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open access

Charging and Discharge of Demineralizer Resins. Section IV. First Performance. Core I, Seed 1. Test Results DL-S-180, T-612085

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine if the 1A Canal Water System Demineralizers can be satisfactorily charged with resin. The 1A Canal Water System Demineralizer was satisfactorily charged with resin and conductivity of the demineralizer effluent was less than 0.1 microbes as specified in the Test Procedure.
Date: December 3, 1959
Creator: Eckenrode, Gerald E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Determination of Decontamination Factors for Radioisotopes Through Lithium Hydroxide Resin. Section I. Second Performance. Core I, Seed 1. Test Results DL-S-277-S, RNI-22

Description: The purpose of the test was to obtain data on the decontamination factors for Cesium-136, Cesium-137, Strontium-92, one hour gross iodine and Iodine-131. This data will be used to determinate efficiency of lithium hydroxide resin for removing radioactive cations and anions. The denomination factors for a particular demineralizer using lithium hydroxide resign were found to vary for different radioisotopes. This variation was from 2.3 for Cesium136 to 77,000 for gross iodine.
Date: December 3, 1959
Creator: Strauos, Roger O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Non-Thermal Capture on Californium Production in the HFIR

Description: The purpose of this study is to estimate the additional production of Cf-252 from non-thermal captures in the present concept of the HFIR and to attempt to establish an optimum ratio of non-thermal to thermal flux.
Date: December 3, 1959
Creator: Claiborne, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron-Flux Measurements in a Flat Plate Fuel Element

Description: The equipment and experiments performed to measure the thermal-neutron- flux distribution in a fuel assembly of an experimental loop mock-up of a gas:cooled reactor at the Battelle Research Reactor (BRR) are described. The loop was located adjacent to the core of the BRR and contained one fuel assermbly composed of seven flat fuel plates each containing approximately 29.5 g of U/sup 235/. The plates consisted of a core 0.050 in. thick of UO/sub 2/ dispersed in Type 347 stainless steel and clad … more
Date: December 3, 1959
Creator: Morgan, W.R.; Anno, J.N. Jr. & Chastain, J.W. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Device For The Collection Of Fecal Specimens

Description: Certain insoluble radionuclides, when inhaled or ingested, eventually pass through the GI tract and can be detected in the feces. To alleviate the problem of cross-contamination and to gain greater cooperation from the person submitting a fecal specimen, a commode seat adapter with a special plastic bag has been designed and installed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory medical dispensary.
Date: November 3, 1959
Creator: Stone, G. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Further Investigations of Natural Environmental Radiation

Description: Report documenting the investigation of cosmic and terrestrial background radiation. "Remeasurements in many locations furnished estimates of dosimetric increase in terrestrial levels due to fallout. Radiation measurement sin residential dwellings in he New York metropolitan areas are described" (p. 1).
Date: November 3, 1959
Creator: Solon, Leonard R.; Lowder, Wayne M.; Shambon, Arthur & Blatz, Hanson
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The High-Energy Electrostatic Plasma Gun

Description: This report analyzes the High-Energy Electrostatic Plasma Gun, which is to be used for propulsion.
Date: November 3, 1959
Creator: Fox, Raymond
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Safety in Manufacturing Plants

Description: From Introduction: "In the following pages are summarized the factors which influence neutron economy and which, therefore, are important in nuclear safety."
Date: November 3, 1959
Creator: McLaughlin, James E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Superheat Meeting: September 1959

Description: From introduction: The Commission's underlying objective of this program is to conduct sufficient engineering and development work to determine the most feasible and economical methods of producing nuclear super-heated steam from a boiling water reactor.
Date: November 3, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Periodic Radiation Survey. Section I. EFPH-4182. First Performance. Core I, Seed 1. Test Results DL-S-231 (T-612394)

Description: The purpose of the survey was to determine the radiation levels in the 1 D Boiler Chamber during plant operation. The conclusion of this survey is that the radiation level in the 1 D Boiler Compartment with the 1A, 1B, and 1C Main Coolant loops in service at approximately 100 per cent power ranged from .03 MR/HR to 6.0 MR/HR.
Date: November 3, 1959
Creator: Ritz, William C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effectiveness of Cupric Ion as a Homogeneous Catalyst in the UO3-HNO3-H2O System for the Recombination of Hydrogen and Oxygen Produced by Radiolytic Decomposition

Description: The effectiveness of cupric ion as a catalyst in a UO3-HNO3-H2O fuel system is shown by experimental data. Comparisons are made of the catalytic activity of cupric ion in the nitrate fuel solution and the presently used sulfate system. Calculations are made, using reasonable assumptions, of the permissible power density in watts per cc at several temperatures.
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Kelly, M. J.; Silverman, M. D.; Stone, H. H. & Watson, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Linear Material and Product Consolidation in the DRUHM Process

