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open access

Advanced on-board electric vehicle charger. Final report

Description: The design and development of an on-board charger power module for use in electric vehicles is described. The module operates at 20KHz in a series resonant, half bridge configuration. Circuit design trade-offs, module performance, and solutions to the problems of acoustic noise, maintaining high power factor, circuit protection and operating reliability are discussed. The power module operates from a single phase, 240 V, 50/60 Hz utility line. Average power factor is 0.90; efficiency at maximum… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Geothermal Binary Cycle Working Fluid Properties Information and Analysis of Cycles

Description: The research discussed in this report was performed at the University of Oklahoma during the period January 1, 1979 through December 31, 1979. Efforts were directed principally to the following tasks: (1) comparisons of mixture and pure fluid cascade cycles, (2) development of guidelines for working fluid selection for single boiler cycles, (3) continued evaluation of mixtures as working fluids, (4) working fluid thermophysical property correlation and presentations of properties information.
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Starling, Kenneth E.; Iqbal, K.Z.; Malik, Z.I.; Chu, C.T.; Ramaswamy, S.; Kumar, K.H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of high efficiency cascade solar cells. Quarterly technical progress report No. 2

Description: Research has continued in the development of selected ternary and quaternary III-V materials that are potential candidates for cascade solar cell applications. In addition, various simple and multi-junction cascade solar cell components have been fabricated and evaluated in a continuing study of several different solar cell designs (materials combinations). During the present reporting period, work has concentrated on the following major areas: GaAlAs/GaAs cell development; AlGaAsSb/GaAsSb mate… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of superior liquid coolants CCF-1. Final technical report, 1 September 1978-31 December 1979

Description: A comprehensive study of four representative commercially available heat transfer fluids being used in solar systems was undertaken to establish the most cost effective fluid over the life of the system. Criteria for making the assessment were the relative results of fluid toxicity tests, fire hazards tests, collector stagnation tests, and physical property comparison data of various fluids. The specific fluids evaluated were Dow Corning SylthermTM 444 silicone, Uniroyal PAO-LV polyalphaolefin … more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Hodges, R M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Experimental and theoretical plasma physics program]. Technical progress in FY 1979

Description: This report summarizes recent technical progress in the major areas of study. Because a considerable variety of work has been performed this year they authors first give brief synopses of individual research projects categorizing them as to their relevance to the general areas of plasma stability analyses, plasma heating or basic plasma physics. Next, they discuss these projects as they relate to and support the various DOE experimental programs. The DOE experimental programs are: (1) toroidal … more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Griem, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flux pinning and flux flow studies in superconductors using flux flow noise techniques. Progress report, April 1-December 30, 1979

Description: Flux flow noise power spectra were investigated, and information obtained through such spectra is applied to describe flux flow and pinning in situations where volume pinning force data is also available. In one case, the application of noise data to PB/sub 80/In/sub 20/ samples after recovery and after high temperature annealing is discussed. This work is consistent with a recent model for flux flow noise generation. In the second case we discuss experiments designed to change the fluxoid tran… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Joiner, W.C.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inertial Confinement Fusion Program. Progress report FY 1979

Description: The first phase of an experimental program designed to accelerator a planar target to implosion level velocities was completed. Some results on ablation physics, the hydrodynamic stability limit, and the associated laser-plasma coupling physics are also included.
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Linear-motor drives for machine tools

Description: Conventional techniques to position moving platforms on precision machines have relied heavily on mechanical drives such as the ball-nut/lead-screw system. Unfortunately, as positioning tolerances become more and more demanding, the cyclic errors-inherent even in precision gear drives-contribute an excessive amount of positioning uncertainty. The linear-motor drive system is one approach to provide a smooth, accurate, vibration-free method for locating a moving platform. Some existing uses of l… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Barkman, W.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Model development for in situ test results in argillaceous rock

Description: Near-surface heater tests have been conducted in two different geologic settings for argillaceous rocks. The results of these tests have provided the in situ data necessary to develop the thermomechanical models for predicting the response of argillaceous rock to thermal load representative of high-level nuclear waste.
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Tyler, L. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mound Facility. 1978 annual report

Description: For Mound Facility, the year 1978 was one of progress marked by enhanced mission assignments and significant milestones. The thirtieth anniversary of the site was celebrated, and Monsanto Research Corporation began a new 5 year contract to operate the Mound Facility. Long-standing production assignments were strengthened, and were were given a new responsibility: to develop and produce all ceramic parts used in Mound-build products. progress toward US energy objectives was bolstered by Mound pr… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NTS Terminal Waste Storage Project. Annual report, FY 1978 (should have been 1979)

Description: The primary thrust of the NTS Terminal Waste Storage Project during FY 1978 was to continue an evaluation of the suitability of the Nevada Test Site (NTS) for siting a commercial spent fuel or high-level waste repository. At the beginning of the year, three primary issues were identified. They are: (1) is waste isolation at the NTS compatible with weapons testing; (2) are there suitable geohydrologic settings available on the NTS; and (3) are there suitable disposal media available at NTS. The … more
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance analyses of Elmo Bumpy Torus plasmas and plasma support systems

