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open access

Private Signals at Sea, Report

Description: Report of the Committee on Commerce detailing the opinions and recommendations of the Committee on the proposed Senate bill 6958 to provide for private signals at sea. It includes a letter from the Department of Commerce and Labor on the proposed legislation.
Date: May 7, 1908
Creator: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biological Investigations in Alaska and Yukon Territory

Description: From letter of transmittal: "Report on biological investigations made in the interior of Alaska and the Yukon territory in 1903 and 1904. It consists of separate reports on three distinct areas, describing the physiography and giving detailed accounts of the animal life of the region."
Date: October 7, 1909
Creator: Osgood, Wilfred H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Revision of the Spiny Pocket Mice: (Genera Heteromys and Liomys)

Description: From introduction: "Result of a study of the spiny pocket mice in the collection of the Biological Survey, now numbering nearly 1,000 specimens, supplemented by about 130 in the United States National Museum and from various sources."
Date: September 7, 1911
Creator: Goldman, Edward A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Revision of the American Marmots

Description: Discusses history, nomenclature, common names, habits, external characters, and specimens of American marmots. Describes, lists locations, and provides a key to species and subspecies.
Date: April 7, 1915
Creator: Howell, Arthur H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report on Behavior of Aeroplanes in Gusts

Description: Part 1 presents the results of a wind tunnel test of a biplane model with an 18 inch span. The lift, drift, and pitching moment were measured for a series of angles of incidence corresponding to the maximum possible changes of flight attitude. Only the discussion of symmetrical or longitudinal changes is given. From the observed rate of variation of the forces and pitching moment, it was possible to calculate the derivatives needed in the complete theory of longitudinal stability in still air.
Date: October 7, 1915
Creator: Hunsaker, Jerome C. & Wilson, Edward Bidwell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ultra-Violet and Visible Transmission of Eye-Protective Glasses

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the development of protective eye wear. The methods and equipment used are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: June 7, 1919
Creator: Gibson, K. S. & McNicholas, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation and Care of Vehicle-Type Batteries

Description: Manual for operation and care of storage batteries for use in Army depots.
Date: June 7, 1920
Creator: Vinal, George W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

What is Known about the Effect of Smoke on Health

Description: From title page: "For some years the Bureau of Mines, in connection with its investigations relating to efficiency in the combustion of fuels, as been engaged in a study of smoke prevention. Popular support for such work is usually based upon the injurious effects of smoke on the human ssytem, and this paper is published as a contribution to the literature dealing with that subject."
Date: December 7, 1926
Creator: White, William Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure Distribution Tests on PW-9 Wing Models Showing Effects of Biplane Interference

Description: "In this report tests are described in which the distribution of pressures over models of the wings of the PW-9 Airplane was investigated. The wing models were tested individually and in the biplane combination. The investigation was conducted in the atmospheric wind tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics" (p. 315).
Date: April 7, 1927
Creator: Fairbanks, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lift, drag, and elevator hinge moments of Handley Page control surfaces

Description: "This report combines the wind tunnel results of tests on four control surface models made in the two wind tunnels of the Navy Aerodynamic Laboratory, Washington Navy Yard, during the years of 1922 and 1924, and submitted for publication to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics May 7, 1927. The purpose of the tests was to compare, first, the lifts and the aerodynamic efficiencies of the control surfaces from which their relative effectiveness as tail planes could be determined; then t… more
Date: May 7, 1927
Creator: Smith, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theories of flow similitude

Description: The laws of comparison of dynamically similar fluid motions are derived by three different methods based on the same principle and yielding the same or equivalent formulas. This report outlines the three current methods of comparing dynamically similar motions, more especially of fluids, initiated respectively by Newton, Stokes (or Helmholtz), and Rayleigh. These three methods, viz., the integral, the differential, and the dimensional, are enough alike to be studied profitably together. They ar… more
Date: May 7, 1928
Creator: Zahm, A. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Variation in Engine Power With Altitude Determined From Measurements in Flight With a Hub Dynamometer

Description: "The rate of change in power of aircraft engines with altitude has been the subject of considerable discussion. Only a small amount of data from direct measurements of the power delivered by airplane engines during flight, however, has been published. This report presents the results of direct measurements of the power delivered by a Liberty 12 airplane engine taken with a hub dynamometer at standard altitudes from zero to 13,000 feet. Six flights were made with the engine installed in a modifi… more
Date: May 7, 1928
Creator: Gove, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure element of constant logarithmic stiffness for temperature compensated altimeter

Description: From Summary: "The usual type of altimeter contains a pressure element, the deflections of which are approximately proportional to pressure changes. An evenly divided altitude scale is secured by using a mechanism between the pressure element and pointer which gives the required motion of the pointer. A temperature-compensated altimeter was constructed at the Bureau of Standards for the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy Department which contained a manually operated device for controlling the m… more
Date: August 7, 1928
Creator: Brombacher, W. G. & Cordero, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of variation of chord and span of ailerons on rolling and yawing moments at several angles of pitch

Description: This report presents the results of an extension to higher angles of attack of the investigation of the rolling and yawing moments due to ailerons of various chords and spans on two airfoils having the Clark Y and U. S. A. 27 wings. The measurements were made at various angles of pitch but at zero angle of roll and yaw, the wing chord being set at an angle of +4 degrees to the fuselage axis. In the case of the Clark Y airfoil the measurements have been extended to a pitch angle of 40 degrees, u… more
Date: October 7, 1929
Creator: Heald, R. H.; Strother, D. H. & Monish, B. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperature coefficient of the modulus of rigidity of aircraft instrument diaphragm and spring materials