Description: Tests were made to evaluate magnesia and graphite as possible liner materials for the DRUHM reaction and to evaluate the effect of temperature on product consolidation and separation. In these tests, graphite held up better than magnesia; however, both were attacked by sodium. Appreciable uranium metal consolidation took place at temperatures greater than 1180'C. The results of a literature survey indicated that the most promising liner materials are magnesia, graphite, and graphite coated with… more
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Edwards, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Improved Gamma Detector Using Gamma Moderation

Description: Abstract: "Theoretical and experimental results of the effect of gamma moderation are described. A 6.7-fold enhancement factor was obtained with a 1/8-in. - thick sodium-iodide crystal when using gamma moderation and a Co-60 gamma source. A counter was designed and built to make the most use of gamma source. A counter was designed and built to make the most use of gamma moderation. The results indicate that this counter can be made energy independent over a wide region. Though the cost of the c… more
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Fox, Raymond
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microbarograph Evaluation Report

Description: From introduction: This report describes the procedures used and the results obtained in evaluating the Wiancko type 3-PBM-2 microbarograph system.
Date: September 3, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Behavior in the Fluoride Volatility Process

Description: Behavior of plutonium in the Volatility Process as investigated. Both a literature survey and pilot plant experimental work were performed. Additions of 10 mg, 1 g, and 10 g of plutonium were made to the feed salt in three regularly scheduled runs. Although previous experimenters indicated some volatilization of PuF6 would occur, >99 percent of the plutonium remained in the salt in the fluorinator. Maximum product contamination was 3 ppb.
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Cross, R. A. & Whitmarsh, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Radiochemistry of Arsenic

Description: Properties of the element arsenic which would be of value to the radio chemist are annotated. Procedures for radio activation analysis of arsenic were studied and evaluated. These procedures are appended to this memorandum. General criticisms of present methods are presented and a general procedure for the radio activation analysis of arsenic is suggested.
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Beard, Harold C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Thermodynamic Properties of Freon-114

Description: Introduction: The thermodynamic properties of Freon-114 presented herein supplement those of Volume I and encompass a range of temperature above the critical to 400 F &176 F.
Date: September 3, 1959
Creator: Van Wie, N. H. & Ebel, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Isotopic sources of secondary radiation : second interim technical report covering the period from March 1 to July 1, 1959

Description: Summary. During the past year the work carried out in this program has included experiments on the x-ray output produced by the separated fission product beta sources, the interpretation of such experiments for the effective design of high level secondary x-ray sources, and the design and testing of prototype sources of secondary radiation for specific industrial applications. In this report results of work carried out during the past fours months are reported: (1) analysis of beta-excited x-… more
Date: August 3, 1959
Creator: Voyvodic, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Melting Point of Th-U-C Fuel Elements

Description: From the point of view of predicting melting behavior of fuel elements containing fission products after 50 percent burn-up, the fuel can be considered to consist of 2000 moles Th, 150 moles U, 55 moles of rate earth metal, 31 moles of Zr, 25 moles of Mo, 20 moles of Rh-Ru-Tc, and 15 moles of alkaline earth metal. All other fission products are present in too small amounts to have any important effect upon the melting point or will have vaporized. However, the presence of alkali metal vapor sho… more
Date: August 3, 1959
Creator: Brewer, Leo, 1919-2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Testing of Dump Valve Trim in the Valve Test Loop and the Performance of Dump Valves in the HRT

Description: The Homogeneous Reactor Test requires an emergency valve for rapidly releasing the contents of each the core and blanket high-pressure system to its low-pressure system. This report describes the testing of dump valve trim in the Valve Test Loop and the performance of dump valves in the HRT to date.
Date: August 3, 1959
Creator: Hise, E. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comments on calcined 1WW storage

Description: Studies are under ray in Chemical Research and Development to-provide the technical ``know-how`` necessary to calcine Purex 1WW and safely store the solid product. The solid product can be stored as the particulate solid from the calciner or, after further treatment, as a solid matrix or melt. In this regard, Chemical Research is studying a PO{sub 4}BO{sub 2} melt. This document presents expected fission product heat generation rates in the solid product, shows the effect of various variables o… more
Date: June 3, 1959
Creator: Coppinger, E. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Methods of Controlling Core-Wall Temperatures in Aqueous Homogeneous Reactors

Description: The problem of controlling the surface temperatures of core vessels in two-region aqueous homogeneous reactors has been examined by analyzing several possible systems for cooling the wall: (1) direction of the inlet core fluid along the wall at a high velocity; (2) passage of heavy water through the wall of a double-wall core vessel; and (3) flow of cool blanket slurry past the wall.
Date: June 3, 1959
Creator: Rosenthal, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and Preliminary Testing of Powder-Lock Feeder

Description: At the request of 234-5 Development, studies of a system for controlling plutonium powder transfer were undertaken by Process Equipment Development. This report presents details of equipment designed to fulfill requirements and proposes equipment for installation on additional Hot Button Line prototypes.
Date: April 3, 1959
Creator: Dunn, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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