Description: The development and applcation of the OASIS Code (Operational Analysis of ELMO Bumpy Torus Support and Ignition Systems) for the study of EBT device and plasma performance are presented. The code performs a time-independent, zero-dimensional self-consistent calculation of plasma and plasmasupport systems parameters for the physics and engineering of EBT devices. The features of OASIS modeling for the EBT plasma include: (1) particle balance of the bulk toroidal and electron ring plasma componen… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Fenstermacher, M. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petrology of tuff units from the J-13 drill site, Jackass Flats, Nevada

Description: The J-13 drill hole, located in Jackass Flats, Nevada Test Site, has penetrated 125 m of alluvium and 932 m of tuff. Most of the tuff deposits consist of welded tuffs; glass phases in the tuffs have been replaced by authigenic minerals, mainly K-feldspar, silica, and zeolites. The zonation of authigenic minerals, with depth, indictes that alteration of glass phases and filling of vugs occurred during welding and compaction of tuff units soon after deposition and by interaction with groundwater.… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Heiken, G. H. & Bevier, M. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary market analysis for customer side of the meter thermal-energy storage

Description: An examination is made of the potential market size for thermal energy storage space heating, water heating, and air conditioning in the residential and commercial sector. It is concluded that a significant market for TES could develop over the next 20 years; the analysis considers the electric utility perspective, the perspective, and the expected market in detail. (MCW)
Date: December 31, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Projection of Favorable Gas-Producting Areas From Paleoenvironmental Data

Description: Paleoenvironmental biofacies analysis of recent wells in dark Devonian shales in the Applachian Basin has shown that these facies can be projected to areas with no control points. In particular, the facies distribution in Perry County, Kentucky, were found to be precisely those that were predicted earlier from biofacies and organic geochemical data from the VA-1 well in Wise County, Virginia, and the KY-2 well in Martin County, Kentucky. This demonstrates the importance of these data in assessi… more
Date: December 31, 1979
Creator: Zielinski, R.E.; Dixon, J. A.; McIver, R. D. & Reaugh, A. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar photovoltaic/thermal residential systems

Description: The results of a conceptual design study using computer simulations to determine the physical and economic performance of combined photovoltaic/thermal collector heat-pump solar systems for a single-family residence are presented. Economic analyses are based upon projected costs for a 1986 system installation. The results show that PV/T collector systems can be economically competitive for a cold climate residence, that systems employing on-site electrical storage batteries are not economically… more
Date: December 28, 1979
Creator: Russell, M.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unique rod lens/video system designed to observe flow conditions in emergency core coolant loops of pressurized water reactors

Description: Techniques and equipment are described which are used for video recordings of the single- and two-phase fluid flow tests conducted with the PKL Spool Piece Measurement System designed by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and EG and G Inc. The instrumented spool piece provides valuable information on what would happen in pressurized water reactor emergency coolant loops should an accident or rupture result in loss of fluid. The complete closed-circuit television video system, including rod lens, lig… more
Date: December 28, 1979
Creator: Carter, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Semi-annual Progress Report on The Electric Moped

Description: Progress is reported on the feasibility studies of two electric mopeds. One operates on a 12 volt electrical system, and the other on a 24 volt system. Both mopeds are described in detail, and the design and purchase of parts is reported.
Date: December 27, 1979
Creator: Ferschl, M S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Growth of molten core debris pools in concrete. Part II. A. Pool growth in composite beds; B. Effect of overlaying steel layers. Final report, March 1, 1978-September 30, 1979. [LMFBR]

Description: The heat and mass transfer processes taking place in molten core debris/concrete systems have been experimentally investigated. Two types of experiments have been conducted. The first experiment simulates the growth of a molten debris pool in a composite sacrificial bed. This experiment models debris pool growth in an inner, low-melting point, sacrificial material zone followed by a melting attack on the concrete bed. The purpose of the inner zone is to quickly melt and dilute the debris pool s… more
Date: December 26, 1979
Creator: Abdel-Khalik, S I
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Regulatable elements in the high-level waste management program

Description: Regulatable elements of a deep geological nuclear waste isolation system are those characteristics of a candidate system which need to be specified to achieve control of its performance. This report identifies the regulatable elements with respect to waste form, repository design, site suitability, and the modeling and decision analysis processes. Regulatable elements in each section are listed and described briefly as they affect the short-term and long-term performance of a deep geological re… more
Date: December 26, 1979
Creator: Oakley, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Use of a General Nonlinear Least-Squares Curve Fitting Program With Nonclosed Form Relationships. [GNLS, in FORTRAN for CDC Computers]

Description: A use for GNLS, a general nonlinear least-squares curve fitting program, is presented. In this use GNLS determines a set of best parameters for relationships that cannot be written in closed form. This program can be useful for experimenters who need to determine experimental parameters by fitting nonclosed-form relationships to experimental data. Two examples are given to indicate how GNLS can be used for this type of problem. 11 figures.
Date: December 26, 1979
Creator: Abey, A. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of thermal efficiency for hydrogasification and gasification/methanation

Description: To confirm the potentially greater thermodynamic efficiency of hydrogasification, a study was made of carbon conversion and resulting thermal efficiency of methane production via hydrogasification as compared to gasification/methanation. The alternative systems were first compared on an ideal process basis. This approach neglects limitations imposed by the thermodynamics and kinetics of the various chemical reactions and indicates maximum potential conversion of coal to methane. These results w… more
Date: December 21, 1979
Creator: DiNapoli, R.N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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