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Description: No Description Available.
Date: January 1, 1963
Creator: Abramson, P.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The neutron tissue dose at large distances from a fission source was studied by using a water-filled phantom and four different detectors: a BF/sub 3/ counter, a polyethylenelined ethylene-filled proportional counter, indium foils, and nuclear emulsions. The source of fission neutrons was the ORNL Health Physics Research Reactor which was attached to a hoist which was in turn installed on a 1530-foot tower. The reactor could be operated at any elevation from 27 to 1500 ft. The phantom studies w… more
Date: March 11, 1963
Creator: Aceto, H. Jr.; Pick, M.A. & Stephens, L.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Old pile HCR operating temperatures

Description: A study was made to determine operating temperatures of old pile HCR sheaths. The calculations were performed with the aid of a FORTRAN coded program for the IBM 7090. The difficulty of determining the correct value for the contact coefficient between the HCR and the graphite channel at any point in the channel length resulted in performing the calculations in a parametric style. The independent system parameters were varied during the calculations. These parameters are diametral spacing betwee… more
Date: October 10, 1963
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposed graphite coring patterns for B, D, F, DR, and H Reactors

Description: Heat transfer calculations were performed with the aid of the IBM 7090 to determine whether or not feasible graphite channel coring patterns could be adopted at the five older Hanford Reactors. The purpose of front and rear process channel coring is to significantly reduce or eliminate net expansion of the fringe graphite by raising the operating temperature above the annealing temperature of 300{degree}C. The results of the study show that such coring patterns are possible. Also, it was found … more
Date: June 20, 1963
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final report: PITA-18 use of nonpoisonous splines for longitudinal flux traversing

Description: Optimization of the reactor process involves the knowledge of the longitudinal flux distribution on a semicontinuous, routine basis. The nonpoisonous spline was proposed as a way for obtaining flux traverses at any time during reactor operation, in virtually any location in the core. This report summarizes the findings of a feasibility study conducted in conjunction with PITA-18 and thus serves as a termination of the test phase of spline traversing.
Date: May 1, 1963
Creator: Albertson, D. G. & Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Excitation functions are presented for many heavy-ioninduced (HI) reactions that produce Dy/sup 149/, Dy/sup 150/, and Dy/sup 151/. Projectiles were C/sup 12/, N/sup 14/, N/sup 16/, O/sup 16, O/sup 18/, F/sup 1 9/, and Ne/sup 20/ of 4 to 10.4 Mev per amu. The reactions studied are all of the type (HI,xn), where x ranges from 3 to 9. A large fraction of the total reaction cross section is accounted for by these (HI,xn) reactions --9/10 at approximately 45 Mev to 1/2 at approximately 105 Mev. An … more
Date: January 1, 1963
Creator: Alexander, John M. & Simonoff, Gabriel N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Perturbation Method for Solving the Angle Dependent Nucleon-Meson Cascade Equations

Description: A method is described for obtaining an approximate solution to the equations describing a nucleon-meson cascade by using the angular dependence of the secondary particle production kernels as a perturbation. The usefulness of the method lies in the fact that in a slab geometry the equations that must be solved numerically are essentially the same as those that are used in the straight-ahead approximation and have been solved previously. (auth)
Date: July 30, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr. & Alsmiller, F. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nucleon-Meson Cascade Calculations: Shielding Against an 800-Mev Proton Beam

Description: Nucleon-meson cascade calculations were carried out and the dose as a function of depth was obtained for an 800-Mev proton beam incident on a shield. The physical properties used for the shielding medium are only a rough approximation to the properties of any particular medium. Muon, neutron, pion, and proton dose rates and fluxes are listed. (auth)
Date: February 21, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr. & Murphy, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nucleon-Meson Cascade Calculations: The Star Density Produced by a 24-Gev Proton Beam in Heavy Concrete

Description: The nuclear star density produced by a 24-Bev proton beam in a material having approximately the properties of heavy concrete is calculated. A comparison is made with experimental measurements made at CERN; but, since the quantity that can be calculated is not the same as that measured, no firm conclusions can be drawn. Proton, neutron, pion, and muon intensities are plotted vs. distance as are star densities. (auth)
Date: January 21, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr. & Murphy, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Space Vehicle Shielding Studies Calculations of the Attenuation of a Model Solar Flare and Monoenergetic Proton Beams by Aluminum Shields

Description: Using the straight-ahead approximation, nucleon-meson cascade calculations have been carried out for a typical proton flare spectrum incident on a shield and for approximately monoenergetic incident proton beams. The shield material considered has approximately the properties of Al. The results from the monoenergetic beams may be used to obtain shielding information for any incident proton spectrum. (auth)
Date: January 23, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr. & Murphy, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nucleon-Meson Cascade Calculations: Transverse Shielding for a 45-Gev Electron Accelerator. Part Ii

Description: In a previous report nucleon-meson cascade calculations were carried out for several cases of interest in the design of the transverse shield for the proposed 45-Bev linear electron accelerator at Starford University. In this report results are given for several additional cases. Muon, neutron, pion, and proton intensities as function of energy and distance for varying angles are given. Corresponding doses are also included. (D.C.W.)
Date: February 28, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr.; Alsmiller, F. S. & Murphy, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nucleon-Meson Cascade Calculations: Transverse Shielding for a 45-Gev Electron Accelerator (Part III)

Description: In two previous reports nucleon-meson cascade calculations were carried out for several cases of interest in the design of the transverse shield for the proposed 45-Bev linear electron accelerator at Stanford University. Results are now given for two additional cases. (auth)
Date: March 28, 1963
Creator: Alsmiller, R. G., Jr.; Alsmiller, F. S. & Murphy, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Analysis of Neutron Elastic Scattering Anisotropy in Tungsten

Description: Based on the angular distribution data contained in the second edition of BNL-400, a preliminary analysis of tungsten was performed. The results of this analysis appear as sets of coefficients (which describe the degree of anisotropy in the elastic scattering of neutrons by tungsten) and a series of curves which help illustrate the analysis. (auth)
Date: September 1, 1963
Creator: Alter, H. & Lorenzi, H.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Studies of Uranium-Steel and Uranium-Steel-Sodium Fast Reactor Cores. (ZPR-III Assemblies 32 and 33

Description: S>Critical studies of two fast reactor cores are described: one contains uranium and steel; the other contains uranium, steel, and sodium. Experimental results are given for fission ratio, central and edge reactivity coefficients, fuel bunching, average prompt neutron lifetime, and distributed worth measurements. (auth)
Date: February 1963
Creator: Amundson, P. I.; Gemmell, W.; Long, J. K. & McVean, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The conventional sampling methods of filtration and impaction are generally utilized in the collection of air samples at Hanford. In addition, a Goetz aerosol spectrometer is available for special studies. Particle-size determinations are made by autoradiographic studies making use of both optical and electron microscopes. A supplementary tool sometimes utilized is the Royco Particle Counter. The study included an analysis of the potential usefulness and the limitations of these air sample stud… more
Date: September 12, 1963
Creator: Andersen, B.V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: No Description Available.
Date: March 25, 1963
Creator: Anderson, R.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The release of fission products that would occur following the maximum credible accident aboard the N.S. Savannah has been examined. Four significantly different, but realistic, operating histories were considered. The rate of release of noble gases and of iodine isotopes as a function of time after the accident was determined for each operating history and for both normal and emergency reactor-compartment ventilation systems. The influence of radioactive decay and of the time delay in release … more
Date: October 16, 1963
Creator: Anderson, T. D.; Buchanan, J. R.; Cottrell, W. B.; Fontana, M. H.; Klepper, O. H. & McCurdy, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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