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open access

Isotopic Analysis of Boron as Trimethyl Borate

Description: Boron-impregnated polyethylene tape was irradiated in the Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility to study the effect of boron as a burnable poison in reactor fuel. Isotopic analysis of the boron was performed with a conventional CEC Model 21-103 mass spectrometer. The tape was distilled off and the residual boron was converted to trimethyl borate. The reaction mixture was analyzed without separation. Good precision was obtained with samples containing less than 0.5 mg. boron. Features of th… more
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Abernathey, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Effects of Some Spray Column Variables on Radiant-Heat Transfer in Spray Calcination

Description: Calcination of liquid radioactive wastes, the process of converting metal nitrates and sulfates to oxides by heat, is under development at Hanford as a means of reducing these liquids to a dry powder or solid which can be stored safely. Radiant-heat spray calcination, one of the methods under study, was first investigated at the Oak Ridge K-25 Plant (1) as a possible method of calcining uranyl nitrate to uranium trioxide. The process has also been under extensive development at the Pulp and Pap… more
Date: April 28, 1960
Creator: Allemann, Rudolph Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Statistical Geometry Of Bubble Tracks

Description: An exact treatment of the structure of tracks in nuclear research emulsion recently was attempted with some success. Many of the proofs also appear to be generally valid for bubble tracks in Wilson chambers. This is a summary of the results that are applicable to tracks of charged particles in bubble chambers.
Date: September 28, 1960
Creator: Barkas, Walter H. (Walter Henry), 1912-1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: From Tamalpais debris crushed to <53 mu , 5.5, 19.6, and 12.5 f the alpha, beta, and gamma activities, respectively, were leached in 72 hr at room temperature by a 100 to 1 weight excess of ground water from the Nevada test site. The extracted alpha-activity material was> 97% Pu/sup 239/ and < 3% Am/sup 241/, and the gamma was 92% Ru/sup106/, 4.7% ZrNb/sup 95/, and 3.1% Cs/137/. The beta activities could not be identified. The ground water leached 10 to 20 times as high a percentage of activity… more
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Bond, W. D. & Clark, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inventory radioactive liquid waste to ground 200 Areas, 1945--1959

Description: Since startup in January 1945 through December 1959, 4 {times} 10{sup 9} gallons of radioactive liquid wastes have been discharged to cribs and trenches at HAPO by the Chemical Processing Department facilities in the 200 Areas. These wastes contained approximately 2.5 {times} 10{sup 6} curies of beta emitters. The Scavenged Waste Recovery Program was completed in 1957 and Redox Plant process changes were made during the latter part of 1958. These changes resulted in significant reduction in the… more
Date: July 28, 1960
Creator: Brown, G. D. & McConiga, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EEN-333, revised getter flash procedure

Description: EWR No. VTE-188--Tubes processed by flashing getters immediately prior to seal-off from vacuum systems are compared for total residual gas pressure to tubes processed by flashing getters after tubes were sealed off vacuum systems. Comparisons of residual pressures determined from current flows in the cold cathode ion gauge.
Date: June 28, 1960
Creator: Brown, W.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contoured I&E sleeves

Description: The feasibility of contoured I&E cans for production use has been demonstrated using our present flat base I&E sleeve (HW-37187). Studies by Process Engineering and Quality Control have shown that only a material savings would result from the use of only the contoured I&E can. Consideration was then given to the use of contoured sleeves (H-3-16879) to improve the contact areas and the resulting heat transfer during fuel assembly.
Date: June 28, 1960
Creator: Burgess, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Improved Nuclear Measuring Principle : Quarterly Progress Report No. 3 Covering the Period from December 1, 1959 to March 1, 1960

Description: This report is the third in a series of quarterly reports discussing the concept and progression of an improved method in nuclear measuring than the usage of the scintillation counter. This report indicates that in a chopped double beam system, commutation of the detector current permits selection of optimum response time and size of radioactive sources.
Date: March 28, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M. & Stone, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AN IMPROVED NUCLEAR MEASURING PRINCIPLE. Quarterly Progress Report No. 3 Covering the Period from December 1, 1959 to March 1, 1960

Description: The scintillation counter has proven to be a very valuable research tool, but urfortunately, its ability to meet necessary stability requirements has restricted its use in industrial applications. Several techniques are being investigated which cancel out reasonable variations in detector sensitivity, resulting in improved stability. The general technique consists of alternately measuring the intensity transmitted through the sample and through a calibrated absorber, and difference in intensity… more
Date: March 28, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrides of Titanium, Yttrium, and Zirconium: a Bibliography

Description: This bibliography contains 94 references on metal hydrides, with particular emphasis placed on the hydrides of titanium, yttrium, and zirconium. The bibliography covers the period 1955 through 1959. The references are arranged alphabetically by title. Sources used in compiling this bibliography are: Applied Science and Technology Index, Abstracts of Classified Reports, ASM Review of Metal Literature, Bibliographies of Interest to the Atomic Energy Program, Classified and Unclassified Parts, Ind… more
Date: April 28, 1960
Creator: Cernak, Elizabeth A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Current Pulsed Electron Accelerator

