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open access

ST JOHN'S Cemetery: A report detailing how Denton County Commissioner Hub Clark stole a cemetery from a Pilot Point freedpersons community in 1938.

Description: This report was submitted to the Denton County Commissioner’s Court on December 12, 2023. The independent research contained herein was inspired by a collaborative community effort to highlight the emerging historical narrative of the St. John's freed-persons community of Pilot Point, its unexplained disappearance in the 1930s, and the events that led to the community's cemetery becoming landlocked and inaccessible to the public for more than eighty years.
Date: December 12, 2023
Creator: Luther Rummel, Jessica
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Exploratory User Research for Computational Resource for South Asian Languages

Description: Report for the project, Exploratory User Research for CoRSAL, which was an exploratory ethnographic study to generate a foundational understanding of how different user groups might use a planned language archive for South Asian languages. Their research project was to be used by the CoRSAL team to help plan the design of CoRSAL’s infrastructure, and laid the groundwork for further studies that will take a deeper look at issues surrounding the design and use of the planned language archive.
Date: December 7, 2016
Creator: Al Smadi, Duha; Barnes, Sebastian; Blair, Molly; Chong, Miyoung; Cole-Jett, Robin; Davis, Aaron et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Excess Volumes of Some Binary Mixtures Containing Chlorobenzene

Description: Report for the International Data Series on selected data on mixtures. This report includes data on excess volumes of some binary mixtures containing chlorobenzene.
Date: 1992
Creator: Acree, William E. (William Eugene) & Teng, I.-Lih
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Excess Volumes of Some Binary Mixtures Containing Dibutyl Ether

Description: Report for the International Data Series on selected data on mixtures. This report includes data on excess volumes of some binary mixtures containing dibutyl ether.
Date: 1992
Creator: Acree, William E. (William Eugene) & Teng, I.-Lih
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Comparative Assessment of Peer Review: Project Outcomes Report

Description: This report discusses the Comparative Assessment of Peer Review (CAPR) project outcomes. The authors investigate the review process for agencies that fund scientific research.
Date: January 2013
Creator: Frodeman, Robert; Holbrook, J. Britt; Moen, William E.; Burggren, Warren W. & Mitcham, Carl
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Comparative Assessment of Peer Review (CAPR): EU/US workshop on peer review: Assessing "broader impact" in research grant applications

Description: This is the report of a workshop focusing on the use of broader societal impacts criteria as part of the review process at the European Commission. There is both a historical account and some thinking about how 'impact' ought to be incorporated into Horizon 2020 (the funding scheme formerly known as FP8). Since the US NSF is also currently rethinking the details of its merit review process, and since there is an interesting comparison between NSF's and the EC's approaches to impact, the authors… more
Date: December 2010
Creator: Holbrook, J. Britt & Frodeman, Robert
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

The Promise and Perils of Transformative Research

Description: This report is on the workshop 'Transformative Research: Ethical and Societal Implications'. Workshop conversations cluster under the four headings of the history and definitions, promotion, evaluation, and integration of transformative research.
Date: March 2012
Creator: Frodeman, Robert & Holbrook, J. Britt
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
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