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open access

Design Considerations Of Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems For Metallurgical Applications

Description: Under the stimulus of electronic materials development - particularly thin-film studies - and the need for space environmental simulation chambers, a very rapid increase in the availability of industrial-sized vacuum components and systems operable in the ultrahigh vacuum range has taken place in the last three years. It is the purpose of this paper to explore the design considerations of ultrahigh vacuum systems for metallurgical applications.
Date: June 10, 1964
Creator: Batzer, Thomas H. & Bunshah, R. F. (Rointan Framroze)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Excavation Technology

Description: Nuclear excavation is the name given to the concept of using large scale nuclear explosion craters for useful projects, such as harbors, canals, and roadway cuts. It is one of the principal applications of the Plowshare Program for industrial, or peaceful, uses of nuclear explosives. Plowshare is sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and is under the technical direction of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore, California. The purpose of this paper is to describe cratering con… more
Date: February 10, 1964
Creator: Nordyke, Milo D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiments On Alfven-Wave Propagation

Description: This paper reports an extension of previous experimental work with Alfven waves. We consider hydromagnetic waves propagating in a cylindrical plasma in a uniform axial magnetic field. The copper tube is filled with highly ionized plasma by an electrically driven switch-on ionizing wave. After the tube is filled with plasma, a hydromagnetic wave is induced by a radial current flow from the small molybdenum electrode to the copper tube. The force produced by this radial current together with the … more
Date: May 10, 1961
Creator: Wilcox, John M.; DeSilva, Alan W. & Cooper, William S., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data Processing For Bubble Chambers

Description: The computer program which performs spatial reconstruction of events photographed in a bubble chamber is required to eliminate human and digitizer errors. It recognizes and corrects for single nuclear scatterings in the presence of multiple Coulomb scatterings. Momentum components are determined and kinematic constraints are applied. Measured parameters are performed into special reference frames and quantities of physical interest are calculated. Results are stored in a tape file containing al… more
Date: November 10, 1960
Creator: White, Howard S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary-layer formation in the pinch

Description: From abstract: "A study is made of various processes that occur prior to the pinch effect when an electric field is applied to a deuterium gas. The variables of the problem are percentage of ionization, the electron and ion temperatures, the resistivity of the gas, and the current density."
Date: August 10, 1959
Creator: Killeen, John; Gibson, Gordon & Colgate, Stirling A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory Production of Fine Grain Nuclear Emulsion

Description: Abstract: "Nuclear emulsion has been made in a manner similar to that of Demers and of Perfilov. An attempt has been made to achieve the grain size and sensitivity of Perflov's type P-9 Sensitive emulsion. Silver bromide grain sizes of essentially the same average size as Perfilov's were made from precipitations carried out over a narrow range of pAg's. Three brands of gelatin were tried. High sensitivity has not been achieved."
Date: July 10, 1958
Creator: Oliver, Albert J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bibliography on High Pressure Systems and High Pressure-High Temperature Systems : Techniques, Apparatus and Experimental Data

Description: From preface: The following bibliography on high pressure-high temperature, and high pressure, is the result of an investigation into the equipment and experimental technique needed to increase the density of powdered compounds, especially those compounds which possess a high vapor pressure of hydrogen at moderate temperature and pressure.
Date: January 10, 1958
Creator: Lakner, John F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Projection of Plasma Across a Magnetic Field (Revised)

Description: Report discussing the trajectories of blobs of plasma as it travels across a magnetic field. Various observations are made about the blobs, such as the fact that they are diamagnetic, and that they can be either elastically scattered from each other or form a compound entity with a possible toroidal structure. "It is believed that these blobs are actually stable configurations of plasma and magnetic field, having both diamagnetic moment and spin."
Date: November 10, 1955
Creator: Bostick, W. H.; Lasher, D. R; Finkelstein, David Ritz & McIntosh, V. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energetic Neutral Injection into Thermonuclear Machines

Description: Abstract: "A scheme is discussed in which D+ ions would be accelerated to about 100 kev in a conventional accelerator, then be sent through a gas target frmo which about half the ions would emerge neutral with very little scattering or energy loss; the neutral beam would then cross into a magnetic field and part of the atoms would be ionized and trapped by colliding with the already trapped ions. The smallest mirror machine with a central field of 30-40 kilogauss, 2;1 mirror ratio and β = 01 to… more
Date: August 10, 1955
Creator: Lauer, Eugene J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Lagrangian Hydrodynamics

Description: Abstract: "A completely Lagrangian scheme for differencing hydrodynamical equations in two dimensions is described. The method conserves mass exactly. The advantages of Lagrangian over Eulerian schemes are briefly mentioned. An appendix gives the generalization to three dimensions."
Date: December 10, 1953
Creator: DeWitt, Bryce S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theory of Alpha Decay of Spheroidal Nuclei

Description: Abstract. Various effects of spheroidal nuclear distortion on the alpha decay process are considered theoretically. Differential equations governing alpha decay in the region beyond the maximum nuclear radius are derived. They consist of ordinary radial Schrodinger equations for alpha decay to various nuclear states with the addition of quadrupole interaction terms coupling the various equations. The significance of wave amplitudes of various angular momentum alpha groups as Fourier components … more
Date: December 10, 1953
Creator: Rasmussen, John O., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamics of Stagewise Extraction Columns

Description: A calculation method has been developed in order to correlate continuous-flow extraction results in mixer-settlers with rate data for batch experiments. This correlation utilizes dynamic extraction coefficients (E's) that are calculated from the rate data and the equilibrium extraction coefficients. The dynamic coefficients may then be used in stage-by-stage calculations, or their average values used in equations derived herein from the overall performance of center-fed columns.
Date: August 10, 1953
Creator: Hicks, T. E.; Rubin, B. & Vermeulen, Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Simple Analogue Instrument For Summing Angles in the Root Locus Method of Solving Ordinary Equations and Stability Problems

Description: The root locus method of the treatment of stability problems in the field of servomechanisms is briefly summarized. A simple mechanical instrument of the analogue type (a summing device) containing no gear mechanisms, and designed to do most of the numerical work of the root locus method, is also described.
Date: July 10, 1953
Creator: Harris, Arnold H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production of Pi-Mesons in Lead by High Energy Proton Bombardment

Description: Our knowledge of the properties of mesons and their interactions with nuclei has come from two sources. Studies of cosmic ray phenomena provided the earliest information. The discovery that mesons may be produced artificially by bombardment of nuclei with radiations from high energy accelerators has, on the other hand, made it feasible to undertake a wide variety of investigations under more controlled conditions than is possible in cosmic ray experiments. In such experiments mesons have bee… more
Date: January 10, 1950
Creator: Weissbluth, Mitchel
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research Progress Meeting June 10, 1948

Description: This summary of the research progress meeting on June 10, 1948 discusses the following topics: (1) 184-inch cyclotron (J. Vale); (2) Slow neutrons in the shielding of the 184-inch cyclotron (W. Benson); and (3) Fission of thorium with alpha particles (A. Newton).
Date: June 10, 1948
Creator: Wakerling, R. K. (Raymond Kornelious), 1914-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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