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Search Results

open access

Development of an Atmospheric Climate Model with Self-Adapting Grid and Physics

Description: This project was targeting the development of a computational approach that would allow resolving cloud processes on small-scales within the framework of the most recent version of the NASA/NCAR Finite-Volume Community Atmospheric Model (FVCAM). The FVCAM is based on the multidimensional Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian (FFSL) dynamical core and uses a ?vertically Lagrangian? finite-volume (FV) representation of the model equations with a mass-conserving re-mapping algorithm. The Lagrangian coordinate… more
Date: August 10, 2013
Creator: Penner, Joyce E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bootstrap Current for the Edge Pedestal Plasma in a Diverted Tokamak Geometry

Description: The edge bootstrap current plays a critical role in the equilibrium and stability of the steep edge pedestal plasma. The pedestal plasma has an unconventional and difficult neoclassical property, as compared with the core plasma. It has a narrow passing particle region in velocity space that can be easily modified or destroyed by Coulomb collisions. At the same time, the edge pedestal plasma has steep pressure and electrostatic potential gradients whose scale-lengths are comparable with the ion… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Koh, S.; Chang, C. S.; Ku, S.; Menard, J. E.; Weitzner, H. & Choe, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Edge Turbulence Velocity Changes with Lithium Coating on NSTX

Description: Lithium coating improves energy confinement and eliminates edge localized modes in NSTX, but the mechanism of this improvement is not yet well understood. We used the gas-puff-imaging (GPI) diagnostic on NSTX to measure the changes in edge turbulence which occurred during a scan with variable lithium wall coating, in order to help understand the reason for the confinement improvement with lithium. There was a small increase in the edge turbulence poloidal velocity and a decrease in the poloidal… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: A. Cao, S.J. Zweben, D.P. Stotler, M. Bell, A. Diallo, S.M. Kaye and B. LeBlanc
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of remediation amendments on vadose zone microorganisms

Description: Surfactant-based foam delivery technology has been studied to remediate Hanford 200 area deep vadose zone sediment. However, the surfactants and remediation amendments have an unknown effect on indigenous subsurface microorganisms. Microbial populations are important factors to consider in remediation efforts due to their potential to alter soil geochemistry. This project focuses on measuring microbial metabolic responses to remediation amendments in batch and column studies using Deep Vadose Z… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Miller, Hannah M. & Tilton, Fred A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Folding and Function of Proteorhodopsins in Photoenergy Transducing Membranes

Description: The overall research objectives are to develop proteorhodopsin (PR) proteins as a model system for {alpha}-helical membrane protein insertion and folding, and to advance understanding of the diversity and mechanisms of PRs, a large family of photoenergy transducers (~4000 identified) abundant in the world’s oceans. Specific aims are: (1) To develop a highefficiency genetic selection procedure for light-driven proton-pumping in E. coli cells. Such a procedure would provide a positive selection … more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Spudich, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low Cost Chemical Feedstocks Using an Improved and Energy Efficient Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Removal Process, Final Technical Report

Description: The overall objective of this project is to develop a new low-cost and energy efficient Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) recovery process - through a combination of theoretical, bench-scale and pilot-scale testing - so that it could be offered to the natural gas industry for commercialization. The new process, known as the IROA process, is based on U.S. patent No. 6,553,784, which if commercialized, has the potential of achieving substantial energy savings compared to currently used cryogenic technolog… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Meyer, Howard, S. & Lu, Yingzhong
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safeguard Requirements for Fusion Power Plants

Description: Nuclear proliferation risks from magnetic fusion energy associated with access to fissile materials can be divided into three main categories: 1) clandestine production of fissile material in an undeclared facility, 2) covert production and diversion of such material in a declared and safeguarded facility, and 3) use of a declared facility in a breakout scenario, in which a state openly produces fissile material in violation of international agreements. The degree of risk in each of these categ… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Glaser, Robert J. Goldston and Alexander
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Vehicle Technologies Program Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report for Fiscal Year 2012

Description: The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has defined milestones for its Vehicle Technologies Program (VTP). This report provides estimates of the benefits that would accrue from achieving these milestones relative to a base case that represents a future in which there is no VTP-supported vehicle technology development. Improvements in the fuel economy and reductions in the cost of light- and heavy-duty vehicles were estimated by using Argonne National Lab… more
Date: August 10, 2012
Creator: Ward, J.; Stephens, T. S. & Birky, A. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of International Policies In The Solar Electricity Sector: Lessons for India

Description: Although solar costs are dropping rapidly, solar power is still more expensive than conventional and other renewable energy options. The solar sector still needs continuing government policy support. These policies are driven by objectives that go beyond the goal of achieving grid parity. The need to achieve multiple objectives and ensure sufficient political support for solar power makes it diffi cult for policy makers to design the optimal solar power policy. The dynamic and uncertain nature … more
Date: August 10, 2011
Creator: Deshmukh, Ranjit; Bharvirkar, Ranjit; Gambhir, Ashwin & Phadke, Amol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Vacuum Salt Distillation Technology for the Removal of Fluoride

