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open access

T-1020 NaI crystal test for DM-Ice

Description: This is a memorandum of understanding between the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and the experiments of the NaI Crystal Test for DM-Ice from the University of Wisconsin who have committed to participate in detector tests to be carried out during the 2011-2012 Fermilab Neutrino program. The memorandum is intended primarily for the purpose of recording expectations for budget estimates and work allocations for Fermilab, the funding agencies and the participating institutions. It… more
Date: November 3, 2011
Creator: Maruyama, Reina; Heeger, Karsten; Pierpoint, Zachary; Pettus, Walter; Broerman, Benjamin; Hilgenberg, Chris et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

21st Century Locomotive Technology: Quarterly Technical Status Report 15 DOE/AL68284-TSR15

Description: High pressure common rail (HPCR) fuel injection performance testing developed a notch-by-notch performance comparison between HPCR and the production fuel system. A multiple injection screening study at notch 8 was completed with the baseline HPCR fuel injector nozzle tip design. Began a study on performance effects of different nozzle tip geometries. The hybrid locomotive battery vendor performed component fabrication tests and began manufacture of a mockup battery to validate the vibration de… more
Date: November 3, 2006
Creator: Salasoo, Lembit & Topinka, Jennifer
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Active Cathodes for Super-High Power Density Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Through Space Charge Effects

Description: This report summarizes the work done during the third quarter of the project. Effort was directed in two areas: (1) Further development of the model on the role of connectivity on ionic conductivity of porous bodies, including the role of grain boundaries, and its relationship to cathode polarization. Included indirectly through the grain boundary effect is the effect of space charge. (2) Synthesis of LSC + SDC composite cathode powders by combustion synthesis. (3) Fabrication and testing of an… more
Date: November 3, 2003
Creator: Virkar, Anil V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Active Military Sonar and Marine Mammals: Events and References

Description: The deployment of active sonar by the U.S. Navy and its potential impacts on marine mammals has been an ongoing issue of intense debate; regulatory, legislative, and judicial activity; and international concern. This report summarizes legal and political events related to active sonar and marine mammals since 1994. This report summarizes some of the more significant recent events pertaining to active military sonar, in particular.
Date: November 3, 2005
Creator: Buck, Eugene H. & Calvert, Kori
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum to the Corrective Action Investigation Plan for Corrective Action Unit 321: Area 22 Weather Station Fuel Storage, Nevada Test Site, Nevada (Rev. 0, November 2000)

Description: This addendum to the Corrective Action Investigation Plan (CAIP) contains the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office's approach to determine the extent of contamination existing at Corrective Action Unit (CAU) 321. This addendum was required when the extent of contamination exceeded the estimate in the original Corrective Action Decision Document (CADD). Located in Area 22 on the Nevada Test Site, Corrective Action Unit 321, Weather Station Fuel Storage, consists of Corrective Acti… more
Date: November 3, 2000
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Nevada Operations Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Administrative Issues Related to a Change in Majority in the House of Representatives

Description: This report briefly describes how a change in majority leadership in the House of Representatives -- such as the incoming new majority that will assume control of House operations at the beginning of the 112th Congress in January 2011 -- could affect House rules, committees, and administrative and legislative operations.
Date: November 3, 2010
Creator: Petersen, R. Eric; Manning, Jennifer E. & Brudnick, Ida A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy

Description: This report details the transition of Afghanistan to a democracy, yet still debates the problem of insurgency. Moreover, the report debates whether stabilization is possible at all due to rising issues of insurgency. The report also offers a summary of how the U.S. intended to deal with the problem, and where the problem was located.
Date: November 3, 2006
Creator: Katzman, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Amendments in Disagreement

Description: This report briefly summarizes the process of amendments between the House of Representatives and the Senate, which occurs if the House and Senate approve differing versions of a measure. The House and Senate must approve an identical version of a measure before it may be presented for the President's approval or veto. If the House and Senate approve differing versions of a measure, the differences must first be resolved.
Date: November 3, 2004
Creator: Saturno, James V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of test data on ablation of SNAP 2/10A fuel, aluminum, and stainless steel in an arc-heated wind tunnel

Description: A series of arc-jet tests were performed for the purpose of investigating the behavior of SNAP 2/10A fuel in a simulated reentry environment. The data from the tests (motion pictures and transient temperature distributions) were analyzed and compared with computations which used an energy balance to describe the heating of the fuel to its melting temperature. The dissociation of hydrogen was assumed to occur as an isothermal, endothermic phase change. This concept neglects the kinetics of diffu… more
Date: November 3, 1964
Creator: Arnold, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical determination of effect of water injection on power output of turbine-propeller engine

Description: From Introduction: "Water injection at the compressor inlet has been successfully used to increase the thrust of turbojet engines. References 1 and 2 indicate that the sea-level static thrust of a centrifugal-flow-type turbojet engine may be increased about 25 percent by use of liquid injection. Reference 3 indicates that greater thrust augmentation is possible at a compressor pressure ratio of 11 than of 4."
Date: November 3, 1949
Creator: Ross, Albert O. & Huppert, Merle C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Anodizing of Zirconium

