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open access

Electroless Nickel Plating

Description: Summary: "This investigation showed that a sound , weather-resistant coating can be applied to uranium that the surface to be plated is cleaned and etched properly. Using the proposed two-bath plating method at 80 C., a four-mil nickel coat can be deposited in thirteen hours."
Date: November 15, 1950
Creator: Groot, C. & Hopkins, H. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor Final Safeguard Analysis: Supplement 2, Consequences of a Primary Coolant Leak

Description: Review of previous work is presented in addition to the results of recent studies concerning loss of primary coolant when the system is cold and pressurized and the problem of supplying adequate cooling following the injection of light water.
Date: November 15, 1960
Creator: Wittenbrock, N. G. & Muraoka, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plating Thickness Tester

Description: An electromagnetic eddy current instrument is described that is capable of measuring copper and nickel plating 1 to 8 mils thick plated on bismuth mandrils of various sizes and shapes.
Date: November 15, 1957
Creator: Fitch, C. E., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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