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open access

Focal Plane Metrology for the LSST Camera

Description: Meeting the science goals for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) translates into a demanding set of imaging performance requirements for the optical system over a wide (3.5{sup o}) field of view. In turn, meeting those imaging requirements necessitates maintaining precise control of the focal plane surface (10 {micro}m P-V) over the entire field of view (640 mm diameter) at the operating temperature (T {approx} -100 C) and over the operational elevation angle range. We briefly describe … more
Date: January 10, 2007
Creator: A Rasmussen, Andrew P.; Hale, Layton; Kim, Peter; Lee, Eric; Perl, Martin; Schindler, Rafe et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Prediction of Coal ash leaching behavior in acid mine water, comparison of laboratory and field studies

Description: Strongly alkaline fluidized bed combustion ash is commonly used to control acid mine drainage in West Virginia coal mines. Objectives include acid neutralization and immobilization of the primary AMD pollutants: iron, aluminum and manganese. The process has been successful in controlling AMD though doubts remain regarding mobilization of other toxic elements present in the ash. In addition, AMD contains many toxic elements in low concentrations. And, each mine produces AMD of widely varying qua… more
Date: January 10, 2005
Creator: ANNA, KNOX
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Migration and Entrapment of DNAPLs in Heterogeneous Systems: Impact of Waste and Porous Medium Composition

Description: Dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) pose a significant threat to soil and groundwater at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. Evidence suggests that subsurface wettability variations are present at many of these sites as a result of spatical and temporal variations in aqueous phase chemistry, contaminant aging, mineralogy and organic matter. The presence of such heterogeneity may significantly influence DNAPL migration and entrapment in the saturated zone.
Date: January 10, 2005
Creator: Abriola, Linda M. & Demond, Avery H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Global Climate Change: Selected Legal Questions About the Kyoto Protocol

Description: This report addresses legal issues after the United States signed the Kyoto Protocol to the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The protocol is not yet in effect internationally and cannot be legally binding on the U.S. unless and until the Senate gives its advice and consent.
Date: January 10, 2001
Creator: Ackerman, David M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transverse-momentum dependent modification of dynamic texture in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV

Description: Correlations in the hadron distributions produced in relativistic Au+Au collisions are studied in the discrete wavelet expansion method. The analysis is performed in the space of pseudorapidity (|{eta}| {le} 1) and azimuth (full 2{pi}) in bins of transverse momentum (p{sub t}) from 0.14 {le} p{sub t} {le} 2.1 GeV/c. In peripheral Au+Au collisions a correlation structure ascribed to minijet fragmentation is observed. It evolves with collision centrality and p{sub t} in a way not seen before whic… more
Date: January 10, 2005
Creator: Adams, J.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B. D.; Arkhipkin, D. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

General computational spectroscopic framework applied to Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum K-shell argon spectra

Description: We describe a general computational spectroscopic framework for interpreting observed spectra. The framework compares synthetic spectra with measured spectra, then optimizes the agreement using the Dakota toolkit to minimize a merit function that incorporates established spectroscopic techniques. We generate synthetic spectra using the self-consistent nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium atomic kinetics and radiative transfer code Cretin, relativistic atomic structure and cross section data from … more
Date: January 10, 2005
Creator: Adams, M L; Sinars, D B & Scott, H A
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Future of the Eurozone and U.S. Interests

Description: Seventeen of the European Union's 27 member states share an economic and monetary union (EMU) with the euro as a single currency. These countries are effectively referred to as the Eurozone. What has become known as the Eurozone crisis began in early 2010 when financial markets were shaken by heightened concerns that the fiscal positions of a number of Eurozone countries, beginning with Greece, were unsustainable. This report provides background information and analysis on the future of the Eur… more
Date: January 10, 2011
Creator: Ahearn, Raymond J.; Jackson, James K.; Nelson, Rebecca M. & Weiss, Martin A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inversion of Airborne Contaminants in a Regional Model

Description: We are interested in a DDDAS problem of localization of airborne contaminant releases in regional atmospheric transport models from sparse observations. Given measurements of the contaminant over an observation window at a small number of points in space, and a velocity field as predicted for example by a mesoscopic weather model, we seek an estimate of the state of the contaminant at the beginning of the observation interval that minimizes the least squares misfit between measured and predicte… more
Date: January 10, 2007
Creator: Akcelik, V.; Biros, G.; Draganescu, A.; Ghattas, O.; Hill, J.; van Bloemen Waanders, B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of the corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steels using local current density mapping techniques

Description: An in situ investigation of the dissolution behavior of duplex stainless steel has been carried out in acidic solutions containing 2.0 M HCl with 2.0 M H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} to determine differences in dissolution rates of the austenitic and ferritic phases. The current density distribution over the dissolving steel surface was measured using a vibrating electrode. The study demonstrated that this technique could quantify the differences in dissolution rates of the austenitic and ferritic phases un… more
Date: January 10, 1994
Creator: Aldykiewicz, A. & Isaacs, H. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Framework for Interactive Parallel Dataset Analysis on the Grid

