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open access

1.1-meter bore, 8-Tesla test facility

Description: The design and fabrication of a 1.1-m bore superconducting coil for an 8- T facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory are discussed. This facility will provide the backing field required for testing large multifilamentary Nb$sub 3$Sn coils as part of the superconductor development program at Livermore. The magnet measures 1.85 m o.d., is 1.5 m in length, and is solenoid wound in four separate modules. Total cold weight of the assembly is 18,000 Kg. A NbTi superconductor is used throughout with … more
Date: November 19, 1975
Creator: Nelson, R.; Cornish, D.; Zbasnik, J.; Sackett, S. & Taylor, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1-D Van der Waals Foams Heated by Ion Beam Energy Deposition

Description: One dimensional simulations of various initial average density aluminum foams (modeled as slabs of solid metal separated by low density regions) heated by volumetric energy deposition are conducted with a Lagrangian hydrodynamics code using a van der Waals equation of state (EOS). The resulting behavior is studied to facilitate the design of future warm dense matter (WDM) experiments at LBNL. In the simulations the energy deposition ranges from 10 to 30 kJ/g and from 0.075 to 4.0 ns total pulse… more
Date: March 19, 2010
Creator: Zylstra, A; Barnard, J J & More, R M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1-MWE Heat Exchangers for OTEC Final Design Report

Description: The design of a 1 MWe OTEC heat exchanger is documented, including the designs of the evaporator and associated systems, condenser, instrumentation, and materials for corrosion/erosion control and fabrication processes. (LEW)
Date: June 19, 1980
Creator: Sprouse, A.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2.5 MHz feedforward beam loading compensation in the Fermilab Main Injector

Description: There are five 2.5 MHz ferrite cavities (h = 28) in the Main Injector with an R/Q of 500 that are presently used for coalescing for the Tevatron. For use with the Fermilab Recycler, feedforward (FF) beam loading compensation (BLC) is required on these cavities because they will be required to operate at a net of 2 kV. Under current Recycler beam conditions, the beam-induced voltage is of this order. Recently a system using a digital bucket delay module operating at 53 MHz (h = 588) was used to … more
Date: May 19, 2003
Creator: Dey, Joseph E.; Kourbanis, Ioanis & Steimel, James
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3,2-HOPO Complexes of Near-Infra-Red (NIR) Emitting Lanthanides: Sensitization of Ho(III) and Pr(III) in Aqueous Solution

Description: There is a growing interest in Near Infra-Red (NIR) emission originating from organic complexes of Ln{sup III} cations. As a major impetus, biological tissues are considerably more transparent at these low energy wavelengths when compared to visible radiation, which facilitates deeper penetration of incident and emitted light. Furthermore, the long luminescence lifetimes of Ln{sup III} complexes (eg. Yb{sup III}, {tau}{sub rad} {approx} 1 ms) when compared to typical organic molecules can be ut… more
Date: May 19, 2008
Creator: Moore, Evan G.; Szigethy, Geza; Xu, Jide; Palsson, Lars-Olof; Beeby, Andrew & Raymond, Kenneth N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[3.5% dividends]

Description: Photograph of a poster with drawings of coins on it, a small coin has "3 1/2%" written on it, and a large coin in the middle has "dividends" written on it. Behind those two coins are more with dollar signs on them. The poster is attached to a large, dark canvas.
Date: January 19, 1959
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

3-D numerical analysis of a high-gain free-electron laser

Description: We present a novel approach to the 3-dimensional high-gain free- electron laser amplifier problem. The method allows us to write the laser field as an integral equation which can be efficiently and accurately evaluated on a small computer. The model is general enough to allow the inclusion of various initial electron beam distributions to study the gain reduction mechanism and its dependence on the physical parameters. 16 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.
Date: October 19, 1988
Creator: Gallardo, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

