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open access

Air Lift Performance at Low Liquid Rates Using Oversized Piping and Lateral Runs

Description: The use of oversized piping in an air lift for transferring solutions at rates less than 5 liters per hour was proven feasible with certain limitations. Reliable operation was also obtained with air lifts containing a lateral run inserted between the point of air injection and the final discharge point. Discharge of the air lifts, especially at low liquid flows, was very erratic under the conditions studied. (auth)
Date: October 10, 1961
Creator: Chamberlain, H. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Baby Junebug Clark with accompanying poem]

Description: Photograph of Junebug Clark as a baby, with numerous bandages and taped pieces of gauze on his face and fingers. Junebug clark was born in April 1949, but this image was dated December 1961. It is assumed this date is when Joe this piece along with the poem. This image is mounted to the right of a poem by Joe Clark, titled "Despair." Photo by: Joe Clark, HBSS. Signed by: Joe Clark, HBSS
Date: December 10, 1961
Creator: Clark, Joe
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement

Description: From Introduction: "This paper consists essentially of a) a bibliography, b) an author index, and c) an index of the subject matter of the bibliography. While the primary objective is to focus on vacuum measurement, it was believed essential to include in the bibliography articles on vacuum technology in some measure accessory or essential to vacuum measurement. For maximum usefulness, an index of the subject matter of the references has been prepared. The abstract publications listed in the pr… more
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: Brombacher, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Camden-Delaware Valley Area (ARMS-II)

Description: Report regarding an Aerial Radiological Measuring Survey (ARMS) of the Camden-Delaware Valley area that was part of a national program to measure environmental levels of gamma radiation. 6,000 traverse miles were examined around Camden, New Jersey.
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: Guillou, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Catastrophic Oxidation of High-Temperature Alloys

Description: The growth of nonprotective, crust-like oxide films was encountered in high-temperature alloy systems that contain molybdenum, vanadium, or tungsten as strengthening additions. The cause of accelerated oxidation in such alloys appears to be associated with the characteristically low melting temperatures of oxides of these refractory elements. The factors that contribute to a breakdown of oxidation protection in these systems are outlined and remedial methods which may be used to avoid catastrop… more
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: DeVan, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Central State debate tournament award]

Description: Photograph of two students from the Central State debate tournament holding a plaque. The two students are crouching near the floor in front of a trophy case. One of the students is wearing a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt underneath and a dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a grey patterned jacket with dark-colored pants while wearing a light-colored shirt. Both students are grinning at the camera.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Central State debate tournament award, 2]

Description: Photograph of the Central State debate tournament winners holding a plaque. Both students are crouching in front of a trophy case facing forward towards the camera. One student is wearing a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a dark grey-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. Both students are grinning at the camera as they are holding the plaque.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Central State debate tournament award, 3]

Description: Photograph of the Central State debate tournament winners holding a plaque. Both students are crouching in front of a trophy case facing forward towards the camera. One student is wearing a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a dark grey-colored patterned suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. Both students are grinning at the camera as they are holding the plaque.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Central State debate tournament award, 4]

Description: Photograph of two students at the Central State debate tournament holding a plaque in front of a trophy case. Both students are turned to their right sides as they are crouching near the floor holding the award. One student is dressed in a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a dark grey-colored patterned suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Central State debate tournament award, 5]

Description: Photograph of two students at the Central State debate tournament holding a plaque in front of a trophy case. Both students are turned to their right sides as they are crouching near the floor holding the award. One student is dressed in a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a dark grey-colored patterned suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Central State debate tournament award, 6]

Description: Photograph of two students at the Central State debate tournament holding a plaque in front of a trophy case. Both students are turned to their right sides as they are crouching near the floor holding the award. One student is dressed in a dark-colored suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie. The other student is wearing a dark grey-colored patterned suit with a light-colored shirt and dark-colored tie.
Date: November 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access


