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open access

2 MW upgrade of the Fermilab Main Injector

Description: In January 2002, the Fermilab Director initiated a design study for a high average power, modest energy proton facility. An intensity upgrade to Fermilab's 120-GeV Main Injector (MI) represents an attractive concept for such a facility, which would leverage existing beam lines and experimental areas and would greatly enhance physics opportunities at Fermilab and in the U.S. With a Proton Driver replacing the present Booster, the beam intensity of the MI is expected to be increased by a factor o… more
Date: June 4, 2003
Creator: Chou, Weiren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D computer simulations of EM fields in the APS vacuum chamber: Part 1, Frequency-domain analysis

Description: The vacuum chamber proposed for the storage ring of the 7-GeV Advanced Photon Source (APS) basically consists of two parts: the beam chamber and the antechamber, connected to each other by a narrow gap. A sector of 1-meter-long chamber with dosed end plates, to which are attached the 1-inch-diameter beampipes centered at the beam chamber, has been built for experimental purposes. The 3-D code MAFIA has been used to simulate the frequency-domain behaviors of EM fields in this setup. The results … more
Date: September 4, 1990
Creator: Chou, W. & Bridges, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An 8-GeV Synchrotron-Based Proton Driver

Description: In January 2002, the Fermilab Director initiated a design study for a high average power, modest energy proton facility. Such a facility is a possible candidate for a construction project in the U.S. starting in the middle of this decade. The key technical element is a new machine, dubbed the ''Proton Driver,'' as a replacement of the present Booster. The study of an 8-GeV synchrotron-based proton driver has been completed and published. This paper will give a summary report, including machine … more
Date: June 4, 2003
Creator: Chou, Weiren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9/11 Commission Recommendations: Implementation Status

Description: From Introduction: "This report provides a review of the 9/11 Commission recommendations and the status of their implementation at the end of the 109th Congress. The discussions herein are organized on the basis of policy themes that are core of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations, rather than a review of every numbered item set out in the Commission's final report."
Date: December 4, 2006
Creator: Grimmett, Richard F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 14.6 Arcsecond Quasar Lens Split by a Massive Dark Matter Halo

Description: Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool to study the distribution of dark matter in the universe. The cold dark matter model of structure formation predicts the existence of quasars gravitationally lensed by concentrations of dark matter so massive that the quasar images would be split by over 7 inches. However, numerous searches for large-separation lensed quasars have been unsuccessful; all of the roughly 70 lensed quasars known to date, such as Q0957+561, have smaller splittings, and can be… more
Date: December 4, 2003
Creator: Inada, N.; Oguri, M.; Pindor, B.; Hennawi, J.; Chiu, K.; Zheng, W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

45-Day safety screen results for Tank 241-U-201, push mode, cores 70, 73 and 74

Description: Three core samples, each having two segments, from Tank 241-U-201 (U-201) were received by the 222-S Laboratories. Safety screening analysis, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and total alpha activity were conducted on Core 70, Segment 1 and 2 and on Core 73, Segment 1 and 2. Core 74, Segment 1 and 2 were taken to test rotary bit in push mode sampling. No analysis was requested on Core 74, Segment 1 and 2. Analytical results for the TGA analyses … more
Date: May 4, 1995
Creator: Sathyanarayana, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Areas technical activities report: Physics, March 1947

Description: U.M. Staebier reports from the pile areas. Foil tests were conducted at the B pile. A power coefficient test was performed at the D pile; special request materials and reactivity balance are also reported. The new No. 2 horizontal rod of the F pile has been slightly resized. Graphite temperature readings, thermal conductivity calculations, special request materials, and reactivity balance are also reported. General physics are considered. Production tests 105-85-P and 106-1-P are reported. Egg … more
Date: April 4, 1947
Creator: Gast, P. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-K Basin Material Design Basis Feed Description for Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Project Facilities VOL 1 Fuel

Description: Metallic uranium Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is currently stored within two water filled pools, 105-KE Basin (KE Basin) and 105-KW Basin (KW Basin), at the United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Hanford Site, in southeastern Washington State. The Spent Nuclear Fuel Project (SNF Project) is responsible to DOE for operation of these fuel storage pools and for the 2100 metric tons of SNF materials that they contain. The SNF Project mission includes safe removal and transportation of all SNF fr… more
Date: November 4, 1999
Creator: Packer, M. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

