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Description of the procedure for a memorial service (Argun)

Description: This is a description of a memorial service (argum in Nepali) as narrated by Dhan Bir Ghale. During the service, various events are performed, including digging sacred soil, dancing by male relatives and Buddhist lamas, and other traditional rituals. This event is intended to send the deceased to heaven.
Date: January 4, 2024
Duration: 43 minutes 21 seconds
Creator: Yoshida, Shigeki
Partner: UNT College of Information

Description of the procedure for a memorial service (Argun)

Description: This is a description of a memorial service (argum in Nepali) as narrated by Dhan Bir Ghale. During the service, various events are performed, including digging sacred soil, dancing by male relatives and Buddhist lamas, and other traditional rituals. This event is intended to send the deceased to heaven. It incorporates footage and audio from other files.
Date: January 4, 2024
Duration: 43 minutes 03 seconds
Creator: Yoshida, Shigeki
Partner: UNT College of Information

Description of the procedure for a memorial service (Argun)

Description: This is a description of a memorial service (argum in Nepali) as narrated by Dhan Bir Ghale. During the service, various events are performed, including digging sacred soil, dancing by male relatives and Buddhist lamas, and other traditional rituals. This event is intended to send the deceased to heaven.
Date: January 4, 2024
Duration: 43 minutes 13 seconds
Creator: Yoshida, Shigeki
Partner: UNT College of Information

Collection Evaluation for Enhancements: Languages and Literatures

Description: Presentation used to report the evaluation of UNT Libraries’ holdings supporting the curriculum and research in the area of languages and literatures. This collection analysis was focused on the four languages which undergraduates and graduate degrees are offered, including literatures and cultures.
Date: December 4, 2023
Creator: Harker, Karen; Byrne, Sephra & Irhamni, Irhamni
Partner: UNT Libraries
captions transcript

[Y is for Year in Review]

Description: Video of a slide show of pictures taken throughout the year 2023 of Music Library full-time staff and student assistants at the Music Library, attending or hosting different events, and tabling.
Date: December 4, 2023
Duration: 46 seconds
Creator: Walther, Rebecca
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Art education graduate students]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education graduate students in Dr. Beth Link's methods course examining documentation relating to a yellow debutante dress by Dallas-based dressmaker Lilli Wolff. The visit occurred on October 4, 2023, in the TFC's space in Welch Street Complex 1.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Art education graduate students, 2]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education graduate students in Dr. Beth Link's methods course examining sketches and photographs related to Dallas-based dressmaker Lilli Wolff. The visit occurred on October 4, 2023, in the TFC's space in Welch Street Complex 1.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Surface Wettability of PVDF/ZnO and PVDF/TiO2 Composite Coatings: A Comparative Study

Description: Article describes how this study aims to enhance the practical performance of PVDF/ZnO and PVDF/TiO2 composite coatings known for their distinctive properties. The coatings, applied through spray coating with PVDF and ZnO or TiO2 nanoparticles on glass, steel, and aluminum substrates, underwent a comprehensive evaluation.
Date: October 4, 2023
Creator: Mohamed, Adel M. A.; Alateyah, Abdulrahman I.; Hasan, Hosam; Matli, Penchal Reddy; El-Sayed Seleman, Mohamed M.; Ahmed, Essam et al.
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

The impact of high-immersion virtual reality on foreign language anxiety

Description: Authors of the article assert that public speaking, especially in a foreign language, is associated with increased anxiety. The authors found that VR technology had a positive effect on practicing public speaking in a foreign language, the research findings have practical implications for professionals and curriculum designers in various domains where public speaking skills are essential.
Date: October 4, 2023
Creator: Kaplan-Rakowski, Regina & Gruber, Alice
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Re-evaluation of rate constants for the reaction N2H4 (+ M) ⇄ NH2 + NH2 (+ M)

Description: Article describes how rate constants for the dissociation/recombination reaction N2H4 (+ M) ⇄ NH2 + NH2 (+ M) are determined by a combination of quantum-chemical calculations and statistical unimolecular rate theory. Implications of the present re-evaluated rate constants for the modeling of high temperature ammonia oxidation kinetics are discussed, showing an only small influence of their precise values on the overall properties of the process.
Date: October 4, 2023
Creator: Cobos, Carlos J.; Glarborg, Peter; Marshall, Paul & Troe, Jürgen
Partner: UNT College of Science

[Students from a critical media studies course]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education students led by Professor Tyson Lewis (pictured to the right). Students engaged in an activity relating to critical media studies at the Texas Fashion Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design Art Education course. The activity happened in Welch Street Complex 1 on October 26, 2023.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students from a critical media studies course, 2]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education students lead by Professor Tyson Lewis (not pictured). Students engaged in an activity relating to critical media studies at the Texas Fashion Collection, and here they make notes about documentation relating to a 1958 debutante dress by Lilli Wolff. The activity happened in Welch Street Complex 1 on October 26, 2023.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students from a critical media studies course, 3]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education students lead by Professor Tyson Lewis (pictured to the right). Students engaged in an activity relating to critical media studies at the Texas Fashion Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education. The activity happened in Welch Street Complex 1 on October 26, 2023.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students studying a 1958 debutante dress by Lilli Wolff]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education students lead by Professor Tyson Lewis (not pictured). Students engaged in an activity relating to critical media studies at the Texas Fashion Collection, and here they make notes about 1958 debutante dress by Lilli Wolff. The activity happened in Welch Street Complex 1.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students studying a 1990s ensemble created by drag artist Richard D. Curtin]

Description: Photograph of UNT College of Visual Arts and Design art education students lead by Professor Tyson Lewis (not pictured). Students engaged in an activity relating to critical media studies at the Texas Fashion Collection, and here they make notes about 1990s ensemble created by drag artist Richard D. Curtin for his persona Edna Jean. The activity happened in Welch Street Complex 1.
Date: October 4, 2023
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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