Loading, operating conditions, and water shutoff times for a charge of twelve 17-inch N inner fuel tubes or twelve 18-inch U-2 w/o Zr elements, PT-IP-536-A and PT-IP-536-A, Supplement B
Production test IP-536-A authorizes the irradiation of N Reactor inner fuel tubes in KER-1 and KER-2. Supplement B, PT-IP-536-A, authorizes the irradiation of N Reactor inner fuel tubes prepared from a U-2 w/o Zr alloy. Both tests require that specific operating conditions and trip settings for particular loadings be approved by the managers of the Process and Reactor Development Sub-Section and the Process Technology Sub-Section prior to charging. The purpose of this document is to provide the…
January 28, 1963
Kratzer, W. K. & Wise, M. J.
UNT Libraries Government Documents Department