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Molten-Salt Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report: July 1960

Description: Report containing ongoing projects and experiments undertaken by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten-Salt Reactor Program.
Date: December 22, 1960
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: November 1956-January 1957

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing quarterly progress of the Homogeneous Reactor Project. Progress of operations, design, development, and analysis is presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: April 22, 1957
Creator: Briggs, R. B.; Winters, C. E.; Beall, S. E.; Lane, J. A.; Bohlmann, E. G.; Bruce, F. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Trivalent Uranium with Methylene Blue

Description: A direct titrimetric method for the determination of trivalent uranium in uranium trifluoride and mixtures of fused fluoride salts was developed. The method is based on the stoichiometric oxidation of trivalent uranium to the tetravalent oxidation state with an acidic solution of methylene blue. The sample containing trivalent uranium is dissolved at room temperature in an excess of standard methylene blue solution in a carbon dioxide atmosphere; the excess oxidant is variation of the method is… more
Date: November 22, 1955
Creator: Ross, W. J.; Meyer, A. S.; White, J. C.; Kelley, N. T. & Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Influence of End Mirrors, High Density and Long Tube Length on Radial Diffusion

Description: Diffusion in an arc plasma across a magnetic field is investigated. The geometry is similar to that reported in ORNL-1890 but with the addition of magnetic mirrors on the ends of the arc chamber. It is shown that mirrors do not eliminate the "short circuit" effect. Comparison of the e-folding length, rₒ, of the radial ion density with and without mirrors, affords a direct measurement of ℓ/λ where ℓ is the arc length and λ the mean-free-path. In addition rₒ is independent of gas pressure with mi… more
Date: September 22, 1955
Creator: Simon, Albert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgy Division Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending April 30, 1952

Description: This quarterly progress report discusses ongoing work at the Metallurgy Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Topics discussed include thorium research, the preferred orientation of uranium, studies in the ceramics laboratory, the homogenous reactor program, studies in the x-ray laboratory, studies in the metallographic laboratory, the experimental plate-cladding program, and fuel and control element fabrication.
Date: September 22, 1952
Creator: Frye, John H., Jr., 1908-2001 & Bridge, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mercury Amalgam Bonding of Uranium and Copper

Description: Technical report summarizing one phase of work done to develop methods of bonding uranium to a metal which is a good conductor of heat. Silver was chosen for contact with uranium because it is easy to plate on uranium and there is no danger of brittle Ag-U compounds being formed at elevated temperatures. [From Abstract]
Date: January 22, 1951
Creator: Glasgow, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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