Search Results

Primary view of Automatic Neutronics Calibration
Kendziorek, W.M.
January 28, 1963
Rankin, M. & Fowler, T. K.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Economic analysis of 10-inch and 12-inch fuel element production for three separate conditions
Grubb, F. W.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Loading, operating conditions, and water shutoff times for a charge of twelve 17-inch N inner fuel tubes or twelve 18-inch U-2 w/o Zr elements, PT-IP-536-A and PT-IP-536-A, Supplement B
Kratzer, W. K. & Wise, M. J.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Penetration Effects in Magnetic-Dipole L-shell Internal Conversion
Church, E. L.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Safety Analysis Report : Snaptran 2/10A-1 Safety Tests
Waage, J. M.
January 28, 1963
Primary view of A Simple Theory of the Process P+P → D+W+
Bernstein, Jeremy
January 28, 1963
Primary view of Some Further Remarks on Beam Current Measurements in the AGS
Raka, E. C.
January 28, 1963
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