Search Results

Primary view of Implementing Acid Rain Legislation
Parker, Larry
November 15, 1994
Primary view of The Higher Education Act: Reauthorization Status and Issues
Stedman, James B.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of War Powers Resolution: Presidential Compliance
Grimmett, Richard F.
November 15, 2004
Primary view of Peacekeeping: Issues of U.S. Military Involvement
Serafino, Nina M.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of The War Powers Resolution: After Twenty-Eight Years
Grimmett, Richard F.
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Homeland Security: Coast Guard Legislation in the 107th Congress
Lee, Martin R.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Current Economic Conditions and Selected Forecasts
Makinen, Gail
November 15, 2004
Primary view of Education Vouchers: Constitutional Issues and Cases
Ackerman, David M.
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Department of Homeland Security: Appropriations Transfer Authority
Keith, Robert
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Global Financial Turmoil, the IMF, and the New Financial Architecture
Nanto, Dick K.
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Auditing and Its Regulators: Reforms After Enron
Lyke, Bob
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Syria: U.S. Relations and Bilateral Issues
Prados, Alfred B.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for the 107th Congress
Cronin, Richard P.
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Afghanistan: Current Issues and U.S. Policy Concerns
Katzman, Kenneth
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Health Care Fact Sheet: International Health Spending
Rimkunas, Richard
November 15, 1993
Primary view of U.N. System Funding: Congressional Issues
Bite, Vita
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Navy Ship Deployments: New Approaches - Background and Issues for Congress
O'Rourke, Ronald
November 15, 2004
Primary view of Statutory Offices of Inspector General: Establishment and Evolution
Kaiser, Frederick M.
November 15, 2001
Primary view of Normal-Trade-Relations (Most-Favored-Nation) Policy of the United States
Pregelj, Vladimir N.
November 15, 2000
Primary view of Transportation Issues in the 107th Congress
Harrison, Glennon J.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Concurrent Receipt of Military Retirement and VA Disability Benefits: Budgetary Issues
Belasco, Amy
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Navy-Marine Corps Amphibious and Maritime Prepositioning Ship Programs: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress
O'Rourke, Ronald
November 15, 2004
Primary view of Homeland Security: Management Positions for  the Proposed Department
Hogue, Henry B.
November 15, 2002
Primary view of Federal Program Performance Review: Some Recent Developments
McMurtry, Virginia A.
November 15, 2004
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