N >= 4 Supergravity Amplitudes from Gauge Theory at One Loop

Description: We expose simple and practical relations between the integrated four- and five-point one-loop amplitudes of N {ge} 4 supergravity and the corresponding (super-)Yang-Mills amplitudes. The link between the amplitudes is simply understood using the recently uncovered duality between color and kinematics that leads to a double-copy structure for gravity. These examples provide additional direct confirmations of the duality and double-copy properties at loop level for a sample of different theories.
Date: August 19, 2011
Creator: Bern, Z.; Boucher-Veronneau, C. & Johansson, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 1

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes the opening statements from Chairman Kean and Governor McGre… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 1 hour 12 minutes 39 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 2

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes the panel on skyscraper safety issues from 9-11 family membe… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes 25 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 3

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes the panel on public/private initiatives since 9-11, with tes… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 48 minutes 11 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 4

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes multimedia presentations of initiatives across the United St… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 43 minutes 41 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 5

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes the panel on standards for emergency management and business… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 1 hour 02 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #5, November 19, 2003, Part 6

Description: Recording of the fifth public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on November 19, 2003 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. The Commission heard from New Jersey Governor James E. McGreevey; four panels of business officials and federal, state, and local government representatives; and individuals working to enhance emergency preparedness in the private sector. This section includes the panel on future strategies for private sector preparedne… more
Date: November 19, 2003
Duration: 1 hour 32 minutes 28 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #11, May 19, 2004, Part 2

Description: Recording of the eleventh public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on May 18, 2004 at New School University in New York City. The two-day hearing examined the response of local and federal emergency response departments on September 11, 2001, and considered how to improve these critical functions in the event of future terrorist attacks. Two staff statements were presented during the course of the hearing. This section includes testimony from fo… more
Date: May 19, 2004
Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes 19 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #11, May 19, 2004, Part 3

Description: Recording of the eleventh public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on May 18, 2004 at New School University in New York City. The two-day hearing examined the response of local and federal emergency response departments on September 11, 2001, and considered how to improve these critical functions in the event of future terrorist attacks. Two staff statements were presented during the course of the hearing. This section includes the fourth panel … more
Date: May 19, 2004
Duration: 44 minutes 42 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #11, May 19, 2004, Part 4

Description: Recording of the eleventh public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on May 18, 2004 at New School University in New York City. The two-day hearing examined the response of local and federal emergency response departments on September 11, 2001, and considered how to improve these critical functions in the event of future terrorist attacks. Two staff statements were presented during the course of the hearing. This section includes the fourth panel … more
Date: May 19, 2004
Duration: 27 minutes 07 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

9-11 Commission Hearing #,11 May 19, 2004, Part 5

Description: Recording of the eleventh public hearing held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States on May 18, 2004 at New School University in New York City. The two-day hearing examined the response of local and federal emergency response departments on September 11, 2001, and considered how to improve these critical functions in the event of future terrorist attacks. Two staff statements were presented during the course of the hearing. This section includes the fourth panel … more
Date: May 19, 2004
Duration: 1 hour 24 minutes 45 seconds
Creator: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9/11 Commission Recommendations: Joint Committee on Atomic Energy — A Model for Congressional Oversight?

Description: From Summary: "This report provides an outline of the structure and history of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and raises a number of issues that might be considered by policymakers as they weigh the suitability of the JCAE as a possible model when crafting congressional oversight mechanisms."
Date: October 19, 2004
Creator: Davis, Christopher M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 30 MW, 200 MHz Inductive Output Tube for RF Accelerators

Description: This program investigated development of a multiple beam inductive output tube (IOT) to produce 30 MW pulses at 200 MHz. The program was successful in demonstrating feasibility of developing the source to achieve the desired power in microsecond pulses with 70% efficiency. The predicted gain of the device is 24 dB. Consequently, a 200 kW driver would be required for the RF input. Estimated cost of this driver is approximately $1.25 M. Given the estimated development cost of the IOT of approxima… more
Date: June 19, 2008
Creator: Ives, R. Lawrence & Read, Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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