Search Results

Primary view of The Input Admittance of a Ring Circuit
Rees, J. R.
January 22, 1958
Primary view of HRT Sampler Development
Hannaford, B. A.
January 22, 1957
Primary view of Acceleration of Polarized Protons to Relativistic Energies
Courant, E.D.
January 22, 1962
Primary view of The Approximation with Anisotropic Effects for Cylindrical Geometry
Fleck, J.
January 22, 1953
Primary view of Composition of Solids from Purex LWW
Van Tuyl, H.H.
January 22, 1959
Primary view of Beam Separators for Bev Particles
Blewett, J. P.
January 22, 1963
Primary view of Nine-Channel Polychromator For Observation Of Time-Dependent Spectral Line Profiles
Spillman, George R. & Cooper, William S., III
January 22, 1962
Primary view of The Digging-in of a Warped Rod Into a Rib
Martin, A. V.
January 22, 1945
Primary view of [Report from Nancy Berry, January 22, 1998]
Berry, Nancy
January 22, 1992
Primary view of [NTIEVA FY98 financial report, faxed to Don Killeen from D. Jack Davis]
North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts
January 22, 1999
Primary view of Mercury Amalgam Bonding of Uranium and Copper
Glasgow, L. G.
January 22, 1951
Primary view of Reconciliation Report
unknown creator
January 22, 2003
Primary view of Report on process design studies of a tritium recovery process using dual temperature exchange with metal hydrides
Benenati, R. F.
January 22, 1976
Primary view of 3(omega) Power Balance Procedure on the NIF
Glenzer, S.; Jones, O.; Speck, D. R.; Munro, D.; Lerche, R.; Salmon, T. et al.
January 22, 2001
Primary view of A Case Study of Selected Photographic Inspection Techniques for a Transparency Regime
Pitts, W K.; Dahl, Nicole M.; Fuller, Erin S.; Geelhood, Bruce D.; Hansen, Randy R.; Knopf, Michael A. et al.
January 22, 2003
Primary view of Improving development planning in a natural gas storage field through simulation-optimization uncertainty analyses
Johnson, V M
January 22, 2001
Primary view of Final report summary of LDRD 02-LW-022''Quantum Vibrations in Molecules: A New Frontier in Computational Chemistry''
Glaesemann, K R
January 22, 2004
Primary view of Boiling limits
Vanderwater, R. G.
January 22, 1952
Primary view of Irradiation Processing Department Monthly Record Report: December 1959
Greninger, A. B.
January 22, 1960
Primary view of Radiochemistry for the rupture of a Zircaloy-2 clad seven rod cluster fuel element in KER Loop 2
Perrigo, L. D.
January 22, 1960
Primary view of Production Test IP-300-A: Irradiation of twenty inch natural uranium tube and tube elements with hot headed inner tubes
Kratzer, W. K.
January 22, 1960
Primary view of High temperature stability, interface bonding, and mechanical behavior in {beta}-NiAl and Ni{sub 3}Al matrix composites with reinforcements modified by ion beam enhanced deposition. Progress report, June 1, 1991--May 31, 1992
Grummon, D. S.
January 22, 1992
Primary view of Hanford Laboratories operation monthly activities report, December 1956
unknown creator
January 22, 1957
Primary view of Bench-scale testing of on-line control of column flotation using a novel analyzer. Quarterly technical progress report, September 21, 1992--December 31, 1992
unknown creator
January 22, 1992
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