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100-N technical manual. Volume 2A: Systems descriptions

Description: This report contains engineering drawings for the control room, reactor monitoring systems, and reactor control systems for the N reactor. Each console in the control room is detailed. Other systems discussed are: stack air monitoring system, charging machine control systems, and heating and ventilation control systems. A N reactor plant glossary is included.
Date: December 31, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mound Laboratory Progress Report for December 1963

Description: MOUND LABORATORY PROGRESS REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1963. Has been deleted because of its length.
Date: December 31, 1963
Creator: Eichelberger, J.F.; Grove, G.R. & Jones, L.V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rear face hardware replacement 105-B, D, DR, F, and H

Description: Prior to the use of venturis on the front of the B, D, DR, P, and H Reactors, much of the pressure and velocity heads developed by the 190 process water pumps were used in overcoming built-in frictional losses in the system external to the process tubes. As Reactor Technology was gained, changes were continually taking place. Venturis replaced orifices installed during original construction. Hydraulically efficient front nozzles, front pigtails, front adaptors, and a second generation of front … more
Date: December 31, 1963
Creator: Barker, C. R. & Young, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A fuel element hold-down device, which is an integral part of the fuel element assembly, was developed to lock reactor fuel to the bottom grid plate. Concurrently with the hold-down latch development, a fuel bandling machine grapple capable of setting, releasing, and checking the hold-down device was developed. (auth)
Date: December 28, 1963
Creator: Ybarra, R.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Campaign rework of Z-Plant material at Purex

Description: The Purex Plant has been requested to process Z-Plant MR and EPT solutions containing about 200 kilograms of plutonium in order to alleviate processing problem at Z-Plant and to reduce the inventory of MR and EPT rework. Campaign recycle of uranium through the main plant is recommended as an economical and effective means of reworking large quantities of Z-Plant plutonium solutions. This memorandum outlines process alternates and costs for reworking the solutions and itemizes specific recommend… more
Date: December 26, 1963
Creator: Judson, B. F. & Kendall, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PITA IP-27C: Part 2, Increased coolant flow, H reactor operational physics requirements

Description: A program for increasing the available coolant flow at the H Reactor has been proposed and supported by documentation. This Process Improvement Transition Authorization (being written in two parts) authorizes the initiation of an immediate phase of the program designed to increase total coolant flow by about 6,000 to 10,000 gallons per minute. Part I of this PITA describes in detail the limitations and requirements peculiar to Process Engineering aspects of the proposed modifications and is pre… more
Date: December 26, 1963
Creator: Bowers, C. E. & Conner, E. L., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status of canning cycle optimization study

Description: A concentrated study of the present manufacturing process was initiated in the Process Engineering Unit, the purpose of the study being to optimize the present operations, procedures, and methods of the AlSi canning process. It is the purpose of this document to report the findings and accomplishments for that portion of the study concerned with the optimization of component preparation and fabrication within the canning furnace. To date, this study has consisted mainly of heating rate studies … more
Date: December 23, 1963
Creator: Hutton, T. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: November 1963

Description: This report for November 1963, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations; facilities engineering; research; employee relations; weapons manufacturing; and power and crafts operation.
Date: December 20, 1963
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PITA IP-27-I, Part 1 increased coolant flow, H reactor

Description: The PITA`s (process improvement transition authorizations) present the specific requirements necessary to accomplish the outage work and to control the use of this increased flow capability. The procedures and methods to accomplish the programmed modifications are contained in the approve design changes or in supplemental procedures.
Date: December 20, 1963
Creator: Clinton, M. A. & Spicka, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A survey of literature on irradiation experience with boron stainless steel was conducted to determine the effect of neutron irradiation and boron-10 burnup on the two weight per cent natural boron stainless steel control rods being used in the Pathfinder reactor. The literature reviewed included irradiation test samples and full-size control rods in operating reactors. From the analysis of the survey, it was concluded that the Pathfinder control rods will operate satisfactorily and retain thei… more
Date: December 19, 1963
Creator: Patterson, D.A. & Nehrig, D.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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