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open access

A Versatile Spectrometer Magnet Power Supply

Description: Early results from actual laboratory operation of a more versatile magnet supply.
Date: April 15, 1963
Creator: Groppe, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Sequence for Predicting Waste Transport by Ground Water

Description: From introduction: "This paper describes a sequence for analyzing the effects of ground water flow on waste transport in natural soils."
Date: April 15, 1965
Creator: Nelson, R. William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Analysis APPR-1 Core II

Description: Preface; Subsequent to the analysis in the body of this report metallurgical developments indicated that it would not be feasible to build the APPR-1 Core II with the increased boron loading specified herein. At the time of the issuance of this report the Core II boron loading is to be the same as that for Core I. At the time of procurement of the core in the fall, if metallurgical developments warrant, the increased boron loading will be employed. The loading discussed in the body of the r… more
Date: July 15, 1958
Creator: Williamson, T. G.; Leibson, M. J. & Bryne, B. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination Program Task II. Volume II, Evaluation of Chemical Agents for Nuclear Reactor Decontamination

Description: Abstract: The caustic permanganate-rinse decontamination treatment was investigated. Loop and metallurgical studies were performed to determine optimum operating conditions as well as the metallurgical effects of the treatment. A treatment with 10 percent sodium hydroxide and 5 percent potassium permanganate solution followed by a rinse with a 5 percent ammonium citrate, 2 percent citric acid and 1/2 percent Versene solution was chosen for the decontamination of a stainless steel steam generat… more
Date: February 15, 1959
Creator: Zegger, John L. & Pancer, Guyon P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiochemical Analysis of Crud from the Army Package Power Reactor

Description: Abstract: A study has been made of the radiochemical composition and the specific activity of insoluble corrosion products (crud) removed from the primary system of the APPR-1. This report presents the results of analysis of twelve crud samples collected during the interval from September 3, 1957 to December 1, 1957. The samples were radiochemically analyzed for long-lived gamma emitting nuclides only. Data are presented on the measured values of the specific activity of crud, the ratios of th… more
Date: February 15, 1958
Creator: Zegger, J. L.; Small, W. J. & Brown, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Construction Completion Report: CAI-816, 100-N Reactor Plant

Description: Report from Hanford Laboratories concerning "the design and construction of the 100-N Reactor and heat dissipation plant complete with the necessary auxiliaries" (p. 2). Details of its construction and the plant's systems and instrumentation are described as well as economic considerations.
Date: October 15, 1964
Creator: Buckner, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Study: Sodium Modular Reactor

Description: This study was undertaken for the USAEC under Contract AT(04-3)-189, Project Agreement No. 6, to investigate desirable features of a sodium cooled, graphite moderated uranium fueled power reactor using the modular concept, and, based on this investigation, evaluate the economic potential of this reactor type.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparative Study of PuC-UC and PuO₂-UO₂ as Fast Reactor Fuel

Description: From abstract: "This section, Part II, extends the comparison of two ceramic fuel systems to include the fuel cycle cost comparison in greater detail particularly with respect to fabrication and reprocessing unit costs."
Date: November 15, 1962
Creator: Collins, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Studies of Transient Effects in Fast Reactor Fuels

Description: An experimental program to evaluate the performance of FCR and EFCR fuel during transient operation is outlined, and the initial series of tests are described in some detail. Test results from five experiments in the TREAT reactor, using 1-in. OD SS-clad UO₂ fuel specimens, are compared with regard to fuel temperatures, mechanical integrity, and post-irradiation appearance. Incipient fuel pin failure limits for transients are identified with maximum fuel temperatures in the range of 7000 deg F.… more
Date: November 15, 1962
Creator: Field, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Resin Level Detector

Description: This report describes the development of an ultrasonic instrument for resin level measurements in an ion exchange column.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Hunter, D. O. & Pleasance, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Specifications for Swaged UO2 19-Rod Cluster, PRTR Fuel Element Mark 1

Description: Specifications including detail dimension, materials, fabrication steps, acceptance criteria, and final assembly steps for the swaged uranium dioxide, 19-rod cluster Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor fuel element.
Date: March 15, 1960
Creator: Millhollen, M. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Mass Studies of Plutonium Solutions

Description: Chain reacting conditions for plutonium nitrate in water solution have been examined experimentally for a variety of sizes of spheres and cylinders.
Date: February 15, 1960
Creator: Kruesi, F. E.; Erkman, J. O. & Lanning, D. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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