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open access

[Letter from Nancy Reynolds to Allison Perkins, August 10, 1992]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Nancy Reynolds, Project Coordinator of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Allison Perkins, Amon Carter Museum. To discuss the upcoming newsletter that Reynolds would like to distribute in September but needs information from Perkins on the Charlie Russell presentation scheduled for October. As well as inform Perkins that the institute is planning to offer a retreat for the consortium members at Ghost Ranch Conference Center in Abiquiu, New Mexi… more
Date: August 10, 1992
Creator: Reynolds, Nancy
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Experimental observations and model calculations of impurity radiation in a plasma gun compact torus experiment

Description: Several types of radiation measurements were performed on the Beta II compact forms experiment. Among these are time integrated spectra ranging in wavelength from the vuv to the uv, time resolved bolometer measurements of radiation from the x-ray to the infrared, and time and wavelength resolved measurements of certain spectral lines. It is difficult to relate any one of these measurements to plasma parameters of interest such as temperature, density, or impurity content. In this report we comp… more
Date: August 10, 1982
Creator: Goldenbaum, G. C.; Granneman, E. H. A.; Hartman, C. W.; Prono, D. S.; Taska, J. & Turner, W. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kilowatt Isotope Power System: component test procedure for the ground demonstration system jet condenser orifice performance. 77-KIPS-83

Description: The verification methods which shall be used in the development program to be conducted on the Kilowatt Isotope Power System (KIPS) Jet Condenser to verify adequate orifice thermal performance are described. The purpose of the test procedure is to determine which orifice elements achieve satisfactory thermal performance to assure adequacy for Ground Demonstration System (GDS) Testing.
Date: August 10, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation (OTEC) power system development (PDS) II. Preliminary design report

Description: This report documents the results and conclusions of the PDS II, Phase I, preliminary design of a 10 MWe OTEC power system, using enhanced plate type heat exchangers, and of representative 0.2 MWe test articles. It further provides the documentation (specifications, drawings, trade studies, etc.) resulting from the design activities. The data and discussions of the technical concepts are organized to respond to the PDS II, Phase II proposal evaluation criteria. This volume, which specifically a… more
Date: August 10, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power system development (PSD) II. Preliminary design report. Appendix I: specifications and drawings

Description: This volume contains the specifications and drawings prepared in support of the preliminary design of a 10MWe OTEC power system using enhanced plate type heat exchangers. Included are: (1) the specification tree; (2) system specification; (3) 10 MWe heat exchangers; (4) nitrogen storage, conditioning and supply subsystem specification; (5) ammonia storage, conditioning and supply specification; (6) electrical power distribution and control subsystem specification; (7) equipment valves, instrume… more
Date: August 10, 1979
Creator: Pearson, R.O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power system development (PSD) II. Preliminary design report. Appendix II: supporting data

Description: The trade studies, calculations, and reports which provide the rationale for design conclusions for the 10 MWe OTEC power system are presented in this volume. These appendices include: (1) system design and optimization model; (2) system off-design performance computer model; (3) seawater system dynamics; (4) system mechanical design studies; (5) electrical design studies; (6) structural design studies; (7) tube cleaner design report and proposed brush test program; (8) heat exchangers: mechani… more
Date: August 10, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal depletion of a geothermal reservoir with both fracture and pore permeability

Description: A method for estimating the useful lifetime of a reservoir in porous rock where the injection and production wells intersect a fracture system is presented. Equations were derived for the pore-fluid and fracture-fluid temperatures averaged over large regions of the geothermal field. Problems such as incomplete areal sweep and interfingering of cool and hot fluids are ignored. Approximate equations relating average temperatures to the heat flowing from rock to fluid were developed, and their use… more
Date: August 10, 1976
Creator: Kasameyer, P.W. & Schroeder, R.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uniform laser ablative acceleration of targets at 10/sup 14/ W/cm/sup 2/

Description: We present the first detailed investigations of the ablative acceleration of planar targets while simultaneously using high irradiance (10/sup 14/ W/cm/sup 2/), large focal diameters (1 mm) and long laser pulse duration (3 nsec). Included are measurements of target preheat, ablation pressures and uniformity achieved under these conditions. Targets were accelerated to high velocities with velocity profile uniformity approaching that required for high gain pellet implosions.
Date: August 10, 1982
Creator: Obenschain, S. P.; Whitlock, R. R.; McLean, E. A.; Ripin, B. H.; Price, R. H.; Phillion, D. W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Collins' bypass for the main ring

Description: Design of the bypass for the main ring at Fermilab is discussed. Specific design features discussed include space, path length, geometric closure, matching of betatron functions, and external dispersion. Bypass parameters are given. (GHT)
Date: August 10, 1982
Creator: Ohnuma, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Borehole cement and rock properties studies. Progress report for the period up to 1 August 1976

Description: Research on the use of cements in radioactive waste isolation is reported. Other research is reported on the effects of thermal treatments of clays and shales on their cation exchange capacities and relative sorptive properties for cations. Development of instrumentation for measuring thermal properties of cements at atmospheric pressure was completed. A method was developed for measuring heat flow in shales and cement. Data on thermodynamic properties of cements and shales are included. Studie… more
Date: August 10, 1976
Creator: Roy, D. M.; Brindley, G. W.; McKinstry, H. A.; Voight, B.; Grutzeck, M.; Komarneni, S. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Candidate Recommendation #MED-0028 Establish a Joint Biomedical RDA Management Center

Description: Disregard Header and Footer Restriction: Candidate Recommendation #MED-0028 Establish a Joint Biomedical RDA Management Center Co-locates all management activities overseeing biomedical Science and Technology and regulated medical product Development and Acquisition at Fort Detrick, MD.
Date: August 10, 2005
Creator: United States. Department of Defense.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Memorandum of Meeting: Naval Sea Systems Command Shipbuilding Support Office, August 5, 2005]

Description: Memorandum of Meeting with Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Shipbuilding Support Office (NAVSHIPSO) Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) Detachment Philadelphia representatives and Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation regarding the recommendation to relocate the NAVSHIPSO from Philadelphia, PA to NNSY in Virginia.
Date: August 10, 2005
Creator: United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Community Briefing - Appeal to BRAC Commission of Proposed Realignment of NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office - Naval Support Activity Philadelphia -

Description: Community Briefing - Appeal to BRAC Commission of Proposed Realignment of NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office - Naval Support Activity Philadelphia -
Date: August 10, 2005
Creator: United States. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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