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Primary view of Hot helium flow test facility summary report
unknown creator
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Geothermal energy impact in Brazoria County. Final report, 15 July 1978-November 30, 1979
Horine, B.
June 1, 1980
Primary view of 850/sup 0/C VHTR plant technical description
unknown creator
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Fuel performance annual report for 1989
Bailey, W.J.; Berting, F.M. (Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (United States)) & Wu, S. (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (United States). Div. of Systems Technology)
June 1, 1992
Primary view of SLAC linear collider conceptual design report
unknown creator
June 1, 1980
Primary view of State legislatures and energy policy in the Northeast: energy facility siting and legislative action
unknown creator
June 1, 1977
Primary view of Photovoltaic engineering services pertinent to solar energy conversion
Bell, R O; Ho, J C.T.; Kurth, W & Surek, T
June 1, 1975
Primary view of Fast-neutron total and scattering cross sections of elemental palladium
Smith, A. B.; Guenther, P. T. & Whalen, J. F.
June 1, 1982
Primary view of The International Coal Statistics Data Base program maintenance guide
unknown creator
June 1, 1991
Primary view of Resource, technology, and environment at the geysers
Weres, O.; Tsao, K. & Wood, B.
June 1, 1977
Primary view of Project R. D. Bailey experimental excavation program. [Spillway]
Bechtell, W.R.
June 1, 1975
Primary view of Development of enhanced heat transfer/transport/storage slurries for thermal-system improvement
Kasza, K. E. & Chen, M. M.
June 1, 1982
Primary view of Indium phosphide/cadmium sulfide thin-film solar cells. Quarterly technical progress report No. 3, December 1979-April 1980
Zanio, K.
June 1, 1980
Primary view of FLOWTRAN benchmarking with onset of flow instability data from 1988 Columbia University single-tube OFI experiment
Chen, K.; Paul, P. K. & Barbour, K. L.
June 1, 1990
Primary view of Research, development and demonstration of nickel-iron batteries for electric vehicle propulsion. Annual report for 1979
unknown creator
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Radiochemical analyses of samples from beneath a solid radioactive waste disposal pit at Los Alamos, New Mexico
Purtymun, W. D.; Rogers, M. A. & Wheeler, M. L.
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Consumer Energy Atlas
unknown creator
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Performance study of the TFTR diagnostic neutral beam for active charge exchange measurements
Medley, S. S.; Goldston, R. J. & Towner, H. H.
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Removal of silica from Raft River geothermal water
Suciu, D. F. & Miller, R. L.
June 1, 1980
Primary view of Low-Btu coal-gasification-process design report for Combustion Engineering/Gulf States Utilities coal-gasification demonstration plant. [Natural gas or No. 2 fuel oil to natural gas or No. 2 fuel oil or low Btu gas]
Andrus, H E; Rebula, E; Thibeault, P R & Koucky, R W
June 1, 1982
Primary view of Radiochemical analysis of the first plateout probe from the Fort St. Vrain high-temperature gas-cooled reactor
Burnette, R. D.
June 1, 1982
Primary view of An analysis of residential energy consumption in a temperate climate
Clark, Y.Y. & Vincent, W.
June 1, 1987
Primary view of Computing tools for accelerator design
Parsa, Z.
June 1, 1986
Primary view of Close-in Magnetic Fields of a Lightning Return Stroke
Jones, R. D. & Watts, H. A.
June 1, 1975
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