Search Results

Primary view of Effects of boundary-layer control on the longitudinal characteristics of a 45 degrees swept-forward wing-fuselage combination
McCormack, Gerald M. & Cook, Woodrow L.
February 2, 1950
Primary view of Wing-tunnel investigation at Mach numbers from 0.50 to 1.29 of an all-movable triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 alone and with a body
Stivers, Louis S. & Malick, Alexander W.
February 2, 1950
Primary view of Lateral-control investigation of flap-type controls on a wing with quarter-chord line swept back 60 degrees, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section: transonic bump method
Vogler, Raymond D.
March 2, 1950
Primary view of Radioactive contamination in the environs of the Hanford Works for the period October, November, December 1949
Paas, H.J. & Singlevich, W.
March 2, 1950
Primary view of Aerodynamic characteristics with fixed and free transition of a modified delta wing in combination with fuselage at high subsonic speeds
Polhamus, Edward C. & King, Thomas J., Jr.
May 2, 1950
Primary view of Ditching Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Boeing B-47 Airplane
Fisher, Lloyd J. & Windham, John O.
May 2, 1950
Primary view of Flight Investigation of the Effect of Thickening the Aileron Trailing Edge on Control Effectiveness for Sweptback Tapered Wings Having Sharp-and Round-Nose Sections
Strass, H. Kurt & Fields, Edison M.
May 2, 1950
Primary view of Project C-361 engineers` flow sketch and process description, metal conversion facilities for comment issue
Frame, J. M. & Bragg, C. G.
May 2, 1950
Primary view of Hydrofluorination of Zirconium Oxide
Phillips, Don
August 2, 1950
Primary view of Preliminary analysis of effects of air cooling turbine blades on turbojet-engine performance
Schramm, Wilson B.; Nachtigall, Alfred J. & Arne, Vernon L.
August 2, 1950
Primary view of Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 3: Methods for Determining Power and Efficiency
Ellerbrock, Herman H., Jr. & Ziemer, Robert R.
August 2, 1950
Primary view of Report of initial urinalyses on Bio-Assay personnel for the evaluation of benzol exposures
Adley, F. E.
August 2, 1950
Primary view of Free-Jet Investigation of a 16-Inch Ram Jet at Mach Numbers of 1.35, 1.50, and 1.73
Wilcox, Fred; Baker, Sol & Perchonok, Eugene
October 2, 1950
Primary view of Correlation of forced-convection heat-transfer data for air flowing in smooth platinum tube with long-approach entrance at high surface and inlet-air temperatures
Desmon, Leland G. & Sams, Eldon W.
November 2, 1950
Primary view of Filters in P-10 production hoods
Adley, F. E.
November 2, 1950
Primary view of 100 Areas engineers technical activities report, December 1950
unknown creator
January 2, 1951
Primary view of Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of Some of the Factors Affecting the Flow Over a Rectangular Wing With Symmetrical Circular-Arc Section and 30-Percent-Chord Trailing-Edge Flap
Czarnecki, K. R. & Mueller, James N.
January 2, 1951
Walden, C.H.
January 2, 1951
Primary view of Viscosity and Settling Rates of TBP Waste Metal Slurries as a Function of Shear
Varga, L. P. & Harmon, M. K.
January 2, 1951
Primary view of 100 Areas technical activities report Engineers, January 1951
unknown creator
February 2, 1951
Primary view of An investigation of convergent-divergent diffusers at Mach number 1.85
Wyatt, DeMarquis D. & Hunczak, Henry R.
February 2, 1951
Primary view of Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0003-63 section
Heitmeyer, John C. & Smith, Willard G.
February 2, 1951
Primary view of Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with NACA 0005-63 section
Heitmeyer, John C. & Stephenson, Jack D.
February 2, 1951
Primary view of Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with NACA 0005-63 thickness distribution, cambered and twisted for trapezoidal span load distribution
Phelps, E. Ray & Smith, Willard G.
February 2, 1951
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