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open access

Criminology Collection Evaluation Report

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' Criminology collection to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was determined that the collection was currently meeting patrons' needs, and some recommendations for future collection maintenance were included.
Date: November 15, 2021
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Studio Arts Collection Evaluation Report

Description: This report summarizes an evaluation of the UNT Libraries' Studio Arts collection to determine if the collection is adequately serving patron needs. It was determined that the collection was currently meeting patrons' needs, and some recommendations for future collection maintenance were included.
Date: November 15, 2021
Creator: Harker, Karen
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Introduction to the Legislative Process in the U.S. Congress

Description: This report introduces the main steps through which a bill (or other item of business) may travel in the legislative process. For many bills, the process will not follow the sequence of congressional stages that are often understood to make up the legislative process. This report presents a look at each of the common stages through which a bill may move, but complications and variations abound in practice.
Date: November 15, 2018
Creator: Heitshusen, Valerie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (P.L. 115-271): Food and Drug Administration and Controlled Substance Provisions

Description: This report summarizes the provisions in Title III--the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Controlled Substance Provisions, as well as Section 4004 "Modernizing the Reporting Requirements of Biological and Biosimilar Products" in Title IV--Offsets.
Date: November 15, 2018
Creator: Dabrowska, Agata; Green, Victoria R.; Sacco, Lisa N. & Yeh, Brian T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Who Can Serve as Acting Attorney General

Description: This report discusses the two primary arguments raised to challenge the President's decision to name Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General: first, that the Vacancies Act does not apply because another statute, 28 U.S.C. § 508, provides that the Deputy Attorney General (DAG) serves as Acting AG in the event of a vacancy; and second, that the Appointments Clause prohibits Whitaker, a non-Senate-confirmed official, from serving as the head of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Date: November 15, 2018
Creator: Brannon, Valerie C. & Cole, Jared P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Article V Convention to Propose Constitutional Amendments: Current Developments

Description: This report provides information for Members of Congress and congressional staff on current developments in Congress, the states, and the relevant advocacy and policy communities concerning the Article V Convention alternative for proposing constitutional amendments.
Date: November 15, 2017
Creator: Neale, Thomas H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Joint Employment and the Save Local Business Act

Description: This report discusses the proposed "Save Local Business Act" in the House and its provisions and implications for employers and employees in businesses where unions exist. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) broadening of the definition of what constituted a joint employer in the case of Browning-Ferris Industries of California led to resist by some in the business community and the "Save Local Business Act" seeks to restore the former more narrow definition of joint employers.
Date: November 15, 2017
Creator: Shimabukuro, Jon O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Telehealth Services Proposed for Medicare Part B Reimbursements, 2018: Fact Sheet

Description: This report discusses telehealth services covered under Medicare and describes the five conditions that a telehealth service must meet to be covered and paid for under Medicare Part B, provides an overview of how the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adds telehealth services to Medicare's reimbursable list, and includes a table listing the proposed telehealth services to be added to the CY2018 list for Medicare reimbursement.
Date: November 15, 2017
Creator: Elliott, Victoria L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Facility Security: Issues and Options for the 113th Congress

Description: This report provides a brief overview of the existing statutory authority and implementing regulation. It describes several policy issues raised in previous debates regarding chemical facility security and identifies policy options for congressional consideration.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Shea, Dana A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Facility Security: Issues and Options for the 113th Congress

Description: This report provides a brief overview of the existing statutory authority and implementing regulation. It describes several policy issues raised in previous debates regarding chemical facility security and identifies policy options for congressional consideration.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Shea, Dana A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final report for DOE Grant No. DE-SC0006609 - Persistence of Microbially Facilitated Calcite Precipitation as an in situ Treatment for Strontium-90

Description: Subsurface radionuclide and metal contaminants throughout the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex pose one of DOE?s greatest challenges for long-term stewardship. One promising stabilization mechanism for divalent ions, such as the short-lived radionuclide Sr-90, is co-precipitation in calcite. We have previously found that nutrient addition can stimulate microbial ureolytic activity, that this activity accelerates calcite precipitation and co-precipitation of Sr, and that higher calcite pr… more
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Smith, Robert W. & Fujita, Yoshiko
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Guam: U.S. Defense Deployments

Description: This report discusses the strategic significance of Guam for defense buildup and the force relocation and deployments from the U.S. mainland. It also discusses the concerns and issues for Congress, such as allies and partner, China, and legislation.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Kan, Shirley A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydraulic Fracturing: Selected Legal Issues

Description: This report focuses on selected legal issues related to the use of hydraulic fracturing. It examines some of the requirements for hydraulic fracturing contained in major federal environmental laws. It also provides an overview of issues involving state preemption of local zoning authority, as well as state tort law.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Vann, Adam; Murrill, Brandon J. & Tiemann, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nigeria: Current Issues and U.S. Policy

Description: This report covers the recent 2011 Nigerian elections, development challenges, reform initiatives, social issues, security concerns, and international relations in Nigeria. It ends with some concerns for Congress, including U.S.-Nigerian trade issues, Nigerian counter-terrorism efforts, and U.S. assistance to Nigeria.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Ploch, Lauren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

UV Excited Photoacoustic Raman

Description: No Description Available.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Carter, J; Chambers, D; Steele, P; Haugen, P & Heller, D
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ADA Paratransit Services: Demand Has Increased, but Little is Known about Compliance

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "Little is known about the extent of transit agencies' compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit service requirements. FTA does receive some assurance that agencies are complying with federal statutes and regulations, including ADA paratransit requirements, because transit agencies that receive FTA funding are required to self-certify and assure that they are complying with th… more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air Passenger Screening: Transportation Security Administration Could Improve Complaint Processes

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) receives thousands of air passenger screening complaints through five mechanisms, but does not have an agencywide policy or consistent processes to guide receipt and use of such information. For example, from October 2009 through June 2012, TSA received more than 39,000 screening complaints through its TSA Contact Center (TCC). However, the data from the … more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics

Description: This report provides information for war casualty statistics. It includes tables, compiled from sources at the Department of Defense (DOD), indicating the number of casualties among American military personnel serving in principal wars and combat actions.
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: Leland, Anne
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

CMS Innovation Center: Early Implementation Efforts Suggest Need for Additional Actions to Help Ensure Coordination with Other CMS Offices

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "From the time it became operational in November 2010, through March 31, 2012, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) has focused on implementing 17 new models to test different approaches for delivering or paying for health care in Medicare and Medicaid. The center is still relatively early in the process of implementing these models. Eleven of the models were selected by th… more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DOD Joint Bases: Management Improvements Needed to Achieve Greater Efficiencies

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) has not developed or implemented a plan to guide joint bases in achieving cost savings and efficiencies. The Department of Defense (DOD) originally estimated saving $2.3 billion from joint basing over 20 years, but in the absence of a plan to drive savings, that estimate has fallen by almost 90 percent. OSD also does not yet have a fully developed method for … more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Elder Justice: National Strategy Needed to Effectively Combat Elder Financial Exploitation

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "Officials in each of the four states GAO contacted identified the need for more safeguards and public awareness activities to help prevent elder financial exploitation. They also noted that it is difficult to prevent exploitation by individuals such as financial services providers, power of attorney agents, guardians, and paid in-home caregivers. Although states have primary responsibility for combating… more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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