Search Results

Primary view of Safety Analysis Report : Snaptran 2/10A-1 Safety Tests
Waage, J. M.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Automatic Neutronics Calibration
Kendziorek, W.M.
January 28, 1963
Rankin, M. & Fowler, T. K.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Loading, operating conditions, and water shutoff times for a charge of twelve 17-inch N inner fuel tubes or twelve 18-inch U-2 w/o Zr elements, PT-IP-536-A and PT-IP-536-A, Supplement B
Kratzer, W. K. & Wise, M. J.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Economic analysis of 10-inch and 12-inch fuel element production for three separate conditions
Grubb, F. W.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Some Further Remarks on Beam Current Measurements in the AGS
Raka, E. C.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of A Simple Theory of the Process P+P → D+W+
Bernstein, Jeremy
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Penetration Effects in Magnetic-Dipole L-shell Internal Conversion
Church, E. L.
January 28, 1963
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