Description: Experimental data are presented on the variation of the modulus of rigidity in the temperature range -20 to +50 degrees C. of a number of metals which are of possible use for elastic elements for aircraft and other instruments. The methods of the torsional pendulum was used to determine the modulus of rigidity and its temperature coefficient for aluminum, duralumin, monel metal, brass, phosphor bronze, coin silver, nickel silver, three high carbon steels, and three alloy steels. It was observed… more
Date: March 7, 1930
Creator: Brombacher, W. G. & Melton, E. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A method of flight measurement of spins

Description: A method is described involving the use of recording turn meters and accelerometers and a sensitive altimeter, by means of which all of the physical quantities necessary for the complete determination of the flight path, motion, attitude, forces, and couples of a fully developed spin can be obtained in flight. Data are given for several spins of two training type airplanes which indicate that the accuracy of the results obtained with the method is satisfactory.
Date: October 7, 1930
Creator: Soulé, Hartley A. & Scudder, Nathan F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drop and Flight Tests on NY-2 Landing Gears Including Measurements of Vertical Velocities at Landing

Description: This investigation was conducted to obtain quantitative information on the effectiveness of three landing gears for the NY-2 (consolidated training) airplane. The investigation consisted of static, drop, and flight tests on landing gears of the oleo-rubber-disk and the mercury rubber-chord types, and flight tests only on a landing gear of the conventional split-axle rubber-cord type. The results show that the oleo gear is the most effective of the three landing gears in minimizing impact forces… more
Date: August 7, 1931
Creator: Peck, W. C. & Beard, A. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Aerodynamic Forces and Moments Exerted on a Spinning Model of the NY-1 Airplane as Measured by the Spinning Balance

Description: From Summary: "A preliminary investigation of the effects of changes in the elevator and rudder settings and of small changes in attitude upon the aerodynamic forces and moments exerted upon a spinning airplane was undertaken with the spinning balance in the 5-foot vertical tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. The tests were made on a 1/12-scale model of the "NY-1" airplane. Data by which to fix the attitude, the radius of spin, and the rotational and air velocities were t… more
Date: February 7, 1933
Creator: Bamber, M. J. & Zimmerman, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests of nacelle-propeller combinations in various positions with reference to wings 6: wings and nacelles with pusher propeller

Description: This report is the sixth of a series giving wind tunnel tests results on the interference drag and propulsive efficiency of nacelle-propeller-wing combinations. The present report gives the results of tests of a radial-engine nacelle with pusher propeller in 17 positions with reference to a Clark Y wing; tests of the same nacelle and propeller in three positions with reference to a thick wing; and tests of a body and pusher propeller with the thick wing, simulating the case of a propeller drive… more
Date: June 7, 1934
Creator: Wood, Donald H. & Bioletti, Carlton
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flight Investigation of Lateral Control Devices for Use With Full-Span Flaps

Description: This report presents the results of flight tests made on five different lateral control devices that appeared adaptable to wings fitted with full span flaps: controllable auxiliary airfoils (airfoils mounted above and forward of the leading edge of the wings), external ailerons (airfoils mounted above the wing and slightly forward of its maximum ordinate), upper-surface ailerons (similar to split trailing-edge flaps except that they constitute the upper surface of the wing), ailerons that retra… more
Date: November 7, 1934
Creator: Soulé, H. A. & McAvoy, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests in the variable-density wind tunnel of related airfoils having the maximum camber unusually far forward

Description: A family of related airfoils having the position of maximum camber unusually far forward was investigated in the variable-density tunnel as an extension of the study recently completed of a large number of related airfoils. The new airfoils gave improved characteristics over those previously investigated, especially in regard to the pitching moment. Some of the new sections are markedly superior to well-known and commonly used sections and should replace them in applications requiring a slightl… more
Date: May 7, 1935
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N. & Pinkerton, Robert M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air flow around finned cylinders

Description: Report presents the results of a study made to determine the air-flow characteristics around finned cylinders. Air-flow distribution is given for a smooth cylinder, for a finned cylinder having several fin spacings and fin widths, and for a cylinder with several types of baffle with various entrance and exit shapes. The results of these tests show: that flow characteristics around a cylinder are not so critical to changes in fin width as they are to fin spacing; that the entrance of the baffle … more
Date: November 7, 1935
Creator: Brevoort, M. J. & Rollin, Vern G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Prechamber compression-ignition engine performance

Description: Single-cylinder compression-ignition engine tests were made to investigate the performance characteristics of prechamber type of cylinder head. Certain fundamental variables influencing engine performance -- clearance distribution, size, shape, and direction of the passage connecting the cylinder and prechamber, shape of prechamber, cylinder clearance, compression ratio, and boosting -- were independently tested. Results of motoring and of power tests, including several typical indicator cards,… more
Date: July 7, 1936
Creator: Moore, Charles S. & Collins, John H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interrelation of Exhaust-Gas Constituents

Description: This report presents the results of an investigation conducted to determine the interrelation of the constituents of the exhaust gases of internal-combustion engines and the effect of engine performance on these relations. Six single-cylinder, liquid-cooled tests engines and one 9-cylinder radial air-cooled engine were tested. Various types of combustion chambers were used and the engines were operated at compression ratios from 5.1 to 7.0 using spark ignition and from 13.5 to 15.6 using compre… more
Date: September 7, 1937
Creator: Gerrish, Harold C. & Voss, Fred
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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