Description: Five continuous coatings were produced on zirconium coupons using an anodizing technique. These layers appear to be quite adherent and not subject to visible or audible failure caused by flaxion of the basis metal, Their abrasion resistance, though not investigated thoroughly, appears to be moderately good.
Date: November 3, 1953
Creator: Ray, William E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling

Description: The eighteen 10-acre infill wells which were drilled as part of the field demonstration portion of the project are all currently in service with no operational problems. These wells consist of fourteen producing wells and four injection wells. The producing wells are currently producing a total of approximately 376 bopd, down from a peak rate of 900 bopd. The four injection wells are currently injecting a total of 140 bwipd. Unit production is currently averaging approximately 2,600 bopd, 12,00… more
Date: November 3, 1999
Creator: Company, Fina Oil and Chemical
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ASME Code requirements for multi-canister overpack design and fabrication

Description: The baseline requirements for the design and fabrication of the MCO include the application of the technical requirements of the ASME Code, Section III, Subsection NB for containment and Section III, Subsection NG for criticality control. ASME Code administrative requirements, which have not historically been applied at the Hanford site and which have not been required by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for licensed spent fuel casks/canisters, were not invoked for the MCO. As a resul… more
Date: November 3, 1998
Creator: Smith, K. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Atom chip microscopy: A novel probe for strongly correlated materials

Description: Improved measurements of strongly correlated systems will enable the predicative design of the next generation of supermaterials. In this program, we are harnessing recent advances in the quantum manipulation of ultracold atomic gases to expand our ability to probe these technologically important materials in heretofore unexplored regions of temperature, resolution, and sensitivity parameter space. We are working to demonstrate the use of atom chips to enable single-shot, large area detection o… more
Date: November 3, 2011
Creator: Lev, Benjamin L
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

B Plant Complex generator dangerous waste storage areas inspection plan: Revision 1

Description: This document contains the inspection plan for the <90 day dangerous/mixed waste storage areas and satellite accumulation areas at B Plant Complex. This inspection plan is designed to comply with all applicable federal, state and US Department of Energy-Richland Operations Office training requirements. In particular, the requirements of WAC 173-303 ``Dangerous Waste Regulations`` are met by this inspection plan. This inspection plan is designed to provide B Plant Complex with the records and do… more
Date: November 3, 1994
Creator: Beam, T. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bee Health: Background and Issues for Congress

Description: Bees, both commercially managed honey bees and wild bees, play an important role in global food production. In the United States alone, the value of insect pollination to U.S. agricultural production is estimated at $16 billion annually, of which about three-fourths is attributable to honey bees. Worldwide, the contribution of bees and other insects to global crop production for human food is valued at about $190 billion. Given the importance of honey needs and other bee species to food product… more
Date: November 3, 2014
Creator: Johnson, Renée & Corn, M. Lynne
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: There are two different types of investigation of interest in high energy nuclear phenomena. One can observe gross effects such as the production of large numbers of heavy particles of different types, or one can study the elementary particles themselves which result from these collisions, for example, the kappa mesons, to determine modes of decay and the energy spectra of the resulting particles. This discussion will deal with the gross aspects of high energy interactions and will review the w… more
Date: November 3, 1953
Creator: Lepore, Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Birch recovery from stored waste

Description: No Description Available.
Date: November 3, 1960
Creator: MacCready, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary-Layer Transition at High Reynolds Numbers as Obtained in Flight of a 20 Degree Cone-Cylinder With Wall to Local Stream Temperature Ratios Near 1.0

Description: Boundary-layer transition data at low ratios of wall to local stream temperature have been obtained during the free flight of a highly polished cone-cylinder to a maximum Mach number of 5.02 A maximum transition Reynolds number of 32 x 10(exp 6) occurred at a distance of 25.84 inches from the cone apex. The temperature ratio at transition for a local Mach number of 4.0 was approximately 1.30 as compared with theoretical infinite stability solutions of 1.47 and 1.65 by Dunn and Lin (three-dimens… more
Date: November 3, 1955
Creator: Rabb, Leonard & Disher, John H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculating Estate Tax Liability: 2001 to 2011 and Beyond

Description: This report provides a basic explanation of how to calculate the federal estate tax liability for a taxable estate of any given size, using the schedule of graduated marginal tax rates and the applicable exclusion amount or the applicable credit amount for the year of death. The “applicable exclusion amount” is the amount of any decedent’s taxable estate that is free from tax. It is known informally as the estate tax “exemption.” The “applicable credit amount” or “unified credit” is the corresp… more
Date: November 3, 2006
Creator: Noto, Nonna A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Campaign Finance: Constitutional and Legal Issues of Soft Money

Description: Prior to enactment of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), P.L. 107-155, the term “soft money” generally referred to unregulated funds, perceived as resulting from loopholes in the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 2 U.S.C. §§ 431 et seq. Generally, the intent of BCRA, (effective Nov. 6, 2002), which amends FECA, is to restrict the raising and spending of soft money. This Issue Brief discusses constitutional and legal issues surrounding two major types of soft money that BCRA … more
Date: November 3, 2004
Creator: Whitaker, L. Paige
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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