209-E Upgrades

Description: Pacific Northwest Laboratory has initiated a review of the Safeguards and Security systems at the Critical Mass Laboratory with regards to determining appropriate upgrading actions that assure that an effective and efficient Safeguards and Security posture consistent with DOE-RL policies, procedures, and priorities is effected. As a result of this review, PNL has concluded that specific upgrades are required at CML that provide a demonstrated enhancement to the overall security posture of the f… more
Date: February 4, 1985
Creator: Merrill, B. J. & DeMyer, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A Evaporator quality assurance plan. Revision 2

Description: The purpose of this quality assurance project plan (Plan) is to provide requirements for activities pertaining to sampling, shipping, and analyses associated with candidate feed tank samples for the 242-A Evaporator project. The purpose of the 242-A Evaporator project is to reduce the volume of aqueous waste in the Double Shell Tank (DST) System and will result in considerable savings to the disposal of mixed waste. The 242-A Evaporator feed stream originates from DSTs identified as candidate f… more
Date: May 4, 1995
Creator: Basra, T. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A evaporator quality assurance project plan: Revision 1

Description: The scope of this quality assurance project plan (Plan) is sampling and analytical services including, but not limited to, sample receipt, handling and storage, analytical measurements, submittal of data deliverables, archiving selected portions of samples, returning unneeded sample material to Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC), and/or sample disposal associated with candidate feed samples and process condensate compliance samples. Sampling and shipping activities are also included within the … more
Date: November 4, 1994
Creator: Tucker, B. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

340 Waste handling facility interim safety basis

Description: This document presents an interim safety basis for the 340 Waste Handling Facility classifying the 340 Facility as a Hazard Category 3 facility. The hazard analysis quantifies the operating safety envelop for this facility and demonstrates that the facility can be operated without a significant threat to onsite or offsite people.
Date: October 4, 1996
Creator: Stordeur, R.T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

880 nanosecond particle in cell mover for the CDC 7600

Description: A very fast computational method of moving particles for one dimensional electrostatic plasma simulations using integer arithmetic is described. The cloud in cell method forms the basis of this technique. This paper is in the form of a compass compilable subroutine with comments and examples describing methods of using an entirely integer representation to gain up to an order of magnitude increase in speed over equivalent floating point Fortran coding. Integer arithmetic has several advantages … more
Date: October 4, 1977
Creator: Estabrook, K. & Tull, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

911 Call Center Legislation: S. 1250 and H.R. 2898

Description: This article discusses the 2003 Congress bipartisan E911 (Enhanced 911) legislation introduced in both chambers. Moreover, the article describes the difference in parallel provisions each bill contains that have significant implications for emergency communication policy. The article defines Enhanced 911 as the capability of identifying the phone number and location of a call to a PSAP (Public Safety Answering Points). This report characterizes the cost to PSAPs of upgrading systems and support… more
Date: August 4, 2004
Creator: Moore, Linda K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1099 Information Reporting Requirements and Penalties as Modified by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010

Description: This report discuses the 2010 expansion of reporting requirements listed in IRC (Internal Revenue Code) 6041. The controversy in these expansions lies in the burden the expansion imposes on small businesses. The report also describes the pieces of legislation that have amended IRC 6041, and the implications of that legislation along with the consequences of IRC 6041.
Date: March 4, 2011
Creator: Pettit, Carol A. & Liu, Edward C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1500 MHZ Passive SRF Cavity for Bunch Lengthening in the NSLS-II Storage Ring

Description: NSLS-II is a new ultra-bright 3 GeV 3rd generation synchrotron radiation light source. The performance goals require operation with a beam current of 500mA and a bunch current of at least 0.5mA. Ion clearing gaps are required to suppress ion effects on the beam. The natural bunch length of 3mm is planned to be lengthened by means of a third harmonic cavity in order to increase the Touschek limited lifetime. After an extensive investigation of different cavity geometries, a passive, superconduct… more
Date: May 4, 2009
Creator: Yanagisawa,T.; Rose, J.; Grimm, T. & Bogle, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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