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open access

Purex Pulse Column Studies-1960

Description: A series of pilot plant runs was conducted to define new cartridges for increasing the capacity in the Purex 1 Bx, 2A, lC and 2E columns and eliminate plastic cartridge failures in the HA column scrub section, the HS column and the 2A column. The most favorable designs are presented and data from the various runs are included. (J.R.D.)
Date: February 22, 1961
Creator: Jansen, G. & Richardson, G.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Calculation of the Beta Energy Absorbed by Tritiated Gases in Spherical Vessels

Description: A calculation of tritium beta energy absorption in spherical bulbs filled with mixtures of tritium and other gases is ' carried out under the empirically substantiated assumption that the energy absorption per spherical shell surrounding a point tritium source is representable by a pure exponential function. Primary and successive backscattering at the wall of the vessel is taken into account by means of a very approximate calculation. The computed energy absorption function for hydrogen gas in… more
Date: May 22, 1961
Creator: Mueller, M M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report, April 1961

Description: Pu nitrate production was above revised forecast. 141 kCi Sr-90 was isolated in Purex and stored for decay; to date, 1190 kCi has been recovered from Purex wastes. Casks of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were turned over to AEC for ORNL. Production of UO{sub 3}, Pu metal buttons, and weapon component fabrication exceeded forecasts. Purex processing continued until April 14. The Purex neptunium campaign had low yield because of loss to waste system. The cartridge in the Purex co-decontamination column scrub s… more
Date: May 22, 1961
Creator: Reinker, P. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement B to production test IP-372-K, Uranium discharging during operation KE Reactor

Description: The original test authorized the discharge of three columns of irradiated fuel elements from KE Reactor as a first step in an Operational Recharging program. Purpose of this supplement is to authorize discharge of any number of columns of irradiated fuel elements after shutdown, and to continue in force Supplement A, with changed timing of operational discharge.
Date: May 22, 1961
Creator: Frantz, C. E. & Carlson, P. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical bases and criteria expansion of overbore test facilities: C-Reactor

Description: The Overbore Test Facilities of the C Reactor are to be expanded to permit pilot testing for the complete conversion of the reactor to enlarged fuel channels. This report sets forth the technical bases and appropriate criteria to accomplish this work.
Date: May 22, 1961
Creator: Van Wormer, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TrU Facility - Alpha Box Accessories - Manipulator Operable Spherical Joint Clamp

Description: A special clamp has been designed and developed which is manipulator operable and which will clamp a standard spherical (glass) joint. This version of the clamp can be pre-adjusted to securely lock on the joint, owing to the incorporation of an adjustable seat for the over-center clamp.
Date: July 22, 1961
Creator: Klima, B.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: As the first part of a study to evaluate the economics of the various steps leading to and including the permanent disposal of high-activity liquid and solid radioactive waste, costs of interim liquid storage of acid and alkaline Purex and Thorex wastes were estimated for storage times of 0.5 to 30 years. A 6- ton/day plant was assumed, processing 1500 tons/year of uranium converter fuel at a burnup of 10,000 Mwd/ton and 270 tons/year of thorium converter fuel at a burnup of 20,000 Mwd/ton. Tan… more
Date: August 22, 1961
Creator: Bradshaw, R.L.; Perona, J.J.; Roberts, J.T. & Blomeke, J.O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On Cratering: A Brief History, Analysis, and Theory of Cratering

Description: Cratering is a subject that has been studied by many investigators for many years for many purposes. These purposes range from experimental studies of physical properties to large scale excavations using explosive charges of kiloton size. In the past ten years considerable effort has been devoted to cratering experiments for the purposes of determining the effects of cratering by nuclear explosions, with recent accent on Plowshare applications. From the large amount of data available for crater… more
Date: August 22, 1961
Creator: Nordyke, M. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement A to design of PT-IP-263-A-FP, evaluation of chemically nickel plated fuel elements

Description: Irradiation of the initial test in this program involving ten tubes of alternately charged nickel-plated C-64 alloy clad test elements and X-80001 alloy control elements has been successfully completed. The test indicated that the nickel-plate spalling problem has been resolved, as no significant spalling or flaking was observed during the post-irradiation examination. The second test in this program will be to verify that the nickel-plate integrity problem has been solved by irradiating a pilo… more
Date: August 22, 1961
Creator: Clinton, M. A. & Hodgson, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

B and D downcomer prototype data

Description: Available pressure data on the B and D downcomers and approach piping is tabulated herein. All readings were taken with an air bubbler system; readings given in psi were taken on a Bourdon-type pressure-vacuum gauge, readings given in inches of water were read on an oil-filled manometer. In each case, fluctuations occurred and the mean value was estimated by eye. Data are presented as a function of flow rate and temperature.
Date: September 22, 1961
Creator: Corley, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interim Report on the Development of an Air Pulser for Pulse Column Application

Description: The Idaho Chemical Processing Plant for several years has been studying various pulsing systems, used in extraction columns for processing irradiated nucIear fuel elements, in an effort to eliminate the mechanical difficuittes in present pulsing systems. An air puising system has been demonstrated, and a discussion is given of experimental work, pulser design, and plant operational experience with this system. It is concluded, from work completed thus far that air puising of extraction columns … more
Date: September 22, 1961
Creator: Weech, M. E.; P'Pool, R. S. & MacQueen, D. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioactivation Analysis

Description: The development of nuclear reactors and other sources of nuclear particles has provided the analyst with a new method which has been successfully applied to the determination of microgram and even submicrogram quantities of many elements. In this method, known as "radioactivation analysis," the element to be determined is "activated" through some type of nuclear reaction which produces a radioactive isotope of the element. Since the radioisotope produced decays with its own characteristic radia… more
Date: September 22, 1961
Creator: Leddicotte, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Wire Scanner for SM-1

Description: Preliminary design concepts are presented for a wire scanner for experimentally evaluating spatial variations of neutron flux in the SM-l reactor core. Results of a literature search and determination of optimum criteria for flux mapping the core in minimum time dictated requirements for design concepts and specifications. The utility of both manually instrumented and automatically instrumented wire scanners was analyzed with respect to rapidity of measurement, selectivity of detector location,… more
Date: November 22, 1961
Creator: Kemp, S. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Binary mixtures of BeO with the oxides Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/, CaO, Li/sub 2/ O, MgO, Sc/sub 2/O/sub 3/, TiO/sub 2/, Y/sub 2/O/sub 3/, and ZrO/sub 2/ were fired to temperatures in excess of 2050 deg C in an attempt to produce a stabilized cubic crystalline modification of BeO. No evidence was observed in microscopic and x-ray diffraction analyses of the cooled specimens that a cubic form of BeO had formed in the experiment. (auth)
Date: December 22, 1961
Creator: Thoma, R.E.; Friedman, H.A. & McVay, T.N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor Program. A Review of the Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor Program

Description: Presented at the Eleventh Professional Divisions Conference of the San Francisco Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Noveraber l6, l96l. The MGCR program and its objectives are discussed. The basic MGCR plant is described. The design of the Experimental Beryllium Oxide Reactor is also described. (M.C.G.)
Date: December 22, 1961
Creator: Trickett, K. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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