Description: The most important component required for the Astron experimental facility is a high energy, high current, pulsed electron accelerator. A thin cylindrical layer of high energy electrons trapped within an axially symmetric magnetic field is the key feature of the Astron thermonuclear device. The trapping magnetic field is constant in time. Therefore, it is not possible to inject electrons and trap the electrons in this field unless during the injection phase a part of the electron energy is abso… more
Date: June 28, 1960
Creator: Christofilos, Nicholas C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expansion to 4.0 capacity factor: Purex Engineering Study

Description: The Purex Plant was originally designed to operate at a instantaneous rate of 8-1/3 tons of uranium per 24-hour day on a three-cycle flowsheet. Subsequently, the rate was increased to 26-2/3 T/day and the process changed to a two-cycle flowsheet. Recently, flowsheet changes made for neptunium recovery and replacements of certain critical equipment items have altered the plant`s capacity. The status of the plant is discussed in the Continuity of Operations, Plant Improvement Program, Reference 1… more
Date: October 28, 1960
Creator: Doud, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Purex Plant flowsheet for high capacity study

Description: This report contains a flowsheet which was prepared to serve as a guide for an engineering study to be made to determine the costs and revisions required to increase the capacity of the Purex Plant to a 4.0 capacity factor. The needs for such a study are outlined in documents HW-62952 (Ref. 1) and HW-63927 (Ref. 2), which include increased 100 Area production forecasts and maximizing Palm recovery by continuous recovery equipment as primary factors. The flowsheet, shown graphically on the flows… more
Date: March 28, 1960
Creator: Geier, R. G. & Duckworth, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The compatibility of carbon and graphite matrices with UO/sub 2/ particles coated with Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/, BeO, nickel, niobium, and nickel- chromium alloy was investigated at several temperatures up to 3OOO deg F in flowing helium. Two different carbonaceous fillers and binders were used. As expected, the 2 to 8- mu metal coatings were badly damaged by reaction with carbon at temperatures as low as 17OO deg F. Both oxide coatings were completely destroyed after 6 hr at 3000 deg F. Considerable … more
Date: November 28, 1960
Creator: Gerds, A.F. & Smalley, A.K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Boundary Layer Between a Plasma and a Magnetic Field - I

Description: "The problem of a steady boundary layer or sheath between a plasma and a magnetic field is considered. A self-consistent transition layer is found which joins a uniform magnetic field at plus infinity with a collisionless field-free plasma region with arbitrary velocity distribution at minus infinity, i.e., a magnetic field profile is found such that the exact particle orbits in this field produce a current which gives rise to this field. An interesting feature of the solution is that, with any… more
Date: December 28, 1960
Creator: Grad, Harold, 1923-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering bases for power levels and exposures - April, 1960, thru December, 1960

Description: It is the purpose of this document to provide assistance to the Manufacturing Section personnel in determining their future operating plans. In general, the inter-relationship of such engineering parameters as flow, reactor orificing, rupture performance, etc. has been considered. The effect of these engineering parameters are summed up in our recommendations for {open_quotes}Operating Plans{close_quotes} shown graphically in this document. It is to be emphasized that these plans do not reflect… more
Date: April 28, 1960
Creator: Graves, S. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bubble Chamber Safety Meeting

Description: A description is given of bubble chambers in use and those in the design stages. Safety factors in the design and operation of a bubble chamber are discussed. Data are presented on fatige and rupture tests on glass. Data are contained on the effects of liquid helium on the tensile properties of various stainless steels. (C.J.G.)
Date: June 28, 1960
Creator: Harrer, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analog Stimulation of HRP In-Pile Slurry Loop Facility in the LITR

Description: An analog simulation is made of the HRP in-pile slurry loop in the LITR. The radiolytic gas pressure in the pressurizer is determined. This pressure is a result of the generation of radiolytic gas in the loop core. A graphical result is obtained showing the effect of catalyst activity and pressurizer flow rate on the pressure rise from radiolytic gas. The thermal behavior of the system is studied, and the response to various controller settings is predicted. Controller settings very near optimu… more
Date: November 28, 1960
Creator: Hinton, D. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Nuclide Hf182

Description: The nuclide Hf182 has been made by thermal-neutron irradiation of hafnium oxide and has been found to have a half-life of 8.5 x 10(6) years. A preliminary study ha been made of possible radiations associated with the nuclide.
Date: September 28, 1960
Creator: Hutchin, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Loading and operating conditions for PT-IP-314-A, Supplement F, in KER-1

Description: Supplement F to Production Test IP-314-A authorized an upstream thermocouple train in KER-1. This document provides fuel element loadings, operating temperatures, and trip settings for two possible charges in KER-1, one using KSE-3 heater elements and the other using KSN-3 heater elements. For a charge containing KSE-3 elements, the loading and the operating conditions are given. For a charge containing KSN-3 elements, the loading and the operating conditions are given. The desired operating te… more
Date: November 28, 1960
Creator: Kratzer, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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