Description: An investigation was conducted to flush the 1BD coolant purification system demineralizer of resin and to measurc the radiation level at pornts on the resin discharge line. It was found that the system demineralizer was satisfactorily flushed of resin. It was also found that the amount removed is measured by the amount required to recharge the demineralizer. (J.R.D.)
Date: January 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Technology Quarterly Progress Report, April-June 1961

Description: The Idaho Chemical Processing Plant did not operate on fuel recovery during this period, due to extensive renovation and modiflcation of facilities. Potasslum fluoride was found to be an undesirable additive to the barium precipitating agent used in formation of barium fluozirconate, because of precipitation and loss of uranium, although essentially complete precipitation of zirconium was achieved. Addition of hydrofluoric acid with barium precipitant, to achieve a fluoride/zirconium mole ratio… more
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: Bower, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Progress in the fields of nuclear chemistry, isolation and chemical properties of synthetic elements, chemical separation of isotopes, radiation chemistry, organic chemistry, chemistry of aquecus systems, electrochemistry of corrosion, nonaqueous systems at high temperature, and chemical physics for the year ending June 20, 1961, is reported. Separate abstracts were prepared for each topic. (M.C.G.)
Date: October 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Court proceedings from Pedro J. Gonzalez's lawsuit against X.E.A.U. Radio, 1]

Description: Court case proceedings from Pedro J. Gonzalez's lawsuit against Radiodifusora X.E.A.U. Radio. Each page has a seal printed above a few words and to the left of an outlined box surrounded by text. Further down each page is a wide column of text, which on the first and third page contains red underlining. The third page has four signatures and a stamped seal below its text column.
Date: June 10, 1961
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Critical Path Scheduling in Maintenance

Description: Summary: The following narrative interspersed with figures and attached reference exhibits is designed to acquaint the reader with the scheduling procedure developed at ORGDP, trial results and evaluation, subsequent improvement, further application, and use in conjunction with our IBM 7090 Computer.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: Gritzner, C. L.; Jones, J. P. & Ellis, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffusion of Krypton Through Uranium Carbide - Final Report

Description: This program was established to develop new information concerning the mechanism of diffusion of fission gases (krypton and xenon) through UO2 and UC. The work was to concentrated on measurements of diffusion rates in unirradiated materials in the temperature range of 1000°C to above 2000°C, these determinations being important to the projected use of refractory fuel materials in high-temperature, high-burnup reactors.
Date: January 10, 1961
Creator: Weinstock, J. J.; Pinkerton, A. P. & Ziegel, K. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Dr. Joseph Dameron]

Description: Photograph of Dr. Joseph Dameron at EDX. He is looking out into the audience behind a podium with a pointer in his right hand. He is dressed in a two-piece suit with a V-neck button-down sweater, horizontal striped tie, and long-sleeved button-up shirt. Behind him, there is a chalkboard and a map above the left side of the chalkboard.
Date: January 10, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Examinations of Pump Impellers From Sodium and Fused Salt Pump Endurance Tests

Description: Examinations of three Inconel pump impellers were made to establish the extent of cavitation damage and degree of carburization sustained during pump endurance tests. The pumps, two of which circulated fluoride salt and one sodium, had operated for the bulk of the test programs in the temperature range 1000-1250 deg F. Cavitation damage was manifested in each of the impellers by the formation of deep pits (in excess of 1/4-inch), the location of damaged areas varying with impeller geometry.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: DeVan, J.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Examinations of Pump Impellers From Sodium and Fused Salt Pump Endurance Tests

Description: Examinations of three Inconel pump impellers were made to establish the extent of cavitation damage and degree of carburization sustained during pump endurance tests. The pumps, two of which circulated fluoride salt and one sodium, operated for the bulk of the test programs in the temperature range 1000 to 1250 deg F. Cavitation damage was manifested in each of the impellers by the formation of deep pits (in excess of 1/4-in.), the location of damaged areas varying with impeller geometry. Pit f… more
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: DeVan, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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