Search Results

Primary view of Kilowatt Isotope Power System, Phase II Plan. Volume IV. Teledyne FSCD vs GDS
unknown creator
March 15, 1978
Kutsch, G. C.; Swanson, D. H. & Yant, H. W.
June 15, 1962
Primary view of Multiheteromacrocycles that complex metal ions. Sixth progress report, 1 May 1979-30 April 1980. [Hemispherands; spherands]
Cram, D. J.
January 15, 1980
Primary view of Machining of Uranium for Brookhaven Reactor
Kemmer, F. R.; Musgrave, T. P. & Fox, G. E.
June 15, 1949
Primary view of Energy and protein production from pulp mill wastes. Progress report, June 15, 1977--September 15, 1977
Jurgensen, M. F. & Patton, J. T.
September 15, 1977
Primary view of LIMB Demonstration Project Extension
unknown creator
March 15, 1989
Primary view of Is the two-term expansion valid for highly anisotropic systems. The Townsend ionization coefficient in strong runaway as a test case
Yu, S. S. & Melendez, R. E.
July 15, 1982
Primary view of Hanford Laboratories Operation monthly activities report, March 1959
unknown creator
April 15, 1959
Primary view of Integrated dry NO sub x /SO sub 2 emissions control system
unknown creator
February 15, 1992
Primary view of Configuring the SLC linac for injection into PEP
Bane, K.L.F.
December 15, 1989
Primary view of Multinational Corporations 1968-70: Selected References
Billings, Elden E.
June 15, 1970
Primary view of Military Sysytems directory
Armed Forces Management
July 15, 1970
Primary view of Exploration of the Planets: A History, A Prospect, and Some Issues
Devoe, Barbara M. & Sheldon, Charles S., II
December 15, 1969
Primary view of Preliminary Bibliography on the 1978-79 Intercollegiate Debate Topic.
Roth, Dennis & Beske, Kurt
August 15, 1978
Primary view of Thermal storage applications workshop held at Golden, Colorado, February 14-15, 1978. Volume II. Contributed papers
unknown creator
February 15, 1979
Primary view of (Performance evaluation of fabric bag filters on a bench-scale coal gasifier)
unknown creator
January 15, 1986
Primary view of Kilowatt isotope power system. Phase II plan. Volume V. Safety, quality assurance and reliability
unknown creator
March 15, 1978
Primary view of Kilowatt Isotope Power System: component test procedure for the ground demonstration system jet condenser focusing. 77-KIPS-59
unknown creator
July 15, 1977
Primary view of Development of improved iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
Bukur, D.B. & Patel, S.A.
January 15, 1990
Primary view of Demonstration of innovative applicatiions of technology for cost reductions to the CT-121 FGD process
unknown creator
May 15, 1991
Primary view of Beam and viewing dump positioning inside TFTR for CTS alpha-particle diagnostics
Rhee, D.Y.; Woskov, P.P. (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, MA (United States). Plasma Fusion Center); Ellis, R. & Park, H. (Princeton Univ., NJ (United States). Plasma Physics Lab.)
July 15, 1991
Primary view of CDC 7600 LTSS programming stratagens: preparing your first production code for the Livermore Timesharing System
Fong, K. W.
August 15, 1977
Primary view of Introduction to nuclear test engineering
O'Neal, W.C. & Paquette, D.L.
July 15, 1982
Primary view of Development of Evaluation Techniques for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Final Report
Gaines, Lewis H. & Nazimek, Kenneth
March 15, 1980
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