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open access

Molten-Salt Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report: July 1960

Description: Report containing ongoing projects and experiments undertaken by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten-Salt Reactor Program.
Date: December 22, 1960
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pyrophoricity of Uranium in Reactor Environments

Description: Report discussing information relative to the pyrophoricity of uranium for the purpose of reactor core fire safety. The report includes physical and chemical properties of uranium.
Date: January 22, 1960
Creator: Zima, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Investigations for an Advanced Engineering Test Reactor

Description: Study carried out to determine a suitable reactor system or systems for the testing of water, gas, and liquid-metal cooled fuel assemblies.
Date: February 22, 1957
Creator: Elgert, O. J.; Leyse, C. F. & Ott, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Beta-Gamma Surface Dosage Rate from Natural Uranium

Description: From summary: "Report discussing the beta-gamma dosage rate at the surface of a natural uranium disc. Measurements were taken using a Ryerson electrometer and an extrapolation ionization chamber."
Date: August 22, 1949
Creator: Kalmon, Ben
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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