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open access

2009 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Report for the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Title III, Section 313

Description: For reporting year 2009, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) submitted a Form R report for lead as required under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- Know Act (EPCRA) Section 313. No other EPCRA Section 313 chemicals were used in 2009 above the reportable thresholds. This document was prepared to provide a description of the evaluation of EPCRA Section 313 chemical use and threshold determinations for LANL for calendar year 2009, as well as to provide background information about d… more
Date: November 1, 2010
Creator: (ENV-ES), Environmental Stewardship Group
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program : Five Year Report, 1985-1990.

Description: This five-year report describes activities of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program between 1985 and 1990. Begun in 1979, this Regional Bioenergy Program became the model for the nation's four other regional bioenergy programs in 1983. Within the time span of this report, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program has undertaken a number of applied research and technology projects, and supported and guided the work of its five participating state energy pr… more
Date: February 1, 1991
Creator: (U.S.), Pacific Northwest and Alaska Bioenergy Program
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance Demonstration Program Plan for Nondestructive Assay of Drummed Wastes for the TRU Waste Characterization Program

Description: Each testing and analytical facility performing waste characterization activities for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) participates in the Performance Demonstration Program (PDP) to comply with the Transuranic Waste Acceptance Criteria for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WAC) (DOE/WIPP-02-3122) and the Quality Assurance Program Document (QAPD) (CBFO-94-1012). The PDP serves as a quality control check for data generated in the characterization of waste destined for WIPP. Single blind audi… more
Date: April 1, 2009
Creator: /A, N
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

UPDATE: nuclear power program information and data, July-September 1981

Description: UPDATE is published by the Office of Coordination and Special Projects, Office of Nuclear Reactor Programs, to provide a quick reference source on the current status of nuclear powerplant construction and operation in the United States and for information on the fuel cycle, economics, and performance of nuclear generating units. Similar information on other means of electric generation as related to nuclear power is included when appropriate. The subject matter of the reports and analyses prese… more
Date: January 1, 1981
Creator: /NBM--6011986, DOE
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mexican-American Cooperative Program at the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field: Recent Results of the Well-Drilling Program at Cerro Prieto

Description: The results of the 1980 and 1981 well drilling activities at the Cerro Prieto geothermal field are summarized. Details are given on the new series of deeper wells completed in the western (older) part of the field (Cerro Prieto I), and on the development and step-out wells drilled in the eastern part of the field (Cerro Prieto II and III). Production characteristics of on-line and standby wells are discussed. Recent changes in well completion procedures are also described.
Date: December 1, 1981
Creator: A., B. Dominguez; Lippmann, M. J. & M., Francisco Bermejo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electron Gun for RHIC EBIS

Description: N/A
Date: July 1, 2006
Creator: A., Pikin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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