Date: June 28, 2005
Creator: Abe, T.; Kamae, T.; Karlsson, N.; Koi, T. & Mizuno, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Multiphonon Resonance Raman Scattering in InGaN

Description: In In{sub x}Ga{sub 1-x}N epitaxial films with 0.37 < x < 1 and free electron concentrations in the 10{sup 18} cm{sup -3} range, strong resonant Raman scattering of A{sub 1}(LO) phonon is observed for laser excitation in Raman scattering when excited above the direct band gaps. Examination of films with direct band gaps between 0.7 and 1.9 eV using laser energies from 1.9 to 2.7 eV shows that the resonance is broad, extending to up to 2 eV above the direct gap. Multiphonon Raman scattering… more
Date: June 28, 2005
Creator: Ager, J. W., III; Walukiewicz, W.; Shan, W.; Yu, K. M.; Li, S. X.; Haller, E. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TA-RNN: an attention-based time-aware recurrent neural network architecture for electronic health records

Description: In this article the authors propose two interpretable DL architectures based on RNN, namely time-aware RNN (TA-RNN) and TA-RNN-autoencoder (TA-RNN-AE) to predict patient’s clinical outcome in EHR at the next visit and multiple visits ahead, respectively. For interpretability, the authors propose employing a dual-level attention mechanism that operates between visits and features within each visit.
Date: June 28, 2024
Creator: Al Olaimat, Mohammad & Bozdag, Serdar
Partner: UNT College of Engineering
open access

The 2010 Oil Spill: Criminal Liability Under Wildlife Laws

Description: In April 2010 an explosion occurred on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, reportedly killing 11 people, and, according to federal experts, causing the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Millions of barrels of oil are believed to have leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. As the oil spreads, the implications for harm to wildlife grow. The United States has many laws that protect wildlife from harm. This report discusses three: the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Migrator… more
Date: June 28, 2010
Creator: Alexander, Kristina
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Coherent FMCW LIDAR Mapping System for Automated Tissue Debridment

Description: The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is developing a prototype 850-nm FMCW lidar system for mapping tissue damage in burn cases for the US Army Medical Research and Material Command. The laser system will provide a 3D-image map of the burn and surrounding area and provide tissue damage assessment.
Date: June 28, 1999
Creator: Allgood, Glenn O.; Hutchinson, Donald P. & Richards, Roger K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alpha particle response characterization of CdZnTe

Description: The coplanar-grid as well as other electron-only detection techniques are effective in overcoming some of the material problems of CdZnTe and, consequently, have led to efficient gamma-ray detectors with good energy resolution while operating at room temperature. The performance of these detectors is limited by the degree of uniformity in both electron generation and transport. Despite recent progress in the growth of CdZnTe material, small variations in these properties remain a barrier to the… more
Date: June 28, 2001
Creator: Amman, Mark; Lee, Julie S. & Luke, Paul N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scotts Valley Energy Office and Human Capacity Building that will provide energy-efficiency services and develop sustainable renewable energy projects.

Description: The primary goal of this project is to develop a Scotts Valley Energy Development Office (SVEDO). This office will further support the mission of the Tribe's existing leadership position as the DOE Tribal Multi-County Weatherization Energy Program (TMCWEP) in creating jobs and providing tribal homes and buildings with weatherization assistance to increase energy efficiency, occupant comfort and improved indoor air quality. This office will also spearhead efforts to move the Tribe towards its fu… more
Date: June 28, 2013
Creator: Anderson, Temashio
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of Solid-State Amidization and Imidization Reactions in Vapor Deposited Poly (amic acid)

Description: The condensation polymerization reaction of 4,4'-oxydianiline (ODA) with pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) to form poly(amic acid) and the subsequent imidization reaction to form polyimide were investigated for films prepared using vapor deposition polymerization techniques. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal analysis, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) of films at different temperatures indicate that additional so… more
Date: June 28, 2004
Creator: Anthamatten, M; Letts, S A; Day, K; Cook, R C; Gies, A P; Hamilton, T P et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sludge source term (PUREX process radionuclide dose impact)

Description: This report analyzes the radionuclide dose impact of the PUREX process waste stream. The radionuclide ingestion and inhalation pathways are analyzed. Two spent fuel assemblies processed in the Separation facilities are analyzed, the Mark 31A and Mark 31B. The individual radionuclide significance to dose is evaluated in terms of dose percentage. Comparing the radionuclide individual dose value allows the determination of those radionuclides whose dose impact is significant. The results of this a… more
Date: June 28, 1994
Creator: Aponte, C. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - FEMP Technical Assistance - Federal Aviation Administration - Project 209 - Control Tower and Support Building, Boise, Idaho

