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open access

Applications for Lanthanon Oxides and Other Compounds in the Ceramic Industry

Description: Separation processes for production of pure rare earth oxides in useful quantities are discussed. A review of applications of these oxides in the ceramic industry in production of glasses, glazes, porcelain enamels, refractories, abrasives, electronic ceramics, and nuclear ceramics is also presented. 46 references.
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Ploetz, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Radioiron of High Specific Activity

Description: From abstract: "A comparison has been made of methods for producing Fe59 of higher specific activity than that obtainable by irradiating natural iron in the Clinton pile. Five processes have been considered, (1) irradiation of natural iron in the Hanford piles, (2) irradiation of enriched F58 in the Clinton and Hanford piles, (3) Szilard-Chalmers enrichment using ferrocyanides in the Clinton pile, (4) collection of recoils in a phase separable from the bulk of the iron, and (5) the Co59 (n,p) F… more
Date: January 28, 1948
Creator: Swartout, J. A. & Rice, H. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interfacial Tension Measurement on A1(NO₃)₃ - H₂O - HNO₃ - Dibutyl Cellosolve System

Description: This report discusses two methods used for experimental determination of the interfacial tension of an immisible aqueous-organic system where the density of the organic phase is less than that of the aqueous phase. The methods discussed are the falling drop method and the Donnan modification/rising drop method.
Date: January 28, 1947
Creator: Turk, E. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics Division Quarterly Report: August, September and October, 1951

Description: Quarterly summary report of studies conducted through the Radiation Laboratory, University of California. Some results reported in the report may be of a preliminary or incomplete nature.
Date: January 28, 1952
Creator: University of California. Radiation Laboratory.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactivity Absorbed by Xenon-135 in the SRE

Description: Abstract: The measurement and calculation of the reactivity absorbed by Xe135 as functions of time after shutdown for the SRE are described.
Date: January 28, 1960
Creator: Woodruff, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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