Search Results

Primary view of Lithologic Log of the U12g.06-U1 Core Drill Hole, Area 12, Nevada Test Site
Emerick, W. L.
February 15, 1965
Primary view of Preliminary investigation of water coagulation characteristics as affects reactor effluent radionuclides
Frymier, J. W.
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Battelle-Northwest Monthly Activities Report, March 1965
unknown creator
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Physics and Instruments Department Monthly Report, July 1965
Paul, R. S.
August 15, 1965
Primary view of Reactor and Materials Technology Monthly Report, May 1965
Albaugh, F. W.
June 15, 1965
Primary view of Technical feasibility of using uranium oxide fuels at Hanford
unknown creator
February 15, 1965
Primary view of Reactor and materials technology monthly report, June 1965
Albaugh, F. W.
July 15, 1965
Primary view of Reactor and Materials Technology Department Monthly Report February 1965
Albaugh, F. W.
March 15, 1965
Primary view of Reactor and Materials Technology monthly report 02 Program, November 1965
Albaugh, F. W.
December 15, 1965
Primary view of Status of plant assistance irradiations as of May 14, 1965
Ferguson, J. H.
June 15, 1965
Primary view of Iron-masonite shield attenuation effectiveness status report
Gross, P. D.
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Battelle-Northwest monthly activities report, May 1965
unknown creator
June 15, 1965
Primary view of Vertical bowing measurements: B Reactor, tube 1575
DeMers, A. E.
September 15, 1965
Primary view of Engineering specifications: Thorium oxide target elements
Tew, H. F.
June 15, 1965
Primary view of Irradiation Processing Department Monthly Report: December 1964
Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Irradiation Processing Department.
January 15, 1965
Primary view of Procedures for Amending the United Sates Constitution
Small, Normal J.
January 15, 1965
Primary view of Phase I summary report on the development of segmented thermoelectric modules. [Bi/sub 2/Te/sub 3/ and PbTe]
Mueller, J. J. & Kortier, W. E.
August 15, 1965
Primary view of SNAP aerospace safety program. Progress report, July--September 1965
Detterman, R.L.
November 15, 1965
Primary view of SNAP 10A reactor nuclear analysis
Dayes, A.R.; Flynn, W.A. & Hawley, J.P.
January 15, 1965
Primary view of Observations on the properties and behavior of early SNAP 8 hydrogen permeation barriers
Carpenter, H.W.
April 15, 1965
Primary view of Postirradiation examination of SNAP 8 cladding material irradiation experiment NAA 77-4
Engberg, C.J. & Miller, K.J.
September 15, 1965
Primary view of SNAP 8 nuclear systems for unmanned and manned applications
Mason, D.G.
May 15, 1965
Primary view of Effects of processing and operating parameters on the creep properties of SNAP reactor fuel element cladding
Culley, G.E. & Berling, J.T.
October 15, 1965
Primary view of SNAP aerospace safety program. Progress report, April--June 1965
Detterman, R.L.
August 15, 1965
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