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open access

U.S. European Agricultural Trade: Food Safety and Biotechnology Issues

Description: This report discusses the differences over food safety measures and biotechnology between U.S. and European Union (EU) in agricultural trade, particularly the EU's ban on meat produced using growth-promoting hormones and resulting contention in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Hanrahan, Charles E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Trade Issues in the 107th Congress

Description: The 107th Congress is considering trade issues with implications for the U.S. agricultural sector. Trade in agricultural commodities and food products affects farm income and rural employment, and it also generates economic activity beyond the farm gate. With agricultural export sales the equivalent of one-quarter of farm income, some policymakers view U.S. efforts to develop market opportunities overseas as vital to the sector’s financial health. Decisions taken by the Bush Administration, and… more
Date: January 17, 2003
Creator: Hanrahan, Charles E.; Becker, Geoffrey S. & Jurenas, Remy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Controversies for the 108th Congress

Description: This report discusses the ongoing debate about whether or not to approve energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Current law forbids energy leasing in the Refuge. This report addresses several legislative options on the issue, as well as policymakers' arguments for and against development, especially in the wake of increasing terrorism since 2000-2001.
Date: January 17, 2003
Creator: Corn, M. Lynne; Gelb, Bernard A. & Baldwin, Pamela
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Africa and the War on Terrorism

Description: African countries overwhelmingly expressed their support for the U.S.-led efforts on the war against terrorism shortly after the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. Some African countries are reportedly sharing intelligence and are coordinating with Washington to fight terrorism in Africa. Administration officials believe that Africa is a potential breeding ground for terrorism. Some African officials are concerned that despite the strong support African governments have provided t… more
Date: January 17, 2002
Creator: Dagne, Theodore S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Research: DOD's Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Program

Description: Congress supports the research and development efforts of the Department of Defense (DOD) with a Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation. The appropriation primarily supports the development of the nation’s future military hardware and software and the technology base upon which those products rely. It is the federal government’s single largest research and development account. Besides supporting the nation’s military needs, some of the technology developed with RDT&E f… more
Date: January 17, 2003
Creator: Moteff, John D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Cleanup and Environmental Programs: Authorization and Appropriations for FY2001

Description: The Department of Defense operates six environmental programs: cleanup of past contamination at military facilities, acceleration of cleanup at military bases designated for closure, compliance with environmental laws and regulations that apply to ongoing military operations, pollution prevention, natural resource conservation, and environmental technology. In addition to these activities, the Department of Energy is responsible for managing defense nuclear waste and remediating contaminated si… more
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Bearden, David M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Economic Development Administration: Overview and Issues

Description: The Economic Development Administration (EDA), targeted for elimination or major “reinvention” early in the 104th Congress, gained a new lease on life in the waning days of the 105th. Having been kept alive via appropriations bills since its last authorizing legislation expired in 1982, P.L. 105-393 reauthorized the EDA and its programs for 5 years. On October 27, Congress approved a conference agreement recommending $286.7 million for EDAP and $28 million for S&E, for a totalFY2001 appropriati… more
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Mulock, Bruce K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Electoral College: How it Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections

Description: The Constitution assigns each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of the state’s Senate and House of Representatives delegations; at present, the number of electors per state ranges from three to 55, for a total of 538. This report discuses constitutional origins, the electoral college today and explains the allocation of electors and electoral votes.
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Neale, Thomas H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Election of the President and Vice President by Congress: Contingent Election

Description: The 12th Amendment to the Constitution requires that candidates for President and Vice President receive a majority of electoral votes (currently 270 or more of a total of 538) to be elected. If no candidate receives a majority, the President is elected by the House of Representatives, and the Vice President is elected by the Senate. This process is referred to as contingent election and is the topic of discussion in this report.
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Neale, Thomas H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Tax Benefits for Families' K-12 Education Expenses in the Context of School Choice

Description: This report provides information about the Federal Tax Benefits for Families' K-12 Education Expenses in the Context of School Choice. Some believe that comprehensive school reform is needed to improve the quality of secondary and elementary education.
Date: January 17, 2003
Creator: Levine, Linda & Smole, David P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Weapons Production Complex: Environmental Compliance and Waste Management

Description: The aging nuclear weapons production complex, managed by the Department of Energy (DOE), faces enormous environmental and waste management problems. Several hundred billion dollars may be needed to clean up leaking waste pits, groundwater contamination, growing accumulations of radioactive waste, and uncontrolled liquid discharges at DOE facilities. DOE's cleanup program is carried out by the Office of Environmental Management (EM). Cleanup funding escalated rapidly after the end of the Cold Wa… more
Date: January 17, 1997
Creator: Holt, Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Transportation Fuels and Clean Gasoline: Background and Regulatory Issues

Description: This report discusses legislative initiatives underway to tighten emission standards, produce cleaner cars, and develop alternative fuels, such as clean gasoline, natural gas, ethanol, and electricity. Specifically, the report focuses on the reformulate gasoline (RFG) program and the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Date: January 17, 1996
Creator: Gushee, David E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Transportation Fuels and Vehicles: Energy, Environment, and Development Issues

Description: This report reviews several issues relating to alternative fuels and vehicles, mainly to combat dependence on petroleum imports and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report discusses the advantages and drawbacks of various alternative fuels and vehicles, as well as related legislation.
Date: January 17, 1996
Creator: Yacobucci, Brent D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) (H.R. 701) and a Related Initiative in the 106th Congress

Description: This report compares existing law with H.R. 701, as passed by the House(HP) and H.R. 701, as reported by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (SCR). Both versions, also known as the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), would have created a new fund, the CARA Fund. Both bills would have created and funded a new coastal energy impact assistance program, amended and funded the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), funded the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program and the H… more
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Zinn, Jeffrey A. & Corn, M. Lynne
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

China-U.S. Relations

Description: This report discusses the background information and most recent development in U.S.-China relations since mid-1996. The relations also have been marred by continuing allegations of Chinese espionage, ongoing controversy over human rights, charges that China continues to violate its non-proliferation commitments, controversy over the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and renewed tensions over Taiwan. The report describes current issues in U.S.-China relations such as;… more
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Dumbaugh, Kerry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cuba: Background and Current Issues for Congress

Description: Numerous measures were introduced in the 106th Congress that reflected the range of views on U.S. policy toward Cuba. Legislative initiatives proposed both easing and increasing sanctions against Cuba. In the end, legislation passed reflected both approaches: it allowed the export of food and medicine to Cuba, but prohibited any U.S. financing, both public and private, of such exports. Travel to Cuba for tourism was also prohibited.
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Sullivan, Mark P. & Taft-Morales, Maureen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Government at the Dawn of the 21st Century: A Status Report

Description: This report examines the history of the government from beginning of the 20th century, as the federal government entered a new phase—the rise of the administrative state, then goes on to project possible trends for the future.
Date: January 17, 2001
Creator: Relyea, Harold C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extending the Internet Tax Moratorium and Related Issues

Description: The Internet Tax Freedom Act, enacted in 1998, placed a 3-year moratorium on the ability of state and local governments 1) to impose new taxes on Internet access or 2) to impose multiple or discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce. It grandfathered existing taxes on Internet access. The original moratorium expired on October 21, 2001. Numerous bills to extend the moratorium were introduced in the first session of the 107th Congress. The Congress approved H.R. 1552 (P.L. 107-75, enacted Novem… more
Date: January 17, 2002
Creator: Noto, Nonna A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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