Description: We present a framework for use at a typical Grid site to facilitate custom interactive parallel dataset analysis targeting terabyte-scale datasets of the type typically produced by large multi-institutional science experiments. We summarize the needs for interactive analysis and show a prototype solution that satisfies those needs. The solution consists of desktop client tool and a set of Web Services that allow scientists to sign onto a Grid site, compose analysis script code to carry out phys… more
Date: January 10, 2007
Creator: Alexander, David A.; Ananthan, Balamurali; Johnson, Tony & Serbo, Victor
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Static Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at High Subsonic Speeds on a Missile Model During Simulated Launching From the Midsemispan Location of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage-Pylon Combination

Description: "An investigation was made at high subsonic speeds in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel to determine the static aerodynamic forces and moments on a missile model during simulated launching from the midsemispan location of a 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage-pylon combination. The results indicated significant variations in all the aerodynamic components with changes in chordwise location of the missile. Increasing the angle of attack caused increases in the induced effects on the miss… more
Date: January 10, 1957
Creator: Alford, William J., Jr. & King, Thomas J., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental Monitoring Plan

Description: Environmental monitoring personnel from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) prepared this ''Environmental Monitoring Plan'' (EMP) to meet the requirements in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) ''Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance'' (DOE 1991) and applicable portions of DOE Orders 5400.1 and 5400.5 (see WSS B93 and B94 in Appendix B). ''Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental … more
Date: January 10, 2006
Creator: Althouse, P. E.; Biermann, A.; Brigdon, S. L.; Brown, R. A.; Campbell, C. G.; Christofferson, E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Enron: A Select Chronology of Congressional, Corporate, and Government Activities

Description: This report presents basic background information on the collapse of the Enron Corporation, identifying public policy issues in financial market oversight. This report briefly summarizes some federal laws carrying criminal penalties which may be implicated in the events surrounding the collapse of the Enron Corp. This report compares the auditing and accounting reform measures passed by the House (H.R. 3763) and reported by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. This repor… more
Date: January 10, 2003
Creator: Anderson, J. Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Conversation about a visit to Kashmir

Description: This is a conversation between Naik Muhammad (a 42-year old male driver) and Muhammad Awaiz (a 32-year old male government servant) about Naik Muhammad's recent visit to Kashmir.
Date: January 10, 2019
Duration: 9 minutes 13 seconds
Creator: Anjum, Uzma
Partner: UNT College of Information

Conversation about a visit to Kashmir

Description: This is a conversation between Naik Muhammad (a 42-year old male driver) and Muhammad Awaiz (a 32-year old male government servant) about Naik Muhammad's recent visit to Kashmir.
Date: January 10, 2019
Duration: 9 minutes 03 seconds
Creator: Anjum, Uzma
Partner: UNT College of Information

Retelling of the story of seven brothers and a sister

Description: This is a retelling of the story about seven brothers and their sister by Muhammad Awaiz (a 32-year old government servant) with Naik Muhammad (a 42-year old male) as the listener. In this story, the brothers get separated from their sister and the latter is searching for them. The sister finds her lost brothers in a forest but the brothers cannot recognise her and each one of them wants to marry her. When the sister lets them know that she was their sister, they drop the idea of marrying her.
Date: January 10, 2019
Duration: 11 minutes 06 seconds
Creator: Anjum, Uzma
Partner: UNT College of Information

Retelling of the story of seven brothers and a sister

Description: This is a retelling of the story about seven brothers and their sister by Muhammad Awaiz (a 32-year old government servant) with Naik Muhammad (a 42-year old male) as the listener. In this story, the brothers get separated from their sister and the latter is searching for them. The sister finds her lost brothers in a forest but the brothers cannot recognise her and each one of them wants to marry her. When the sister lets them know that she was their sister, they drop the idea of marrying her.
Date: January 10, 2019
Duration: 11 minutes 18 seconds
Creator: Anjum, Uzma
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Semisolid Metal Processing Consortium

Description: Mathematical modeling and simulations of semisolid filling processes remains a critical issue in understanding and optimizing the process. Semisolid slurries are non-Newtonian materials that exhibit complex rheological behavior. There the way these slurries flow in cavities is very different from the way liquid in classical casting fills cavities. Actually filling in semisolid processing is often counter intuitive
Date: January 10, 2002
Creator: Apelian, Diran
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrodynamic Directional Behavior of a Swept Planing-Tail Hull

Description: "A qualitative investigation of the low-speed directional behavior of a swept planing-tail hull was made in the Langley tank no. 2 in still water and still air with the use of a free self-propelled model. The configuration was directionally unstable over a range of low speed. It was, however, directionally controllable at all speeds by use of the rudder and elevator. Several modifications that were investigated did not improve the controllability" (p. 1).
Date: January 10, 1952
Creator: Arabian, Donald D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Northern Ireland: The Peace Process

Description: This report provides background information regarding political violence and the peace process in Northern Ireland. It includes further information about the devolved government and recurrent crises (1999-2002, 2003-2007 and 2008-2010), implementation of police reforms, recent events and ongoing challenges, relevant U.S. policy, and recent legislation.
Date: January 10, 2014
Creator: Archick, Kristin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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