Search Results

Primary view of "25" Critically Consultation with J. W. Morfitt : April 3, 1950
Merrill, E. T. & Sege, G.
April 3, 1950
Primary view of 100 Areas technical activities report - physics, July 1951
unknown creator
August 3, 1951
Primary view of Acceleration of high-pressure-ratio single-spool turbojet engine as determined from component performance characteristics 2: effect of compressor interstage air bleed
Rebeske, John J., Jr. & Dugan, James F., Jr.
July 3, 1953
Primary view of Acid Formation in the Radiolysis of Phosphorus Esters
Baldwin, W. H.
April 3, 1957
Primary view of Additional Experiments on Stored Energy in BNL Reactor Graphite
Mulhern, T.
August 3, 1953
Primary view of Aerodynamic characteristics at Mach number of 4.06 of a typical supersonic airplane model using body and vertical-tail wedges to improve directional stability
Dunning, Robert W.
December 3, 1957
Primary view of The aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of an all-movable, tapered, 45 degrees sweptback, aspect-ratio-4 tail surface deflected about a skewed hinge axis
Hammond, Alexander D. & Watson, James M.
July 3, 1952
Primary view of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model of an Escape Capsule for a Supersonic Bomber-Type Airplane at a Mach Number of 2.49
Presnell, John G., Jr.
December 3, 1957
Primary view of Altitude-Chamber Performance of British Roll-Royce Nene II Engine 4: Effect of Operational Variables on Temperature Distribution at Combustion-Chamber Outlets
Huntley, Sidney C.
July 3, 1950
Primary view of Altitude Investigation of Can-Type Flame Holder in 20-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Combustor
Smolak, George R. & Wentworth, Carl B.
June 3, 1954
Primary view of Altitude Investigation of Can-Type Flame Holder in 20-Inchdiameter Ram-Jet Combustor
Smolak, George R. & Wentworth, Carl B.
June 3, 1954
Primary view of Altitude Performance of J35-A-17 Turbojet Engine in an Altitude Chamber
Vincent, K. R. & Gale, B. M.
January 3, 1951
Primary view of Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of operational characteristics of J47 turbojet engine
Bloomer, Harry E.
August 3, 1950
Primary view of Aluminum borohydride as an ignition source for turbojet combustors
Straight, David M.; Fletcher, Edward A. & Foster, Hampton H.
September 3, 1953
Primary view of Analog computer study of some filtering, command-computer, and automatic-pilot problems connected with the attack phase of the automatically controlled supersonic interceptor
Sherman, Windsor L.
October 3, 1957
Primary view of Analysis of Spurious Modes in Magnet Power Supply
Dekleva, J. & Robinson, K. W.
January 3, 1958
Primary view of Analysis of two-spool turboprop-engine characteristics
Davison, Elmer H.
June 3, 1957
Primary view of Analytical investigation of flow through high-speed mixed-flow turbine
Stewart, Warner L.
October 3, 1951
Primary view of The Anodizing of Zirconium
Ray, William E.
November 3, 1953
Primary view of Approximate relative-total-pressure losses of an infinite cascade of supersonic blades with finite leading-edge thickness
Klapproth, John F.
March 3, 1950
Primary view of Automatic Sample Changer
Rankin, M. O. & Harvey, R. A.
January 3, 1957
Primary view of Back-up radioiodine removal facilities, Purex. Project proposal, Revision 1
Falk, C. F.
January 3, 1956
Primary view of Basic Concept of the Inert Gas System for Primary Sodium
Kendall, W. W. & Chase, W. L.
February 3, 1958
Primary view of Basic Gamma-Ray Data for ART Heat Deposition Calculations
Bertini, H. W.; Copenhaver, C. M.; Perry, A. M. & Stevenson, R. B.
October 3, 1956
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