Search Results

Primary view of Medicare Provisions in the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA, P.L. 106-554)
Chaikind, Hinda Ripps; Tilson, Sibyl L.; O'Sullivan, Jennifer; Merck, Carolyn L. & Smith, Madeleine T.
May 24, 2001
Primary view of Medicare Structure Reform: Background and Options
O'Sullivan, Jennifer; Chaikind, Hinda Ripps & Tilson, Sibyl L.
July 24, 2001
Primary view of Conservation Reserve Program: Status and Policy Issues
Zinn, Jeffrey A.
February 24, 1997
Primary view of U.S. Agricultural Trade: Trends, Composition, Direction, and Policy
Hanrahan, Charles E. & Dunkley, Mary L.
October 24, 2000
Primary view of Farm Commodity Programs: Sugar
Jurenas, Remy
April 24, 1998
Primary view of Animal Agriculture: Issues in the 107th Congress
Heykoop, Jerry
May 24, 2002
Primary view of Agricultural Trade Issues in the 107th Congress
Hanrahan, Charles E.; Becker, Geoffrey S. & Jurenas, Remy
June 24, 2002
Primary view of Agricultural Trade Issues in the 107th Congress
Hanrahan, Charles E.; Becker, Geoffrey S. & Jurenas, Remy
September 24, 2002
Primary view of Agricultural Export and Food Aid Programs
Hanrahan, Charles E.
July 24, 2003
Primary view of Immigration of Agricultural Guest Workers: Policy, Trends, and Legislative Issues
Wasem, Ruth Ellen & Collver, Geoffrey K.
January 24, 2003
Primary view of Air Quality Standards: The Decisionmaking Process
Blodgett, John E.; Parker, Larry & McCarthy, James E.
June 24, 1998
Primary view of EPA's Tier 2 Proposal for Stricter Vehicle Emission Standards: A Fact Sheet
Bearden, David M.
June 24, 1999
Primary view of The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species: Its Past and Future
Corn, M. Lynne
August 24, 1994
Primary view of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Controversies for the 108th Congress
Corn, M. Lynne; Gelb, Bernard A. & Baldwin, Pamela
April 24, 2003
Primary view of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Controversies for the 108th Congress
Corn, M. Lynne; Gelb, Bernard A. & Baldwin, Pamela
July 24, 2003
Primary view of Elementary and Secondary Education: Reconsideration of the Federal Role by the 107th Congress
Riddle, Wayne C. & Stedman, James B.
January 24, 2001
Primary view of The Budget for Fiscal Year 2003
Winters, Philip D.
June 24, 2002
Primary view of Item Veto and Expanded Impoundment Proposals
McMurtry, Virginia A.
January 24, 2003
Primary view of Population Assistance and Family Planning Programs: Issues for Congress
Nowels, Larry
July 24, 2002
Primary view of Population Assistance and Family Planning Programs: Issues for Congress
Nowels, Larry
July 24, 2003
Primary view of Forest Service Revenue-Sharing Payments: Legislative Issues
Gorte, Ross W.
March 24, 2000
Primary view of Child Nutrition and WIC Programs: Background and Funding
Richardson, Joe
July 24, 2003
Primary view of Lumber Imports from Canada: Issues and Events
Gorte, Ross W. & Grimmett, Jeanne J.
June 24, 2003
Primary view of Industrial Competitiveness and Technological Advancement: Debate Over Government Policy, September 24, 2003
Schacht, Wendy H.
September 24, 2003
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