Description: Vacuum distillation of chloride salts from plutonium oxide (PuO{sub 2}) and simulant PuO{sub 2} has been previously demonstrated at Department of Energy (DOE) sites using kilogram quantities of chloride salt. The apparatus for vacuum distillation contains a zone heated using a furnace and a zone actively cooled using either recirculated water or compressed air. During a vacuum distillation operation, a sample boat containing the feed material is placed into the apparatus while it is cool, and t… more
Date: August 10, 2011
Creator: Pierce, R. A.; Pak, D. J. & Caldwell, T. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DNA Extraction by Isotachophoresis in a Microfluidic Channel

Description: Biological assays have many applications. For example, forensics personnel and medical professionals use these tests to diagnose diseases and track their progression or identify pathogens and the host response to them. One limitation of these tests, however, is that most of them target only one piece of the sample - such as bacterial DNA - and other components (e.g. host genomic DNA) get in the way, even though they may be useful for different tests. To address this problem, it would be useful … more
Date: August 10, 2011
Creator: Stephenson, S J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Closure Report (CR) for Corrective Action Unit (CAU) 41: Area 27 Landfills with Errata Sheet, Revision 0

Description: The closure report for CAU 41 is just a one page summary listing the coordinates of the landfill which were given at the time (1996) in Nevada State Plan Coordinates - North American Datum of 1983. The drawing of the use restricted site also listed the coordinates in Nevada State Plan Coordinates - North American Datum of 1983. In the ensuing years the reporting of coordinates has been standardized so that all coordinates are reported in the same manner, which is: NAD 27 UTM Zone 11 N, meters. … more
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Services, Navarro Nevada Environmental
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Closure Report (CR) for Corrective Action Unit (CAU) 91: Area 3 U-3fi Injection Well with Errata Sheet and Certification, Revision 0

Description: The closure report for CAU 91 has no Use Restriction Form or drawing/map included in the document to describe the use restricted area, however, Section 3.3.3 states that the site will be fenced and signage placed indicating the area as a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Unit. The drawing that was placed in the FFACO indicating the use restricted area lists the coordinates for the RCRA Unit in Nevada State Plan Coordinates - North American Datum of 1983. In the ensuing years the rep… more
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Services, Navarro Nevada Environmental
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Closure Report for Corrective Action Unit 329: Area 22 Desert Rock Airstrip Fuel Spill with Errata Sheet, Revision 0

Description: In Appendix 0, Use Restriction (UR) Form, the drawing of the use restricted area shows the incorrect coordinates for the use restricted area, the coordinates on the drawing do not match the approved UR Form. The coordinates have been verified and this Errata Sheet replaces the drawing of the use restricted area with an aerial photo showing the use restricted area and the correct coordinates that match the approved UR Form.
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Services, Navarro Nevada Environmental
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Closure Report for Corrective Action Unit 399: Area 18 Disposal Site

Description: The closure report for CAU 399 is just a one page summary listing the coordinates of the disposal site which were given at the time (1995) in Nevada State Plan Coordinates - North American Datum of 1983. The drawing of the use restricted site also listed the coordinates in Nevada State Plan Coordinates - North American Datum of 1983. In the ensuing years the reporting of coordinates has been standardized so that all coordinates are reported in the same manner, which is: NAD 27 UTM Zone 11 N, me… more
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Services, Navarro Nevada Environmental
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data Quality Assessment Report for the Remedial Investigation of Hanford Site Releases to the Columbia River, Hanford Site, Washington

Description: This report summarizes the results of the data quality assessment that was performed on the analytical data generated in connection with the 2008/2009 surface water, sediment, and soil data collection; groundwater upwelling investigation sample collection; and fish tissue sample collection.
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Hulstrom, L. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data Quality Objectives for Selecting Waste Samples for the Bench Steam Reformer Test

Description: This document describes the data quality objectives to select archived samples located at the 222-S Laboratory for Fluid Bed Steam Reformer testing. The type, quantity and quality of the data required to select the samples for Fluid Bed Steam Reformer testing are discusses.
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Dl, Banning
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel cycle analysis of once-through nuclear systems.

Description: Once-through fuel cycle systems are commercially used for the generation of nuclear power, with little exception. The bulk of these once-through systems have been water-cooled reactors (light-water and heavy water reactors, LWRs and HWRs). Some gas-cooled reactors are used in the United Kingdom. The commercial power systems that are exceptions use limited recycle (currently one recycle) of transuranic elements, primarily plutonium, as done in Europe and nearing deployment in Japan. For most of … more
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Kim, T. K.; Taiwo, T. A. & Division, Nuclear Engineering
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Muon Fluence Measurements for Homeland Security Applications

Description: This report focuses on work conducted at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to better characterize aspects of backgrounds in RPMs deployed for homeland security purposes. Two polyvinyl toluene scintillators were utilized with supporting NIM electronics to measure the muon coincidence rate. Muon spallation is one mechanism by which background neutrons are produced. The measurements performed concentrated on a broad investigation of the dependence of the muon flux on a) variations in solid ang… more
Date: August 10, 2010
Creator: Ankney, Austin S.; Berguson, Timothy J.; Borgardt, James D. & Kouzes, Richard T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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