Description: This report documents an energy audit performed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Redhorse Corporation (Redhorse) conducted on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) control tower and base building in Boise, Idaho. This report presents findings of the energy audit team that evaluated construction documents and operating specifications (at the 100% level) followed by a site visit of the facility under construction. The focus of the review was to identify measures that could … more
Date: June 28, 2010
Creator: Arends, J. & Sandusky, William F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Encapsulation of high-purity germanium detectors

Description: The encapsulation of high-purity germnium detectors is very desirable in order to increase their versatility and reliability. However, rapid and extensive degradation is seen for all detectors made from detector grade crystals which are encapsulated in a simple vacuum. Extensive studies have shown that the cause of this degradation is hydrogen adsorption on the detector surface. There it causes the formation of a strong p/sup +/ inversion layer which in turn shunts the detector junction. Reliab… more
Date: June 28, 1973
Creator: Armantrout, G. A.; Wichner, R. & Swierkowski, S. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Second Generation Waste Package Design Study

Description: The following describes the objectives of Project Activity 023 “Second Generation Waste Package Design Study” under DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FC28-04RW12232. The objectives of this activity are: to review the current YMP baseline environment and establish corrosion testenvironments representative of the range of dry to intermittently wet conditions expected in the drifts as a function of time; to demonstrate the oxidation and corrosion resistance of A588 weathering steel and reference Alloy … more
Date: June 28, 2007
Creator: Armijo, J. S.; Misra, M. & Kar, Piyush
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Non-Fermi Liquid scaling in UPd{sub x}Cu{sub 5-x}(x = 1,1.5)

Description: We have determined the inelastic magnetic response S({omega}) of UPd{sub x}cu{sub 5{minus}x} (X=1,1.5) for temperatures from 0.3 to 300 K and energies between 05 and 400 meV using the neutron time of flight technique. S({omega}) is virtually identical in the two compound, displaying marginal Fermi Liquid scaling over the entire range of temperatures, as well as scale invariant energetics.
Date: June 28, 1994
Creator: Aronson, M. C.; Osborn, R.; Robinson, R. A.; Lynn, J. W.; Chau, R.; Seaman, C. L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modeling and Analysis of the Ranchero Coaxial Explosive Pulse Power Generator System

Description: A key element in the design of a coaxial generator system is the simplicity of the geometry. The clean cylindrical geometry allows us a reasonable chance at modeling RANCHERO performance using our 1D and 2D MHD modeling codes. The results of numerical simulations have been compare to several tests of the RANCHERO system in a variety of configurations. Recent comparisons of 1D calculations with the REOT-2 data have been extremely good and suggest that the generator is behaving in a very 1D like … more
Date: June 28, 1999
Creator: Atchison, W.L.; Goforth, J.H.; Lindemuth, I.R. & Reinovsky, R.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Branching Fraction and P-violation Charge Asymmetry Measurements for B-meson Decays to eta K+-, eta pi+-, eta'K, eta' pi+-, omega K, and omega pi+-

Description: The authors present measurements of the branching fractions for B{sup 0} meson decays to {eta}{prime}K{sup 0} and {omega}K{sup 0}, and of the branching fractions and CP-violation charge asymmetries for B{sup +} meson decays to {eta}{pi}{sup +}, {eta}K{sup +}, {eta}{prime}{pi}{sup +}, {eta}{prime}K{sup +}, {omega}{pi}{sup +}, and {omega}K{sup +}. The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, represent 383 million B{bar B} pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -… more
Date: June 28, 2007
Creator: Aubert, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Using Weather Data and Climate Model Output in Economic Analyses of Climate Change

Description: Economists are increasingly using weather data and climate model output in analyses of the economic impacts of climate change. This article introduces a set of weather data sets and climate models that are frequently used, discusses the most common mistakes economists make in using these products, and identifies ways to avoid these pitfalls. We first provide an introduction to weather data, including a summary of the types of datasets available, and then discuss five common pitfalls that empiri… more
Date: June 28, 2013
Creator: Auffhammer, Maximilian; Hsiang, Solomon M.; Schlenker, Wolfram & Sobel, Adam H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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